Tea Party Sinking Fast


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"[T]he Tea Party ranks lower than any of the 23 other groups we asked about — lower than both Republicans and Democrats. It is even less popular than much maligned groups like "atheists" and "Muslims." Interestingly, one group that approaches it in unpopularity is the Christian Right." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/17/opinion/crashing-the-tea-party.html

Wow, does this mean Americans are finally waking up to these whiners who have done nothing good for the nation?

On everything but the size of government, Tea Party supporters are increasingly out of step with most Americans, even many Republicans. Indeed, at the opposite end of the ideological spectrum, today’s Tea Party parallels the anti-Vietnam War movement which rallied behind George S. McGovern in 1972. The McGovernite activists brought energy, but also stridency, to the Democratic Party — repelling moderate voters and damaging the Democratic brand for a generation. By embracing the Tea Party, Republicans risk repeating history.

I have ben saying for some time that the republican party can not win with the TP or without the TP.

they have done it to themselves
My understanding of the tea party was to remind the nation, particularly Republicans, about sticking with conservatism. They made a valuable statement that could keep America out of hock and avoid a situation like the one that happened in Greece. Even Democrats are trying not to step on the cracks of overspending.

The Tea Party in my book was an overwhelming success, reminding America it's important to pay the bills on time and reduce the amount the nation owes to other nations.

Sometimes what seems bad in precautionary measures is actually a cure for the cancer of spending beyond our means into the outer limits.
Wow, does this mean Americans are finally waking up to these whiners who have done nothing good for the nation?
It means the reality of the TPM is being realized: in that there was no ‘movement.’ Or if there was such a ‘movement’ it was quickly co-opted by the GOP.

The president’s reelection will also prove problematic for the TPM, as ‘getting rid’ of Obama was their raison d'être.
Sheesh.. So much hate and misguided hope from Democrats...

Signs of desperation, in my book...:lol:
My understanding of the tea party was to remind the nation, particularly Republicans, about sticking with conservatism. They made a valuable statement that could keep America out of hock and avoid a situation like the one that happened in Greece. Even Democrats are trying not to step on the cracks of overspending.

The Tea Party in my book was an overwhelming success, reminding America it's important to pay the bills on time and reduce the amount the nation owes to other nations.

Sometimes what seems bad in precautionary measures is actually a cure for the cancer of spending beyond our means into the outer limits.

I think it was more about a bunch of not-so-bright political malcontents wanting to prove that screaming louder trumps making sense.

Face it, the "tea party" was not Toros and Trajans. It was Bigrebs.
The tea party appears to me to be the stupid underbelly of the GOP.

That said, they exert way more influence on this Congress than their numbers would indicate.

So for a people who are, I think on average, rather ill informed and certainly not the sharpest tools in the shed?

They sure have been smart when it comes to perverting Congress to their way of non-thinking.
Sheesh.. So much hate and misguided hope from Democrats...

Signs of desperation, in my book...:lol:

blindness in the face of facts.

this is a perfect tea party clone who refuses reality and lives in tea party land.

I hope they all stay there.

the republican party will never win another election
The tea party appears to me to be the stupid underbelly of the GOP.

That said, they exert way more influence on this Congress than their numbers would indicate.

So for a people who are, I think on average, rather ill informed and certainly not the sharpest tools in the shed?

They sure have been smart when it comes to perverting Congress to their way of non-thinking.

They're not new ideas, just a new face. The movement started out innocently enough (Notably lacking in the intellect department, but innocent enough. :eusa_angel:), but at some point they were hijacked and their demands started looking eerily similar to those of the chamber of commerce.
Money shot:
On everything BUT the size of government, Tea Party supporters are increasingly out of step with most Americans, even many Republicans.
So Americans agree that gov't is too big. TEA Party mission accomplished!
Republicans disagree with TEA Partiers? Of course they do, that's why the TEA Party was created. Republicans nowadays are just Democrat light.
More fail:
This inclination among the Tea Party faithful to mix religion and politics explains their support for Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Gov. Rick Perry of Texas.
Last time I checked Michelle Bachmann was at the bottom of the polls and James Richard "Dick" Perry was sinking like a stone.

Do you guys even read articles that are posted anymore? No, of course you don't.
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If the Tea Party disappears as soon as a Republican is elected, then it is obvious that they were exclusively an anti-Obama party.

However, if a Republican is elected, and does not make cuts in government size, and the Tea Party continues to protest, then I will have respect for them.
The Tea Party hasn't gone anywhere! They just choose to be active in ways other than shitting in the street.
Sheesh.. So much hate and misguided hope from Democrats...

Signs of desperation, in my book...:lol:

Lumpy, what do you mean?? You could not possibly condone what he said. I hope not anyway.

My post wasn't directed at the article you presented, that Guy in your article is a nut (a pathetic bastard in my opinion) and shouldn't represent anyone, well, accept for other nuts I suppose.

This constant innuendo, "the race card" used by Democrats pisses me off, it's ridiculous and anyone that extrapolates one nut's or a collection of nuts opinions to a whole political party begins to make me question their integrity and fairness. It's dirty and desperate politics that only splits the country and defies reasonable debate.
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"[T]he Tea Party ranks lower than any of the 23 other groups we asked about — lower than both Republicans and Democrats. It is even less popular than much maligned groups like "atheists" and "Muslims." Interestingly, one group that approaches it in unpopularity is the Christian Right." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/17/opinion/crashing-the-tea-party.html

Wow, does this mean Americans are finally waking up to these whiners who have done nothing good for the nation?


I find allot of Hypocrisy concerning those that like to bash the Tea Party and build up OWS, especially considering how the Tea Party is so Law Abiding, while OWS violated so many Laws. You should feel shame for your attacks and misrepresentations. Talk about obstructing Liberty and Free Will, Voice. You all are really something, Hypocritical being the least of it.
The Tea Party hasn't gone anywhere! They just choose to be active in ways other than shitting in the street.

Hey, I found the tea party, and here is what they have been doing to stay active...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjluFbPZ0xc]MONKEY SPANKING JACKING OFF WANKING HIS MONKEY RUDE Masterbating - YouTube[/ame]
I find allot of Hypocrisy concerning those that like to bash the Tea Party and build up OWS, especially considering how the Tea Party is so Law Abiding, while OWS violated so many Laws. You should feel shame for your attacks and misrepresentations. Talk about obstructing Liberty and Free Will, Voice. You all are really something, Hypocritical being the least of it.

LOL At least OWS has the right culprits in sight. I'm not sure who the tea party have in their sights?

"The way people in democracies think of the government as something different from themselves is a real handicap. And, of course, sometimes the government confirms their opinion." Lewis Mumford

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