TeaBagger Islamophobia

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Angle: Muslim law taking hold in parts of US - Yahoo! News

How can any objective person not condemn this as overt bigotry and Islamophobia? Now what so dumb TeaBagger Republican try to convince me and the rest of the board that this isn't Islamophobia or make the untruthful strawman argument that Islam is bad so Angle isn't being a bigot. This is the sort of thing I expect from Southern Baptists who are bigoted anyways.
I dunno. Who said this?

"We Muslims don't abide by human-made laws because they are always corrupt," he said, denouncing the presence of U.S. and NATO forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and mentioning al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

"Furthermore, brace yourselves because the war with Muslims has just begun," he said. "Consider me the first droplet of the flood that will follow."

"The defeat of (the) U.S. is imminent and will happen in near future," he said.

Sharron Angle?
Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.
Angle: Muslim law taking hold in parts of US - Yahoo! News

How can any objective person not condemn this as overt bigotry and Islamophobia? Now what so dumb TeaBagger Republican try to convince me and the rest of the board that this isn't Islamophobia or make the untruthful strawman argument that Islam is bad so Angle isn't being a bigot. This is the sort of thing I expect from Southern Baptists who are bigoted anyways.

Charlie Bass, the Black Racist Ass:

GOOGLE: Youtube, 3 things about Islam
It'll be the first link. The Video is only 8 min. 10 sec long
Author Pat Condell.

This is the best of the three videos.

GOOGLE: Youtube, freedom is my religion
The video is 6.0 min long. Same author: Pat Condell.

GOOGLE: Youtube, enemy within
It's the first link. There are many links with the same title "enemy within".
Make sure the video is 6.55 min long. It is by the same author, Pat Condell.

You will have to GOOGLE 3 separate times....possibly.

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OH, ffs!

We ARE being "invaded."

A democratic republic is BUILT around the fact that MOST folks agree about any given thang,

and once they're HERE?

LOOK at the birth rates.

LOOK at wtf is happening, everywhere that the nation of islam is in the majority.


YOUR ancestors Fought and DIED to protect YOU from shit like this happening.

The USA was FOUNDED to protect YOU from shit like this.

If nation of islam is what YOU want?


See ya! Wouldn't wanna BE ya.
My ancestors certainly did not die trying to prevent me from meeting any Muslims. This craziness about Muslims, Sharia Law and a Victory Mosque is blatant racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.
Our huge, rickety tower of entitlements and subsidies rests on a foundation of chumps, playing by the rules and funding a system that is increasingly less interested in their opinions about how much they should pay, or how the money should be spent. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits, often without paying taxes. Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world

Guess who said that.


It is a candidate in Nevada's Senate race.
My ancestors certainly did not die trying to prevent me from meeting any Muslims. This craziness about Muslims, Sharia Law and a Victory Mosque is blatant racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.

You're a fucking lunatic. Don't even recognize WHY people feel that way towards Islam, just declare that it is wrong.
My ancestors certainly did not die trying to prevent me from meeting any Muslims. This craziness about Muslims, Sharia Law and a Victory Mosque is blatant racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.

How do you know your ancestors weren't on the short end of The Crusades?

Muslims didn't and don't fight with apes.
My ancestors certainly did not die trying to prevent me from meeting any Muslims. This craziness about Muslims, Sharia Law and a Victory Mosque is blatant racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.

Mad Madeline: you are a fucking idiot.

It might have been that you were just an ignorant crunt to make a statement like the one in your last post.

But you were, and are, exposed to the TRUTH about fucking Islam MANY TIMES.

So, under these circumstances .......

You, and stone cold arseholes like you are delusional idiots.

As to the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of NON-Mid East Muslims.......these ignorant masses are just that.....ignorant masses.
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My ancestors certainly did not die trying to prevent me from meeting any Muslims. This craziness about Muslims, Sharia Law and a Victory Mosque is blatant racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.

Mad Madeline: you are a fucking idiot.

It might have been that you were just an ignorant crunt to make a statement like the one in your last post.

But you were, and are, exposed to the TRUTH about fucking Islam MANY TIMES.

So, under these circumstances .......

You, and stone cold arseholes like you are delusional idiots.

As to the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of NON-Mid East Muslims.......these ignorant masses are just that.....ignorant masses.

You bore me, gautama. If someone capable of discussing this shows up, I may post again to this thread.
My ancestors certainly did not die trying to prevent me from meeting any Muslims. This craziness about Muslims, Sharia Law and a Victory Mosque is blatant racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.

Mad Madeline: you are a fucking idiot.

It might have been that you were just an ignorant crunt to make a statement like the one in your last post.

But you were, and are, exposed to the TRUTH about fucking Islam MANY TIMES.

So, under these circumstances .......

You, and stone cold arseholes like you are delusional idiots.

As to the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of NON-Mid East Muslims.......these ignorant masses are just that.....ignorant masses.

You bore me, gautama. If someone capable of discussing this shows up, I may post again to this thread.

LOL Madeline thinks that she is above gautama..... LOL she is one deluded old hag.
My ancestors certainly did not die trying to prevent me from meeting any Muslims. This craziness about Muslims, Sharia Law and a Victory Mosque is blatant racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.

How do you know your ancestors weren't on the short end of The Crusades?

Muslims didn't and don't fight with apes.

We still are.

What I find fascinating is that, if someone else posted that kind of pic with a chimp and a Muslim, or a black guy, that person would be decried as a racist. Interesting double standard.

Muslim isn't a race. And I've never seen anybody accuse someone of racism for posting pictures like these:



I think they're pretty appropriate. Perhaps you're imagining things...
I'm aware that Muslim isn't a race.... but it is the favorite chant of the left to anyone who dares to criticize Islam.

Personally, I have no real issue with Muslims using Sharia law between themselves in private matters, just as Jews do. As long as it does not influence our legal system, it's fine.
The OP suggests that islam mania explicitly a right wing phenomena yet fails to mention that it's a liberal president giving orders to some coward airforce commandos safe behind a desk playing a high stake video game against mostly civilians in a sovereign country 10 thousand miles away. Very impressive. Talk about not aiming high.
Our huge, rickety tower of entitlements and subsidies rests on a foundation of chumps, playing by the rules and funding a system that is increasingly less interested in their opinions about how much they should pay, or how the money should be spent. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits, often without paying taxes. Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world.

Guess who said that.


It is a candidate in the Nevada US senate race.

Off-point, though interesting.

The US has no ginormous illegal Yemen immigration problem, and Yemen immigrants to the US have no pattern of seeking any entitlement program's help. Same with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, etc. I have no doubt anyone seeking to live here from those nations gets a very strenuously going over and at a minimum, has to demonstrate they are financially self-sufficient.
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Muslims didn't and don't fight with apes.

We still are.


What I find fascinating is that, if someone else posted that kind of pic with a chimp and a Muslim, or a black guy, that person would be decried as a racist. Interesting double standard.

O that's bullshit, CG. Whites have no shared history of being insulted in exactly that way by their oppressors.

Get over this simple minded snipe hunt for black racists. They ain't hiding...haven't you read some of 52nd Street's posts? Does the name Louis Farrakhan ring any bells?

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