Teacher Slams Military; We Don't Indoctrinate Your Children??


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught on video

A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

“Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb s - - - s. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

“They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”

He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.

“We don’t allow pimps to come into the school,” he says.
California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught on video

A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

“Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb s - - - s. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

“They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”

He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.

“We don’t allow pimps to come into the school,” he says.
He's just repeating the general consensus portrayed in our movies........that the military is nothing but a bunch of overgrown boy scouts with no brains.
Scientists however are all wonderful human-beings who are in touch with nature.
Speaking of dumbshits but he is the one that is suffering from stupidity.

A study that was done by the Heritage Foundation:

Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 2003-2005

Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 2003-2005

In summary, the additional years of recruit data (2004-2005) support the previous finding that U.S. military recruits are more similar than dissimilar to the American youth population. The slight differences are that wartime U.S. military enlistees are better educated, wealthier, and more rural on average than their civilian peers.
California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught on video

A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

“Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb s - - - s. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

“They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”

He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.

“We don’t allow pimps to come into the school,” he says.
Yeah...an idiot...but I will tell you...the people who I hear bash vets the most are con-servatives with the "can't you get a real job?" schtick.
Too bad a student wasn't uncomfortable with the rant, normally liberals will call for that person's firing.
California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught on video

A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

“Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb s - - - s. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

“They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”

He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.

“We don’t allow pimps to come into the school,” he says.
Yeah...an idiot...but I will tell you...the people who I hear bash vets the most are con-servatives with the "can't you get a real job?" schtick.
Cannot possibly really, ya know obummer left everyone in just wonderful shape don’t ya?
California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught on video

A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

“Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb s - - - s. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

“They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”

He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.

“We don’t allow pimps to come into the school,” he says.
Yeah...an idiot...but I will tell you...the people who I hear bash vets the most are con-servatives with the "can't you get a real job?" schtick.
i'm not sure you even know a conservative, much less one who says that.
Oh great. Another thread on that one guy. How many does this make? 8 or 10?
Oh great. Another thread on that one guy. How many does this make? 8 or 10?
THAT one guy, right???

Just THAT one guy.

You know, kinda like THAT one guy who hit a black woman at a rally.

Or, maybe THAT one guy who carried an N-word placard at a Trump rally.

Conservative idiots are true indicators, but liberal idiots are just ... THAT one guy.
California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught on video

A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

“Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb s - - - s. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

“They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”

He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.

“We don’t allow pimps to come into the school,” he says.

At least he's honest about his feelings towards the military
Oh great. Another thread on that one guy. How many does this make? 8 or 10?

It's a staple tactic of USMB conservatives, being that they're so incapable of talking about actual issues, or debating any liberal honestly.

Basically, their masters feed them a story about one stupid supposed liberal. Then they all run to their computers in unison, rage-weeping due the hysterical state they're in, and scream "THIS SHOWS HOW ALL YOU LIBTARDZ ALL SUCK!".

Needless to say, we liberals could flood the board with hundreds of threads if we used the same tactic of pointing to one conservative moron. But, since we can talk about actual issues, we don't have to stoop to that level.
Oh great. Another thread on that one guy. How many does this make? 8 or 10?
THAT one guy, right???

Just THAT one guy.

You know, kinda like THAT one guy who hit a black woman at a rally.

Or, maybe THAT one guy who carried an N-word placard at a Trump rally.

Conservative idiots are true indicators, but liberal idiots are just ... THAT one guy.
if you want to talk about N word and blacks being hit/etc-well, -blacks commit more hate crimes per capita at over TWICE the rate of whites
here's another teacher that wants to kill white people and teaches kids to hate police:
Seattle #BLM Protest: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

we know a lot of blacks--who are Obama leftists--hate America/police/whites
the left wants ILLEGAL immigrants to come into the US
they want the illegals here already to stay

the left does not want to ban muslims/islamics/etc---- that want to KILL us
---THAT'S idiocy
California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught on video

A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends" reported Sunday.

“Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They're dumb s - - - s. They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

“They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.”

He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.

“We don’t allow pimps to come into the school,” he says.
He is just spewing what many liberals actually think of the men and women in the military. It's not like it hasn't been posted here before...especially when GWB was in office. And by people that support ANTIFA and BLM.

The only time they fake concern for the military is during election time.
Oh great. Another thread on that one guy. How many does this make? 8 or 10?

It's a staple tactic of USMB conservatives, being that they're so incapable of talking about actual issues, or debating any liberal honestly.

Basically, their masters feed them a story about one stupid supposed liberal. Then they all run to their computers in unison, rage-weeping due the hysterical state they're in, and scream "THIS SHOWS HOW ALL YOU LIBTARDZ ALL SUCK!".

Needless to say, we liberals could flood the board with hundreds of threads if we used the same tactic of pointing to one conservative moron. But, since we can talk about actual issues, we don't have to stoop to that level.
You said it .... now, pick it.

I'll do my very, very best to try to keep up ... you pick the subject, and I'll show you just how wrong you are. (Make sure you use widdle words ... you don't want to lose me.)
You know, there are a lot of people on both sides, conservative and liberal, who think that the military is a bunch of people who just follow orders, and because of that, some of them consider the military to be a bunch of sheep.

Only problem is, that is not the truth. In order to get into the Navy, you have to have a high school diploma, as well as score 32 or better on the ASVAB. If you don't have a diploma, you must have a GED, pass the HP3 screening, as well as score 50 or better on the ASVAB.

To qualify for the technical jobs, in most cases your ASVAB needs to be 60 or higher, it all depends on the job.

Nope, this teacher, and others who think like them have zero clue about the military. I ran the Amarillo MEPS from 1999 until 2002, and know what the requirements are to get in.

As a matter of fact, getting in the military is harder than getting most jobs out there.
I'll do my very, very best to try to keep up ... you pick the subject, and I'll show you just how wrong you are. (Make sure you use widdle words ... you don't want to lose me.)

Sure. I wouldn't normally go off-topic, but you're the OP, and you're asking for it, so it's okay.

Subject: Your side's willingness to believe dopey conspiracy theories that violate basic common sense, and then, after each conspiracy theory craters, they run back to the same propaganda masters for a new conspiracy theory.

Example. The one about the FBI deleting texts to cover up a plot against Trump.

That conspiracy theory has cratered hard, being the texts were recovered, and showed nothing suspicious going on.

It was a stupid conspiracy theory on multiple levels, but most conservatives here fell for it.
--- Assumed texts were actually deleted.
--- Assumed Democrats did the deleting.
--- Assumed FBI was incapable of deleting a backup, and too stupid to understand they had to delete the backup
--- Assumed FBI agents would discuss a top secret treasonous plot by texting.

Why can't your side use common sense when evaluating the validity of conspiracy theories? And why doesn't the failure of the last conspiracy theory clue them in that they shouldn't believe the next conspiracy theory?

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