Tax cuts for teh very rich

Tax Cuts For The Rich Linked To Income Inequality, Not Economic Growth, Study Finds

More of what we already know -

A new study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has found that over the past 65 years, tax cuts for the rich have not led to economic growth and instead are linked to greater income inequality in the United States.

The study found that cutting taxes for the rich does not increase saving, investment, or productivity growth. "The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie," the study said.

Very nice little graphs at the link.

A classic post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. Also a Single Cause Fallacy.

Let's see if you have the guts to answer my question that every other liberal has run and hid from every time.

If the Clinton era tax rates were such an orgiastic good time for America, why aren't we eliminating ALL the Bush tax cuts?

The Congressional Research Service has withdrawn an economic report that found no correlation between top tax rates and economic growth, a central tenet of conservative economy theory, after Senate Republicans raised concerns about the paper’s findings and wording.

Congressional Research Service Report On Tax Cuts For Wealthy Suppressed By GOP
...Senate Republicans applied pressure to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) in September, successfully persuading it to withdraw a report finding that lowering marginal tax rates for the wealthiest Americans had no effect on economic growth or job creation.
Tax Cuts For The Rich Linked To Income Inequality, Not Economic Growth, Study Finds

More of what we already know -

A new study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has found that over the past 65 years, tax cuts for the rich have not led to economic growth and instead are linked to greater income inequality in the United States.

What mystifies me most is luddly, and others with 'his' mind setl doesn't understand that 'the rich' have already paid INCOME tax. This rant is about capital Gains Tax AND the FACT of WHO had the report yanked.

If the Clinton era tax rates were such an orgiastic good time for America, why aren't we eliminating ALL the Bush tax cuts?


The point of this thread is that the GObP/pubpots LIED.

Why are the rw's ignoring that?
Tax Cuts For The Rich Linked To Income Inequality, Not Economic Growth, Study Finds

More of what we already know -

A new study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has found that over the past 65 years, tax cuts for the rich have not led to economic growth and instead are linked to greater income inequality in the United States.

What mystifies me most is luddly, and others with 'his' mind setl doesn't understand that 'the rich' have already paid INCOME tax. This rant is about capital Gains Tax AND the FACT of WHO had the report yanked.


Please show me where even one person has said anything even remotely similar to that.

The point of the articles and of this thread is that the GObP/pubpots LIED.

Why are rw's ignoring that?
When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners.

Since the Republicans have been insisting on lowering taxes for years, aren't they the ones largely responsible for creating the 47%?

nope, since liberals have had the war on poverty and great society.....isnt their supposed to be no 47%?

The 47% aren't necessarily poor, just not paying income taxes, largely due to the tax-cutting efforts of Republicans for which they're now bashing them. HYPOCRITES!!!
The 47% includes many retired, military, RICH etc.- but if you include ALL taxes and fees, the poorest pay 12%, and the middle class pays MORE than the richest's EFFECTIVE 17%, not to mention the EFFECTIVE corporate 12%...

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