TBB, God and something coming from nothing


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Using an ultra-high-intensity laser beam and a two-mile-long particle accelerator—it could be possible to create something out of nothing, according to University of Michigan researchers who developed new equations that show how a high-energy electron beam combined with an intense laser pulse could rip apart a vacuum into its fundamental matter and antimatter components, and set off a cascade of events that generates additional pairs of particles and antiparticles.

Fascinating New Theory: "The Universe Could Have Been Created from Nothing"
Wouldn't the energy they used be considered "something", JB?
No. The universe was created from nothing, therefore there is no God so we can just make up our own rules.

That's not anarchy by the way.

I dun think JB meant to discuss religion, Mad. But assuming you did, doesn't the Bible say that God created the universe from nothing?
Actually, energy could be considered "something" but it is not considered matter(energy can exist in empty space, but matter takes up space.)

This thinking is also found in the concepts of fission, in which matter and energy is used to create less matter and more energy.

In the case JB is talking about, energy is being used to bring forth particles! Something that has been assumed since Curie experiments with radiation, but have not been carried out in a lab. In essence, this is the creation of matter from non-matter.
Actually, energy could be considered "something" but it is not considered matter(energy can exist in empty space, but matter takes up space.)

This thinking is also found in the concepts of fission, in which matter and energy is used to create less matter and more energy.

In the case JB is talking about, energy is being used to bring forth particles! Something that has been assumed since Curie experiments with radiation, but have not been carried out in a lab. In essence, this is the creation of matter from non-matter.

Doesn't that prove the difference between energy and matter is not as catagorical as was once thought?
An ultra-high-intensity laser beam and a two-mile-long particle accelerator isn't exactly "nothing".

PS Nice avatar, JB. :uhoh3:
Actually, energy could be considered "something" but it is not considered matter(energy can exist in empty space, but matter takes up space.)

This thinking is also found in the concepts of fission, in which matter and energy is used to create less matter and more energy.

In the case JB is talking about, energy is being used to bring forth particles! Something that has been assumed since Curie experiments with radiation, but have not been carried out in a lab. In essence, this is the creation of matter from non-matter.

Doesn't that prove the difference between energy and matter is not as catagorical as was once thought?

When one talks of catagories, one is referring to a way to make a distinction between them. In the case of energy and matter there may exist a process in which energy converts to matter and matter converts to energy, but there is a defined difference between the two.

On the other hand, if one wish to suggest that energy and matter can be grouped as objectively the same thing, the the beginning of the universe, as in the case of the Big Bang, comes into question. From the theory, a differential in Energy must have occured to allow matter to come into being.

In other words, Energy may have always existed. That lead us to some interestting concepts about existance and the Form of the Universe. But not much that can be studied with our current level of understanding.

By the way--should this not sit in Science and Technology, JB?
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Actually, energy could be considered "something" but it is not considered matter(energy can exist in empty space, but matter takes up space.)

This thinking is also found in the concepts of fission, in which matter and energy is used to create less matter and more energy.

In the case JB is talking about, energy is being used to bring forth particles! Something that has been assumed since Curie experiments with radiation, but have not been carried out in a lab. In essence, this is the creation of matter from non-matter.

But not from nothing, and not really without matter either since you have to supply matter in the form of electrons.
Actually, energy could be considered "something" but it is not considered matter(energy can exist in empty space, but matter takes up space.)

This thinking is also found in the concepts of fission, in which matter and energy is used to create less matter and more energy.

In the case JB is talking about, energy is being used to bring forth particles! Something that has been assumed since Curie experiments with radiation, but have not been carried out in a lab. In essence, this is the creation of matter from non-matter.

But not from nothing, and not really without matter either since you have to supply matter in the form of electrons.

How can there be energy without matter, Quantum Windbag? Isn't energy expressed by exciting particles?
Wouldn't the energy they used be considered "something", JB?
No. The universe was created from nothing, therefore there is no God so we can just make up our own rules.

That's not anarchy by the way.

I dun think JB meant to discuss religion, Mad. But assuming you did, doesn't the Bible say that God created the universe from nothing?
I don't remember it stating what, if anything at all, he worked with. It just says what he made and in what order.
Actually, energy could be considered "something" but it is not considered matter(energy can exist in empty space, but matter takes up space.)

This thinking is also found in the concepts of fission, in which matter and energy is used to create less matter and more energy.

In the case JB is talking about, energy is being used to bring forth particles! Something that has been assumed since Curie experiments with radiation, but have not been carried out in a lab. In essence, this is the creation of matter from non-matter.

But not from nothing, and not really without matter either since you have to supply matter in the form of electrons.

How can there be energy without matter, Quantum Windbag? Isn't energy expressed by exciting particles?

Yes and no. Energy and matter are forms of the same thing, like steam and ice are forms of water. That, however, is a gross over simplification of what is actually happening. Matter requires mass, and the particles that make up energy are massless, even though they react like they have mass to some stimulus. It is so complicated that I doubt more than a few theoretical physicists actually understand it, the rest of us just have to take it on faith.
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Nothing is created from Nothing.

The science is interesting, but id have to agree that energy is something.

God never claims to have created out of nothing. In fact, the Hebrew in Genesis implies the exact opposite. Organized, built, etc.

There is a reason Christ's profession as a mortal was that of a builder. (often translated carpenter, he could likewise have used other materials such as stone).

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