Teaching Fear And Loathing: Democrat's Master Plan To Take Over The Government


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats are a major threat to peace and prosperity in America today. Worse than Al Qaeda. Worse than ISIS. Worse than Islamic Terrorism.

Teaching Good Little Girls to Hate and to Fear

August 7, 2018
Teaching Good Little Girls to Hate and to Fear
By Christopher Chantrill
Golly, just when we deplorables had finished digesting the incomparable Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along comes another tasty dish: the New York Times' pet racist and sexist, Sarah Jeong.

AOC's claim to fame is a B.A. at Boston University, which explains everything. So I wondered about Korean-born Sarah Jeong. Sure enough, says La Wik:

She attended the University of California Berkeley and Harvard Law School, where she was editor of Harvard Journal of Law & Gender.

Dear God. Of course, Jeong is an anti-white racist and an anti-male sexist, for that is what she was carefully taught by her lefty teachers and administrators.

By the way, could we clear up the vile misdirection by Oscar Hammerstein II in South Pacific, sung by Lt. Cable?

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

No! Oscar, baby, you know better! You are writing rubbish, the self-conceit of liberals, circa 1949. Earth to lyricists: you have to be carefully taught not to hate and to fear. Teaching humans to hate and to fear is the easiest thing in the world! Here's the Guardian (H/T Jonah Goldberg):

[W]hile some individuals have "predispositions" towards intolerance, these predispositions require an external stimulus to be transformed into actions. Or, as another scholar puts it: "It's as though some people have a button on their foreheads, and when the button is pushed, they suddenly become intensely focused on defending their in-group."

Well, bless my buttons! You mean to say that all it takes is to press a button, and lefties immediately go into a group hate and start to defend their identity in-group? Gag me with a spoon! I never would have thunk it.

When you set up a worldview that unifies, or, as we say, totalizes politics and secular religion, that proposes to use the force of government to create the perfect world, then you set up a double Us and Them dynamic. First of all, politics is the technique of dividing people into two warring groups: Our Group, the good guys, and the Other Group, the bad guys. Taken to the limit, we are talking about civil war. Second, religion is the technique of assembling a community of people around a specific notion of God and a perfect world. The religious community is the good guys, and the rest of the world are heretics and unbelievers. Taken to the limit, we are talking about auto-da-fé and Reigns of Terror.

In their wisdom, our Founding Fathers declared that there should be a separation between politics and religion, between State and Church. I wonder why, Alexandria and Sarah! Do you have an idea? Did your gender studies teachers get into this, I wonder?

I will tell you, ladies. Our Founding Fathers knew what a tangled web was weaved when they mixed politics and religion in the Thirty Years War.

So along came the lefties in the 19th century, rich kids like Marx and Engels, and said: I know, let's have a class war, Capitalists vs. Workers! Yay, Workers!

So, in the 20th century, we had WWII, the religious war to end all religious wars: Democracy vs. Fascism. You would think the wise heads would have tired of combining government and secular religion.

But no!

And so today, all over the U.S., Good Little Girls are being taught to hate and to fear. Good Little Girls like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sarah Jeong.
You guys are whacko . You get treated the way you have been treated.
You guys are whacko . You get treated the way you have been treated.

"You get treated the way you have been treated." ?????

Yeah,.......uh......I guess so..........:cuckoo:

We're talking about brainwashing children here.

The ends justify the means where the left is concerned.


A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
A Must-Read for all Americans

PSYCHOPOLITICS - The art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through "mental healing."

Preface by Kenneth Goff
Introduction by Roy Masters
An Address By Lavrent Pavlovich Beria
CHAPTER I: The History and Definition of Psychopolitics
CHAPTER II: The Constitution of Man as a Political Organism
CHAPTER III: Man as an Economic Organism
CHAPTER IV: State Goals for the Individual and Masses
CHAPTER V: An Examination of Loyalties
Part 2

Preface by Kenneth Goff

From May 2, 1936, to October 10, 1939, I was a dues-paying member of the Communist Party, operating under my own name, Kenneth Goff, and also the alias John Keats. In 1939, I voluntarily appeared before the Un-American Activities Committee in Washington, D.C., which was chairmanned at that time by Martin Dies, and my testimony can be found in Volume 9 of that year's Congressional Report.

During the period that I was a member of the Communist Party, I attended their school which was located at 113 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and operated under the name Eugene Debs Labor School. Here we were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical, for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health -- the subjecting of whole nations of people to the rule of the Kremlin by capturing their minds. We were taught that the degradation of the populace is less inhuman than their destruction by bombs, for to an animal lives only once, any life is sweeter than death. The end of a war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destructions of war.

During the past few years, I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public. First, in the brainwashing of our boys in Korea, and then in the well financed drive of mental health propaganda by left-wing pressure groups, wherein many of our states have passed Bills which can well be used by the enemies of America to subject to torture and imprisonment, those who preach the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and who oppose the menace of Communism. A clear example of this can be seen in the Lucille Miller case. In this warfare the Communists have definitely stated: "You must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaughter into a foaming hatred of religious healing."

Another example of the warfare that is being waged can be seen in the attempt to establish a mental Siberia in Alaska, which wa called for in the Alaskan Mental Health Bill. A careful study of this Bill will make you see at once that the land set aside under the allotment could not be for that small territory, and the Bill within itself establishes such authority that it could be turned into a prison camp under the guise of mental health for everyone who raises their voice against Communism and the hidden government operating in our own nation.

This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre. The only revision in this book is the summary, which was added by the Communists after the atomic bomb came into being. In its contents you can see the diabolical plot of the enemies of Christ and America, as they seek to conquer our nation by subjecting the minds of our people to their will by various sinister means.

This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of every loyal American, that they may be alerted to the fact that it is not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered.

Kenneth Goff
You guys are whacko . You get treated the way you have been treated.

"You get treated the way you have been treated." ?????

Yeah,.......uh......I guess so..........:cuckoo:

We're talking about brainwashing children here.

The ends justify the means where the left is concerned.


A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
A Must-Read for all Americans

PSYCHOPOLITICS - The art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through "mental healing."

Preface by Kenneth Goff
Introduction by Roy Masters
An Address By Lavrent Pavlovich Beria
CHAPTER I: The History and Definition of Psychopolitics
CHAPTER II: The Constitution of Man as a Political Organism
CHAPTER III: Man as an Economic Organism
CHAPTER IV: State Goals for the Individual and Masses
CHAPTER V: An Examination of Loyalties
Part 2

Preface by Kenneth Goff

From May 2, 1936, to October 10, 1939, I was a dues-paying member of the Communist Party, operating under my own name, Kenneth Goff, and also the alias John Keats. In 1939, I voluntarily appeared before the Un-American Activities Committee in Washington, D.C., which was chairmanned at that time by Martin Dies, and my testimony can be found in Volume 9 of that year's Congressional Report.

During the period that I was a member of the Communist Party, I attended their school which was located at 113 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and operated under the name Eugene Debs Labor School. Here we were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical, for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health -- the subjecting of whole nations of people to the rule of the Kremlin by capturing their minds. We were taught that the degradation of the populace is less inhuman than their destruction by bombs, for to an animal lives only once, any life is sweeter than death. The end of a war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destructions of war.

During the past few years, I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public. First, in the brainwashing of our boys in Korea, and then in the well financed drive of mental health propaganda by left-wing pressure groups, wherein many of our states have passed Bills which can well be used by the enemies of America to subject to torture and imprisonment, those who preach the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and who oppose the menace of Communism. A clear example of this can be seen in the Lucille Miller case. In this warfare the Communists have definitely stated: "You must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaughter into a foaming hatred of religious healing."

Another example of the warfare that is being waged can be seen in the attempt to establish a mental Siberia in Alaska, which wa called for in the Alaskan Mental Health Bill. A careful study of this Bill will make you see at once that the land set aside under the allotment could not be for that small territory, and the Bill within itself establishes such authority that it could be turned into a prison camp under the guise of mental health for everyone who raises their voice against Communism and the hidden government operating in our own nation.

This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre. The only revision in this book is the summary, which was added by the Communists after the atomic bomb came into being. In its contents you can see the diabolical plot of the enemies of Christ and America, as they seek to conquer our nation by subjecting the minds of our people to their will by various sinister means.

This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of every loyal American, that they may be alerted to the fact that it is not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered.

Kenneth Goff

And you just had to mention names:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sarah Jeong.

There is brainwashing and major propaganda going on by the Potus and you don't seem to mind.
You guys are whacko . You get treated the way you have been treated.

"You get treated the way you have been treated." ?????

Yeah,.......uh......I guess so..........:cuckoo:

We're talking about brainwashing children here.

The ends justify the means where the left is concerned.


A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
A Must-Read for all Americans

PSYCHOPOLITICS - The art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through "mental healing."

Preface by Kenneth Goff
Introduction by Roy Masters
An Address By Lavrent Pavlovich Beria
CHAPTER I: The History and Definition of Psychopolitics
CHAPTER II: The Constitution of Man as a Political Organism
CHAPTER III: Man as an Economic Organism
CHAPTER IV: State Goals for the Individual and Masses
CHAPTER V: An Examination of Loyalties
Part 2

Preface by Kenneth Goff

From May 2, 1936, to October 10, 1939, I was a dues-paying member of the Communist Party, operating under my own name, Kenneth Goff, and also the alias John Keats. In 1939, I voluntarily appeared before the Un-American Activities Committee in Washington, D.C., which was chairmanned at that time by Martin Dies, and my testimony can be found in Volume 9 of that year's Congressional Report.

During the period that I was a member of the Communist Party, I attended their school which was located at 113 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and operated under the name Eugene Debs Labor School. Here we were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical, for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health -- the subjecting of whole nations of people to the rule of the Kremlin by capturing their minds. We were taught that the degradation of the populace is less inhuman than their destruction by bombs, for to an animal lives only once, any life is sweeter than death. The end of a war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destructions of war.

During the past few years, I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public. First, in the brainwashing of our boys in Korea, and then in the well financed drive of mental health propaganda by left-wing pressure groups, wherein many of our states have passed Bills which can well be used by the enemies of America to subject to torture and imprisonment, those who preach the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and who oppose the menace of Communism. A clear example of this can be seen in the Lucille Miller case. In this warfare the Communists have definitely stated: "You must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaughter into a foaming hatred of religious healing."

Another example of the warfare that is being waged can be seen in the attempt to establish a mental Siberia in Alaska, which wa called for in the Alaskan Mental Health Bill. A careful study of this Bill will make you see at once that the land set aside under the allotment could not be for that small territory, and the Bill within itself establishes such authority that it could be turned into a prison camp under the guise of mental health for everyone who raises their voice against Communism and the hidden government operating in our own nation.

This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre. The only revision in this book is the summary, which was added by the Communists after the atomic bomb came into being. In its contents you can see the diabolical plot of the enemies of Christ and America, as they seek to conquer our nation by subjecting the minds of our people to their will by various sinister means.

This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of every loyal American, that they may be alerted to the fact that it is not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered.

Kenneth Goff

And you just had to mention names:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sarah Jeong.

There is brainwashing and major propaganda going on by the Potus and you don't seem to mind.
By the POTUS?:th_believecrap:
Does the POTUS have control of the media?:1peleas:


Does the POTUS have college professors polluting the minds of our children??

HELL NO!!!!!!

Does the POTUS have a contract with NETFLIX to produce leftist programming and pornography like Barack H. Obama does?????:whip::whipg::gay::cul2::boobies:

Absolutely not!!!!
You guys are whacko . You get treated the way you have been treated.

"You get treated the way you have been treated." ?????

Yeah,.......uh......I guess so..........:cuckoo:

We're talking about brainwashing children here.

The ends justify the means where the left is concerned.


A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
A Must-Read for all Americans

PSYCHOPOLITICS - The art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through "mental healing."

Preface by Kenneth Goff
Introduction by Roy Masters
An Address By Lavrent Pavlovich Beria
CHAPTER I: The History and Definition of Psychopolitics
CHAPTER II: The Constitution of Man as a Political Organism
CHAPTER III: Man as an Economic Organism
CHAPTER IV: State Goals for the Individual and Masses
CHAPTER V: An Examination of Loyalties
Part 2

Preface by Kenneth Goff

From May 2, 1936, to October 10, 1939, I was a dues-paying member of the Communist Party, operating under my own name, Kenneth Goff, and also the alias John Keats. In 1939, I voluntarily appeared before the Un-American Activities Committee in Washington, D.C., which was chairmanned at that time by Martin Dies, and my testimony can be found in Volume 9 of that year's Congressional Report.

During the period that I was a member of the Communist Party, I attended their school which was located at 113 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and operated under the name Eugene Debs Labor School. Here we were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical, for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health -- the subjecting of whole nations of people to the rule of the Kremlin by capturing their minds. We were taught that the degradation of the populace is less inhuman than their destruction by bombs, for to an animal lives only once, any life is sweeter than death. The end of a war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destructions of war.

During the past few years, I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public. First, in the brainwashing of our boys in Korea, and then in the well financed drive of mental health propaganda by left-wing pressure groups, wherein many of our states have passed Bills which can well be used by the enemies of America to subject to torture and imprisonment, those who preach the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and who oppose the menace of Communism. A clear example of this can be seen in the Lucille Miller case. In this warfare the Communists have definitely stated: "You must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaughter into a foaming hatred of religious healing."

Another example of the warfare that is being waged can be seen in the attempt to establish a mental Siberia in Alaska, which wa called for in the Alaskan Mental Health Bill. A careful study of this Bill will make you see at once that the land set aside under the allotment could not be for that small territory, and the Bill within itself establishes such authority that it could be turned into a prison camp under the guise of mental health for everyone who raises their voice against Communism and the hidden government operating in our own nation.

This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre. The only revision in this book is the summary, which was added by the Communists after the atomic bomb came into being. In its contents you can see the diabolical plot of the enemies of Christ and America, as they seek to conquer our nation by subjecting the minds of our people to their will by various sinister means.

This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of every loyal American, that they may be alerted to the fact that it is not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered.

Kenneth Goff

And you just had to mention names:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sarah Jeong.

There is brainwashing and major propaganda going on by the Potus and you don't seem to mind.
By the POTUS?:th_believecrap:
Does the POTUS have control of the media?:1peleas:


Does the POTUS have college professors polluting the minds of our children??

HELL NO!!!!!!

Does the POTUS have a contract with NETFLIX to produce leftist programming and pornography like Barack H. Obama does?????:whip::whipg::gay::cul2::boobies:

Absolutely not!!!!

No I'm sure the Potus read books about Fascism and got and continues to get tutoring from Putin, Jinping and all the other dictators.

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