Tea Party support continues to erode in the general populace


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Apparently, they thought just getting into office and saying "NO!" to everything would be enough of an accomplishment.

Apparently, they were mistaken.

Poll: Tea party support cools - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

More Americans now say that they disagree than agree with the tea party, and even those who live in districts represented by tea party members are split over the movement, according to a new survey.

Twenty-seven percent of those surveyed say they disagree with the tea party movement, compared with 20 percent who agree with it, the Pew Research Center found.

Opinion on the issue has flipped since a year ago, when 27 percent agreed and 22 percent disagreed with the movement.

Even voters in districts represented by one of the 60 congressional Tea Party Caucus members were split on the movement. In those districts, 23 percent disagreed with the tea party, while 25 percent agreed.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party’s image also has dropped substantially over the past year.

Among the general public, 36 percent viewed the GOP favorably, down from 42 percent in March. On the other hand, 55 percent viewed the Republican Party unfavorably, up from 51 percent over the year-ago period.
In light of the very difficult financial times for the working class, I'm not surprised.

The GOP and Tea Party seem to ignore the problem of Main Street America as their rhetoric and actions are focused on the betterment of the wealthy and Corporate America while cutting programs that help the middle class and the poor. Poll after poll after poll shows that a huge majority of Americans want a shared sacrifice by all to right this country's economic ship.

I did note in the linked article that the Dems have also lost support, though not as great as the lost of support by the GOP. The Dems have done nothing but roll over to the Right's demands or just plain do nothing. When was the last time they came up with a budget?

Personally, I don't think either party (plus the TP) are worth voting for come November 2012.
In light of the very difficult financial times for the working class, I'm not surprised.

The GOP and Tea Party seem to ignore the problem of Main Street America as their rhetoric and actions are focused on the betterment of the wealthy and Corporate America while cutting programs that help the middle class and the poor. Poll after poll after poll shows that a huge majority of Americans want a shared sacrifice by all to right this country's economic ship.

I did note in the linked article that the Dems have also lost support, though not as great as the lost of support by the GOP. The Dems have done nothing but roll over to the Right's demands or just plain do nothing. When was the last time they came up with a budget?

Personally, I don't think either party (plus the TP) are worth voting for come November 2012.

uhm first; the budget the dems have not done in over 2000 days, was a slip they made, the gop could not do squat to stop anything they wanted to pass, BUT the dems didn't want to do a budget because a) they would have shocked the shit out of everyone ala the spending built in, b) Reid and I have posted the link oh, a dozen times, said he wanted a lever when the debt ceiling debate came up so he blew past negotiating a budget with the democratic house.

second; what betterment of "the wealthy and Corporate America" are yopu referring to, exactly?

third; what "programs that help the middle class and the poor" have been cut, exactly?
In light of the very difficult financial times for the working class, I'm not surprised.

The GOP and Tea Party seem to ignore the problem of Main Street America as their rhetoric and actions are focused on the betterment of the wealthy and Corporate America while cutting programs that help the middle class and the poor. Poll after poll after poll shows that a huge majority of Americans want a shared sacrifice by all to right this country's economic ship.

I did note in the linked article that the Dems have also lost support, though not as great as the lost of support by the GOP. The Dems have done nothing but roll over to the Right's demands or just plain do nothing. When was the last time they came up with a budget?

Personally, I don't think either party (plus the TP) are worth voting for come November 2012.

Or at the very least it indicates that a majority of Americans aren’t at war with their government, wanting to ‘drown it in a bathtub.’ A majority of Americans understand that government plays a necessary and important role in each citizen’s life and that during a time of economic crisis certain government action is appropriate, having nothing to do with ‘welfare’ and ‘entitlements’; the TPM is clearly out of touch with the majority of Americans in this regard.
so you didn't vote last time?

Can't speak for Ms. Boop, but a lot of liberal voters didn't. In fact, there was an actual coordinated movement to boycott the election, by the same on-line self-organizing bunch that later emerged as Occupy.

That's why the Republicans won last year, actually. Proto-Occupy tossed it to them.

You're welcome. :cool:
Tea Party support continues to erode in the general populace-

Perhaps that is because the "Tea Party" was taken over by the very people that took over the Republican party and the values it is supposed to stand for. These people did a good job of letting the tea party movement be infiltrated and changed from what it was intended to be because tea party activist seemingly wanted high recognition faces to represent it.
The only true Tea Party type of conservative is Dr. Paul and the quicker
Americans who care about their country and what it's supposed to be like understand this, the better off this nation will be.

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