Teachers protest ceremony honoring students joining the military

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This strikes me as kinda dumb and really self centered on the teachers part. Why did they not just sit in silence? No one would have even noticed it, and anyone who did probably wouldn't have said anything.
I’ve only ever heard ONE teacher ever say anything bad about our JrROTC students (who are awesome). He IS one of those “can a real person be this ridiculous?” far, far, far left radicals. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but sheeeesh.
This is a part of our society that is simply off my radar screen. When I was in my post-HS years, during Vietnam, military service was considered a viable choice for working-class yoots, often preferable to loafing along in some worthless college program, or hoping for one of the quickly-evaporating jobs at the local steel mill.

I have counseled several nephews and children of acquaintances on the possible benefits of military service, but I get nothing but blank stares. Clearly, a significant percentage of the service-age population is ineligible due to obesity and other reasons, but for most kids I think it could be a good start on adult life.

Teachers demonstrating against military service are doing a public service, illustrating how very stupid "educated" people can be.
Quite a few of my senior students have expressed an interest in a career in the military. I'm always proud of them when they tell me.

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