Taxpayers picking up the tab for illegals


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
As usual.
Police officers no longer impound cars of unlicensed drivers since most are Illegal Aliens and is an “unfair burden that impounds place on illegal immigrants.”
LAPD to change impound rules with illegal immigrants in mind - Los Angeles Times
So someone in the country illegally in the first place is allowed to get away with an illegal action? But taxpayers have to pick up the tabs if there is an accident and hospitalized. we are already picking up the tab for educating their children, picking up the medical tab, picking up the incarceration tab and welfare for their anchor babies. Illegal does not really mean illegal anymore. Lady liberty mush be in tears because she does not beacon Illegal Aliens. It is an insult to immigrants that came through Ellis Island and registered to compare them to Illegal Aliens who jump the fence to avoid registering.
Reason Foundation - Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think
Illegal immigrants contribute a net 80,000 dollars in taxes over their lifetime. Meaning the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in America will contribute 1 trillion more dollars in taxes than they receive in benefits. Illegal immigrants still pay all state/local taxes (including sales and property) while paying some income taxes (some are paid under the table). Since illegal immigrants enter the country during their working years they do not cost the government in education costs. Also sine illegal immigrants are legally unable to get SS, Medicare or other social benefits they do not cost the government any money in those matters.
Reason Foundation - Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think
Illegal immigrants contribute a net 80,000 dollars in taxes over their lifetime. Meaning the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in America will contribute 1 trillion more dollars in taxes than they receive in benefits. Illegal immigrants still pay all state/local taxes (including sales and property) while paying some income taxes (some are paid under the table). Since illegal immigrants enter the country during their working years they do not cost the government in education costs. Also sine illegal immigrants are legally unable to get SS, Medicare or other social benefits they do not cost the government any money in those matters.

They are uneducated low wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any and collect more in education, free healthcare and welfare and incarceration and law enforcement plus they sent $35 billions yearly in stolen goods and welfare beneftit back to Mexico's economy. They have bankfupte 75 hospitals in calif alone.
I can go to the Mexican store on Well Ave and buy out of the back of a car anything i want that have been stolen from employers. If they do not have it,I place myorder. From meat to clothings. Anything.
They collect billion in food stamps, medicaid. public housing subsidies,etc by way of the million of anchor babies.
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Reason Foundation - Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think
Illegal immigrants contribute a net 80,000 dollars in taxes over their lifetime. Meaning the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in America will contribute 1 trillion more dollars in taxes than they receive in benefits. Illegal immigrants still pay all state/local taxes (including sales and property) while paying some income taxes (some are paid under the table). Since illegal immigrants enter the country during their working years they do not cost the government in education costs. Also sine illegal immigrants are legally unable to get SS, Medicare or other social benefits they do not cost the government any money in those matters.

They are uneducated low wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any and collect more in education, free healthcare and welfare
Actually if you look at the data you find they pay more taxes then they get in benefits. But go on with your unsupported ignorant ramble
and incarceration and law enforcement
Illegal immigrants are 5 times less likely to commit a non immigrant related crime then American citizens.
Immigrants and Crime: Are They Connected? A Century of Research Finds that Crime Rates for Immigrants are Lower than for the Native-Born | Immigration Policy Center

plus they sent $35 billions yearly in stolen goods and welfare beneftit back to Mexico's economy.
I see so according to you the earnings of every person int he United states belongs to the United states.
How can immigrants send welfare benefits to Mexico when they can't and dont get welfare.

They collect billion in food stamps, medicaid. public housing subsidies,etc
Actually no they can't get those benefits as I posted. Where ever you're getting your information you should stop going there because everything you've said has turned out to be not true
I believe she is speaking about the benefits that children of illegal immigrants get through WIC, Foodstamps, medicaid etc.

I know illegal immigrants whom collect food stamps because of their American born children and those same kids are also on medicaid. I also know dead beat druggies, women with multiple children and no husband and just plain ol' lazy people who don't care to work that are American born citizens whom collect these benefits as well as, unemployment or welfare or disability.

The persons immigrant status or being born here has nothing to do with the fact of the real problem, which is allowing people to live off the system.

Also illegals are not the only people who use the emergency room as their primary physician, many americans do as well, I know a few americans that go from Hospital to hospital to see who will take them free of charge or a very low cost, that same visit for me without insurance would cost 500 or more just to have a doctor look at me. Not all people do this as there are many walk-in type clinics that usually cost between 100 and 200 for a complete visit with shots or meds for whatever sickness you have. I know many both legal and illegal who use the services.

A person probably can go to the back of some mexican stores and by hot items but please do not let on that illegals are the only people who steal and sell those goods. Again this has nothing to do with an immigration status. A few years back I had people that I personally helped out steal over 2000.00 dollars worth of automotive items from me and they were american born white people. By the way they did resell the stuff and one of them was stupid enough to put a part on their car. That is how they were caught. If it is a real concern as it would be for me I would report these people selling stolen goods.

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