Tea Party: follow the money

soggy if you will read the post where i state...we should follow all of them and find out where the money goes....campaign finance reform was mentioned....

I'll tell you why I despair of this kind of thing. No one bothers to research it for themselves. They rely on regurgitating crap from the media and assuming that it is factually accurate. It may be. It may not be. Simply put, it would be great if people learned not to blindly accept whatever shit the media put out.

Having said that, the TEA parties are a political movement, not a political party. As such, I have no doubt that there is bad accounting - and dishonest accounting - and profiteering - within it.

That does not make the issues any less legitimate. In fact, I'm more interested in why so many in the media are so concerned with destroying its reputation. That, to me, is far more interesting. Why are the media so concerned with the TEA Parties - if all they are is a small minority of racists?
Sensationalism sells....the media is corporate run and all they care about is making money, a profit, as well...

as was said in the op, follow the money....not just with the "other side" but with the people that supposedly support ones own point of view....

This may not make one change their stances that they took to support this valid movement, but it may make them organize so that every dollar they donate, goes towards their actual concerns and causes.

They can become a nonprofit group and take many measures on their own to be certain that THEIR MONEY is used efficiently/productively.

Having stories like this that exposes this kind of stuff,

are a Good Thing.

Even with all of the so called negative publicity, this publicity can actually make their group members have a stronger voice in where their hard work and money goes now that they have been awakened to some of the misuse or profit making.

We can only hope that the money trails we have started to follow with the health care bill bring in to light, who really hit EUREKA with this bill....

We can only HOPE that our own Representatives in Congress have to be this opened with Daylight shining on the money and where it really goes...

i say, thumbs up to the sunshine upon them all! :thup:
who or what is making money off the for profit tea party?

The Tea Party Convention is over. But the war it started is apparently just getting under way. Yesterday, Bill Hemrick, a conservative fund-raiser and the founder of the Upper Deck baseball trading-card company, sued the for-profit convention’s organizer, Judson Phillips, in Williamson County Circuit Court in Tennessee, in a dispute over Sarah Palin’s speaking fee. When Palin agreed to deliver the keynote address at the convention, it put the event in the news. And it was Hemrick, all agree, who provided the $50,000 down payment for Palin’s $100,000 speaking fee. In the suit, Hemrick claims that Phillips had agreed that, in return for helping to close the deal with Palin, Phillips would assist Hemrick with his National Fiscal Conservative Political Action Committee. But after taking the money, Phillips didn’t live up to his part of the deal, and even barred Hemrick from attending the event at all. Hemrick is seeking a minimum of $500,000 in damages and asserts that Phillips defamed him by badmouthing him after their falling-out over Palin.

In the run-up to the convention, as its for-profit status and Palin’s fee (she’s since said she’s donating it to charity) attracted unwelcome attention, Phillips claimed that Hemrick was the mercenary; he said he barred Hemrick from the convention because Hemrick had planned to pitch Palin on a business opportunity he needed help with. But others tell a different story. According to Anthony Shreeve, a tea-party activist who had been involved in the early planning of the Nashville convention, and who also fell out with Phillips, Hemrick was instrumental in getting Palin to agree to be the keynote speaker. Phillips and his wife, who conceived of the convention, didn’t have the funds to cover Palin’s speaking agreement, so they turned to Hemrick, who donates frequently to Republican

read more: Tea Party organizer sued over Sarah Palin's speaking fees | Crooks and Liars

Crooks and Liars? What a surprise! Might as well it be DU or Media Matters! LOL Same thing.

But get this! They are raising money?????????????

Oh sackclothe and ashes! We can't have that!!!!!!!!!

Only liberals are allowed to do fundraising, with ACORN and the Democrat party, and George Soros, and may I go on?????

But the tea party raise money? What a scandal! :eek:

What a load of BS!

:lol:BTW, I wish to reiterate:

Yeah like Obama isn't after our money? :lol:

I mean what kind of criticism is that? They are after our money?

Who isn't these days?

The question is. Do they want to raise our taxes and take over every part of our lives?

No, that's what Obama wants to do, so I'll stick with the tea party. Nice try!

What operative gave you that load of crap?

Liberals are claiming conservatives wanting our money is a scandal, but if liberals want it, via the government it's our "patriotic duty" to hand it over?


What a laughable smear you tried here op and what a laughable fail!

Every movement, regardless of how it's spawned will attract parasites to try and profit off of it's success. The instant I heard about the convention, I developed a distaste and distrust for any "ORGANIZED" tea party event that linked back to someone trying to spawn a business or party.

The Tea Party movement will continue on in grass roots form. Just ignore, beware of, be ready to deride any "official" events. Nothing's "official". They're all impromptu or small groups of people gathered in common interest. The left currently needs agents provocateurs and paid professional activists and organizers to create any sort of ground swell. They need rackonteurs to get crazy and violent to gin up something interesting for the press, so they show up. The tea parties do not, and have not done these things to any knowledge I have on them. I know that there are leftists infiltrating them in an attempt to paint them as radical kooks, but they are generally failing and being exposed for what they are... saboteurs.

Know who's putting on a tea party. Ignore those claiming 'authority' and 'leadership', for they have neither.
Every movement, regardless of how it's spawned will attract parasites to try and profit off of it's success. The instant I heard about the convention, I developed a distaste and distrust for any "ORGANIZED" tea party event that linked back to someone trying to spawn a business or party.

The Tea Party movement will continue on in grass roots form. Just ignore, beware of, be ready to deride any "official" events. Nothing's "official". They're all impromptu or small groups of people gathered in common interest. The left currently needs agents provocateurs and paid professional activists and organizers to create any sort of ground swell. They need rackonteurs to get crazy and violent to gin up something interesting for the press, so they show up. The tea parties do not, and have not done these things to any knowledge I have on them. I know that there are leftists infiltrating them in an attempt to paint them as radical kooks, but they are generally failing and being exposed for what they are... saboteurs.

Know who's putting on a tea party. Ignore those claiming 'authority' and 'leadership', for they have neither.

Yeah but the point is, this is something we need not be defensive on.

Can we raise people's taxes? Can we get into every facet of their lives via "healthcare?"

No, we can't.

Look who really wants to divorce us from our money and it is liberals, whether it is their phony "non-profit" groups or their heros in government who seek to do nothing but leave us with less and less of our hard earned money.

And yet "fund raising" is suddenly a scandal?

What liberal leader doesn't fund raise?

But it's only a scandal if some conservative does it?

It's a phony scandal.

It carries about as much weight as liberals trying to get Christians not to vote for Bush because Dick Cheney's daughter is gay.

It makes an assumption about our own mindset and then tries to exploit that. But it really tells more about the liberal mindset and their own intolerance for anyone who thinks differently than it does about conservatives.

Don't fall for it by being defensive. That's what liberals want. That's the tactic and there is NOTHING we need defend against those loathsome corrupt parasites.

True, my statement was not for them but for those who were for some reason going.... hmmmmmm they have a point there...

You're dead on right that it's a false scandal though.
True, my statement was not for them but for those who were for some reason going.... hmmmmmm they have a point there...

You're dead on right that it's a false scandal though.

Well, I didn't mean to climb all over you.

But, it's a sore spot with me, that we are so ready to be defensive the minute liberals make up some stupid scandal. The minute we do that, they run with it, because that is what they are hoping for. I wish more of us would learn that the answer is to take it back to 'em.

We are raising money? Yeah, like you aren't???

Tea partiers are racists? Excuse me, but who said Obama couldn't sell watermelons by the side of the road? I think that was Dan Rather! Who called him a "Magic Negro." I think that was LA Times writer Erlich (I forget this first name).

Take it back to them. PUT THEM ON THE DEFENSIVE. They should be. They are the ones doing this crap.

Liberals always condemn in others what they refuse to see in themselves.

Don't give them an inch. Take it back to them. That is how to fight liberalism!

the thing at the strip clubs....when you give employees credit cards.....things happen....it was just plain ignorance on the part of the people using the credit card to leave that paper trail....but i think people jumping on the tpm bandwagon need to realize that its not a real grass roots movement but a for profit organization.

we should be glad something in the US of KKKA is capable of making a profit huh dry bones?

I'm sure drug traffickers in the US are turning a profit, too.
the thing at the strip clubs....when you give employees credit cards.....things happen....it was just plain ignorance on the part of the people using the credit card to leave that paper trail....but i think people jumping on the tpm bandwagon need to realize that its not a real grass roots movement but a for profit organization.

we should be glad something in the US of KKKA is capable of making a profit huh dry bones?

I'm sure drug traffickers in the US are turning a profit, too.

Clinton was pretty happy about drug trafficers turning a profit when he was Governor of Arkansas.

True, my statement was not for them but for those who were for some reason going.... hmmmmmm they have a point there...

You're dead on right that it's a false scandal though.

Well, I didn't mean to climb all over you.

But, it's a sore spot with me, that we are so ready to be defensive the minute liberals make up some stupid scandal. The minute we do that, they run with it, because that is what they are hoping for. I wish more of us would learn that the answer is to take it back to 'em.

We are raising money? Yeah, like you aren't???

Tea partiers are racists? Excuse me, but who said Obama couldn't sell watermelons by the side of the road? I think that was Dan Rather! Who called him a "Magic Negro." I think that was LA Times writer Erlich (I forget this first name).

Take it back to them. PUT THEM ON THE DEFENSIVE. They should be. They are the ones doing this crap.

Liberals always condemn in others what they refuse to see in themselves.

Don't give them an inch. Take it back to them. That is how to fight liberalism!

Andrew Breitbart's $100k challenge to produce credible evidence of racism or violence being at a tea party is yet to be claimed.

Gotta love it when the truthiness is used instead of truth for the sake of political gain.

You know... truthiness. Being like truth and trying to imitate the quality of truth, but with none of the reality of the truth. Other synonyms include: lie, bullshit, falsehood, slander, libel, defamation...
Yeah, this is real important.

You'd think that a Party that just lost the Kennedy Seat and Governorship of NJ would focus on stuff that actually mattered, but, as far as I'm concerned this is good!
True, my statement was not for them but for those who were for some reason going.... hmmmmmm they have a point there...

You're dead on right that it's a false scandal though.

Well, I didn't mean to climb all over you.

But, it's a sore spot with me, that we are so ready to be defensive the minute liberals make up some stupid scandal. The minute we do that, they run with it, because that is what they are hoping for. I wish more of us would learn that the answer is to take it back to 'em.

We are raising money? Yeah, like you aren't???

Tea partiers are racists? Excuse me, but who said Obama couldn't sell watermelons by the side of the road? I think that was Dan Rather! Who called him a "Magic Negro." I think that was LA Times writer Erlich (I forget this first name).

Take it back to them. PUT THEM ON THE DEFENSIVE. They should be. They are the ones doing this crap.

Liberals always condemn in others what they refuse to see in themselves.

Don't give them an inch. Take it back to them. That is how to fight liberalism!


just in case you are interested...hopefully you are...


Someone at the LA Times may or may not have used the term, in a positive sense i am presuming...the ''Magic Negro'' thing...

But this is the person who created the CD to distribute to the RNC....

The controversy surrounding a comedy CD distributed by Republican National Committee chairman candidate Chip Saltsman has not torpedoed his bid and might have inadvertently helped it.

Four days after news broke that the former Tennessee GOP chairman had sent a CD including a song titled “Barack the Magic Negro” to the RNC members he is courting, some of those officials are rallying around the embattled Saltsman, with a few questioning whether the national media and his opponents are piling on.'Magic Negro' flap might help Saltsman - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

and Dan Rather's quote was slightly different than you had mentioned,

Chris Matthews: "Nancy Pelosi will have her greatest triumph?"

Rather: "When you talk about a triumph though, part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be President Obama's leadership and the Republicans are making a case, a lot of independents will buy this argument, listen he just hasn't been...look at the health care bill, it was his number one priority, it took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death and a version of ...listen, he's a nice person, he's very articulate, this was going to be used against him but he couldn't sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic."

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