Tax the sick


Jul 14, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - tax the sick[/ame]

By Dick Morris And Eileen McGann 10.8.2009
Faced with a need to scrounge for revenue to fund his plan for health care, President Barack Obama and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus have come up with a brilliant new idea: Tax the sick!

In a new amendment to the health care bill, they propose to limit the deductibility of medical expenses on income taxes.

Now, taxpayers may deduct any medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income. Obama and Baucus want to raise that threshold to 10% as long as the taxpayer is under 65.

Eight million Americans are sick enough and poor enough that they have to pay more than 7.5% of their income in medical expenses. And it is these folks that the liberals Obama and Baucus plan to tax! Six million of them earn less than $75,000 a year!

For a family earning $75,000 a year and facing out-of-pocket medical bills of $7, 500, this proposal would cost them about $600 a year in extra taxes.

And let’s remember who it is that they are taxing. This proposal affects people whose incomes are so limited and whose medical costs are so high that they exceed 7.5% of their pre-tax income.

Their proposal literally hopes to raise $20 billion over ten years by taxing sick people.

The Democrats defend their proposal by saying that it would discourage health care spending. But nobody deliberately spends 7.5% of their income on medical costs unless they are pretty sick and needy.

Obama and Baucus have singled out the sickest among the middle class for this heinous tax. (The poor will not have to pay it because they are eligible for Medicaid). Originally, the Democrats continued their war on the elderly by proposing to tax everyone who spends more than the 7.5% threshold on medical costs. But they retreated when it became clear that six million elderly would be hit with the tax. Now they just sock it to eight million sic k, middle income Americans.

This tax, and their desire to cut Medicare and Medicaid by $500 billion, makes Obama and Baucus unlike any Democrats I have ever known. Democrats, at least when I worked for Clinton, defended the elderly and the sick rather than cut the former and tax the latter.
The Fabian socialists tax the living shit out of the common man they claim so striently to defend.

Sales and excise taxes on tobacco, alcohol, fuel and even groceries fall the heaviest upon those who can least afford to pay them.

The "compassion" of the left isn't just a ruse, it's the most insidious and cynical lie that exists.
Removing the tax cuts of the Bush era isn't an increase in taxes, so therefore, removing this tax write off isn't an increase of taxes.
Right, liberals?????????????
Start spinning.
YouTube - tax the sick

By Dick Morris And Eileen McGann 10.8.2009
Faced with a need to scrounge for revenue to fund his plan for health care, President Barack Obama and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus have come up with a brilliant new idea: Tax the sick!

In a new amendment to the health care bill, they propose to limit the deductibility of medical expenses on income taxes.

Now, taxpayers may deduct any medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income. Obama and Baucus want to raise that threshold to 10% as long as the taxpayer is under 65.

Eight million Americans are sick enough and poor enough that they have to pay more than 7.5% of their income in medical expenses. And it is these folks that the liberals Obama and Baucus plan to tax! Six million of them earn less than $75,000 a year!

For a family earning $75,000 a year and facing out-of-pocket medical bills of $7, 500, this proposal would cost them about $600 a year in extra taxes.

And let’s remember who it is that they are taxing. This proposal affects people whose incomes are so limited and whose medical costs are so high that they exceed 7.5% of their pre-tax income.

Their proposal literally hopes to raise $20 billion over ten years by taxing sick people.

The Democrats defend their proposal by saying that it would discourage health care spending. But nobody deliberately spends 7.5% of their income on medical costs unless they are pretty sick and needy.

Obama and Baucus have singled out the sickest among the middle class for this heinous tax. (The poor will not have to pay it because they are eligible for Medicaid). Originally, the Democrats continued their war on the elderly by proposing to tax everyone who spends more than the 7.5% threshold on medical costs. But they retreated when it became clear that six million elderly would be hit with the tax. Now they just sock it to eight million sic k, middle income Americans.

This tax, and their desire to cut Medicare and Medicaid by $500 billion, makes Obama and Baucus unlike any Democrats I have ever known. Democrats, at least when I worked for Clinton, defended the elderly and the sick rather than cut the former and tax the latter.

YEP. The DemocRATS will BLEED the ones they claim to care about DRY.

Why don't these people wake the HELL UP, and see that the DemocRATS are NOT a friend to the Working class?
The other shoe is dropping, now you see why i kept telling all of you they couldn't pay for this.

They intend for massive tax increases, including a VAT tax which will cream the little guy.
Can someone explain how this bill is "deficit neutral"?

Why are we spending $829 billion to have 20-25 million people still uninsured?

Also, why CBO numbers includes illegals?
Ame®icano;1595472 said:
Can someone explain how this bill is "deficit neutral"?

Why are we spending $829 billion to have 20-25 million people still uninsured?

Also, why CBO numbers includes illegals?

But-But Obama tells us that is DOESN'T insure those that shouldn't BE here...

Is he LYING about that too?
The other shoe is dropping, now you see why i kept telling all of you they couldn't pay for this.

They intend for massive tax increases, including a VAT tax which will cream the little guy.

And these people continue to spend Capital that hasn't been earned YET, much less Been Born...

We are so screwed by these Marxists unless this stops.
The Fabian socialists tax the living shit out of the common man they claim so striently to defend.

Sales and excise taxes on tobacco, alcohol, fuel and even groceries fall the heaviest upon those who can least afford to pay them.

The "compassion" of the left isn't just a ruse, it's the most insidious and cynical lie that exists.

No shit, too bad fishin' wasn't as easy as foolin' these dummies.
Tell them you're going to "get the rich guy", throw in a victim or two, and they get so frothing at the mouth excited that you can pull anything over on 'em. Not to mention they're blind to the fact the ones leading them are part of that "rich guy" group!!
YouTube - tax the sick

By Dick Morris And Eileen McGann 10.8.2009
Faced with a need to scrounge for revenue to fund his plan for health care, President Barack Obama and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus have come up with a brilliant new idea: Tax the sick!

In a new amendment to the health care bill, they propose to limit the deductibility of medical expenses on income taxes.

Now, taxpayers may deduct any medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income. Obama and Baucus want to raise that threshold to 10% as long as the taxpayer is under 65.

Eight million Americans are sick enough and poor enough that they have to pay more than 7.5% of their income in medical expenses. And it is these folks that the liberals Obama and Baucus plan to tax! Six million of them earn less than $75,000 a year!

For a family earning $75,000 a year and facing out-of-pocket medical bills of $7, 500, this proposal would cost them about $600 a year in extra taxes.

And let’s remember who it is that they are taxing. This proposal affects people whose incomes are so limited and whose medical costs are so high that they exceed 7.5% of their pre-tax income.

Their proposal literally hopes to raise $20 billion over ten years by taxing sick people.

The Democrats defend their proposal by saying that it would discourage health care spending. But nobody deliberately spends 7.5% of their income on medical costs unless they are pretty sick and needy.

Obama and Baucus have singled out the sickest among the middle class for this heinous tax. (The poor will not have to pay it because they are eligible for Medicaid). Originally, the Democrats continued their war on the elderly by proposing to tax everyone who spends more than the 7.5% threshold on medical costs. But they retreated when it became clear that six million elderly would be hit with the tax. Now they just sock it to eight million sic k, middle income Americans.

This tax, and their desire to cut Medicare and Medicaid by $500 billion, makes Obama and Baucus unlike any Democrats I have ever known. Democrats, at least when I worked for Clinton, defended the elderly and the sick rather than cut the former and tax the latter.

Tax the sick? Of course..someone has to pay for illegal alien healthcare.

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