Tea Party 2012: Separating the Contenders from the Pretenders


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Gary Johnson on the other hand, who Santorum now ironically says he mistakenly named as a Tea Party candidate, governed New Mexico for eight years during which the state saw no tax increases- the longest such period in its history. He vetoed over 750 seperate pieces of legislation to keep government from growing (that's more than the vetos of all 49 other governors over the same period combined), and at the end of his tenure, the state had 1000 fewer government employees with no firings. That is a record in line with Tea Party principles.

Also in play is Representative Ron Paul, who for over 20 total years as a U.S. Congressman has consistently been named "the taxpayer's best friend in Washington" because he has never voted to raise taxes, pass an unbalanced budget, or raise congressional pay. He has also never taken a government-paid junket and returns a portion of his annual office budget to the Treasury each year. That is a record in line with Tea Party principles.

Tea Party 2012: separating the contenders from the pretenders | CAIVN
Gary Johnson on the other hand, who Santorum now ironically says he mistakenly named as a Tea Party candidate, governed New Mexico for eight years during which the state saw no tax increases- the longest such period in its history. He vetoed over 750 seperate pieces of legislation to keep government from growing (that's more than the vetos of all 49 other governors over the same period combined), and at the end of his tenure, the state had 1000 fewer government employees with no firings. That is a record in line with Tea Party principles.

Also in play is Representative Ron Paul, who for over 20 total years as a U.S. Congressman has consistently been named "the taxpayer's best friend in Washington" because he has never voted to raise taxes, pass an unbalanced budget, or raise congressional pay. He has also never taken a government-paid junket and returns a portion of his annual office budget to the Treasury each year. That is a record in line with Tea Party principles.

Tea Party 2012: separating the contenders from the pretenders | CAIVN

Santorum is a neo-con boob.
Pawlenty = Pretender

Signed on to taxpayer funding for Target Field.
Signed on with anti-smoking Nazi bans.
Promised not to raise taxes, then raised the cigarette tax by a buck, then cynically called it a "fee".
Has thrown in with the anthropogenic gullible warming cult.
Was for individual mandate of medical insurance.

I'm somewhat surprised he's even mentioned in the same breath as Johnson, Pence or Paul.
Fox told me Pawlenty was a conservative.
Are you telling me I've been played?

Already forgotten how the republican primary debates on Fakes News gave short shrift to Tancredo, Hunter and asked hardball questions of Ron Paul, while lobbing beach balls at necon piss boys Juan McLouse and Rudy Ghouliani?

Already forgotten how the republican primary debates on Fakes News gave short shrift to Tancredo, Hunter and asked hardball questions of Ron Paul, while lobbing beach balls at necon piss boys Juan McLouse and Rudy Ghouliani?

Not only have I not forgotten about it, but I have yet to even get OVER it.

I actually remember the worst one being the one that Anderson Cooper moderated on CNN, at the Reagan Library.

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