Tax cuts for teh very rich

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Tax Cuts For The Rich Linked To Income Inequality, Not Economic Growth, Study Finds

More of what we already know -

A new study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has found that over the past 65 years, tax cuts for the rich have not led to economic growth and instead are linked to greater income inequality in the United States.

The study found that cutting taxes for the rich does not increase saving, investment, or productivity growth. "The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie," the study said.

Very nice little graphs at the link.
Anti-Obama Flier Invoking Hurricane Sandy Reportedly Released By Americans For Tax Reform

"We've seen storms in Virginia, but none like this ..." reads the flier. "Barack Obama's policies have added $4 billion in debt each day he's been in office. Americans can't afford this debt."

Problem, as we see here, there are people who actually believe these lies.

Norquist has said that all the GObP needs is a dumb robot who can hold a pen and sign what they tell him to sign. There are some American voters who are helping them to get exactly that.

Really shabby for this slime to use people's tragedy this way. They don't want to help the victims of disasters but they sure as hell don't mind politicizing it. Just like Mitt who went right on campaigning while pretending he wasn't campaigning.
Income inequality hits children...
Inequality 'highest for 20 years' - Save The Children
31 October 2012 - Save The Children says inequality harms children's life chances
Global inequalities in wealth are at their highest level for 20 years and are growing, according to a new report by Save The Children. While the charity acknowledges progress has been made in goals such as reducing child mortality, the report says this has been uneven across income groups. Continuing inequality could hinder further progress in improving living standards, the charity says.

The report comes ahead of a meeting of a high-level UN panel on poverty. "In recent decades the world has made dramatic progress in cutting child deaths and improving opportunities for children; we are now reaching a tipping point where preventable child deaths could be eradicated in our lifetime," Save the Children's chief executive, Justin Forsyth, said. "Unless inequality is addressed... any future development framework will simply not succeed in maintaining or accelerating progress. What's more, it will hold individual countries - and the world - back from experiencing real growth and prosperity," Mr Forsyth added.

Save The Children's researchers found that in most of the 32 developing countries they looked at, the rich had increased their share of national income since the 1990s. In a fifth of the countries, the incomes of the poorest had fallen over the same period. The gap has become particularly pronounced among children and affects their well-being as well as causing disparities in several key indicators, the charity says. For example, it notes that in Tanzania, child mortality in the richest fifth of the population fell from 135 to 90 per 1,000 births over the research period, while the poorest fifth saw hardly any progress with a modest fall of 140 to 137 per 1,000 births.

BBC News - Inequality 'highest for 20 years' - Save The Children
Huffo Puffo Fluffo

When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners...

Huffo Puffo Fluffo

When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners...


Another wannabe ultra rich person. How many hundreds of millions are you short there Diamond?

And Mitt wants to cut taxes by 20% across the board. How will that make the evil 47% then be obligated to pay more Federal Income tax?

You know what DD. If Mittens tax rate paid (14.9%) is indicative of what all the ultra rich are paying, I think the poor and the rich are paying at about the same withholding rate.
Thing is the poor get theirs back (what maybe 2 to 3 thousand dollars) and the ultra rich get to keep their tens of millions of dollars.

I am sure that sounds about "right" to you.

Think you could get any ultra rich to trade places with the poor person that is getting back their entire Federal Income tax withholding? You know, it is such a good deal for the poor,
who wouldn't want to trade places.
Huffo Puffo Fluffo

When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners...


Another wannabe ultra rich person. How many hundreds of millions are you short there Diamond?

And Mitt wants to cut taxes by 20% across the board. How will that make the evil 47% then be obligated to pay more Federal Income tax?

You know what DD. If Mittens tax rate paid (14.9%) is indicative of what all the ultra rich are paying, I think the poor and the rich are paying at about the same withholding rate.
Thing is the poor get theirs back (what maybe 2 to 3 thousand dollars) and the ultra rich get to keep their tens of millions of dollars.

I am sure that sounds about "right" to you.

Think you could get any ultra rich to trade places with the poor person that is getting back their entire Federal Income tax withholding? You know, it is such a good deal for the poor,
who wouldn't want to trade places.

Mitt had capital gains... I pay 15% on my capital gains as well...

There is NO CITIZEN that should be exempt from federal income tax... you want equality in outcome.. I want equality in treatment... I don't care if you make $10 or $10000000000
When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners.

Since the Republicans have been insisting on lowering taxes for years, aren't they the ones largely responsible for creating the 47%?
When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners.

Since the Republicans have been insisting on lowering taxes for years, aren't they the ones largely responsible for creating the 47%?

nope, since liberals have had the war on poverty and great society.....isnt their supposed to be no 47%?
When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners.

Since the Republicans have been insisting on lowering taxes for years, aren't they the ones largely responsible for creating the 47%?

Not true.

You'll have to look into who signed all the bogus deductions and tax credits into law
Tax Cuts For The Rich Linked To Income Inequality, Not Economic Growth, Study Finds

More of what we already know -

A new study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has found that over the past 65 years, tax cuts for the rich have not led to economic growth and instead are linked to greater income inequality in the United States.

The study found that cutting taxes for the rich does not increase saving, investment, or productivity growth. "The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie," the study said.

Very nice little graphs at the link.

Cut everyone's taxes but you cant handle that because of your bitter class envy.
Huffo Puffo Fluffo

When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners...


Another wannabe ultra rich person. How many hundreds of millions are you short there Diamond?

And Mitt wants to cut taxes by 20% across the board. How will that make the evil 47% then be obligated to pay more Federal Income tax?

You know what DD. If Mittens tax rate paid (14.9%) is indicative of what all the ultra rich are paying, I think the poor and the rich are paying at about the same withholding rate.
Thing is the poor get theirs back (what maybe 2 to 3 thousand dollars) and the ultra rich get to keep their tens of millions of dollars.

I am sure that sounds about "right" to you.

Think you could get any ultra rich to trade places with the poor person that is getting back their entire Federal Income tax withholding? You know, it is such a good deal for the poor,
who wouldn't want to trade places.

It's amazing how the Rich have been able to train so many of the not-Rich to defend the Rich,

isn't it?
Huffo Puffo Fluffo

When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners...


Another wannabe ultra rich person. How many hundreds of millions are you short there Diamond?

And Mitt wants to cut taxes by 20% across the board. How will that make the evil 47% then be obligated to pay more Federal Income tax?

You know what DD. If Mittens tax rate paid (14.9%) is indicative of what all the ultra rich are paying, I think the poor and the rich are paying at about the same withholding rate.
Thing is the poor get theirs back (what maybe 2 to 3 thousand dollars) and the ultra rich get to keep their tens of millions of dollars.

I am sure that sounds about "right" to you.

Think you could get any ultra rich to trade places with the poor person that is getting back their entire Federal Income tax withholding? You know, it is such a good deal for the poor,
who wouldn't want to trade places.

It's amazing how the Rich have been able to train so many of the not-Rich to defend the Rich,

isn't it?

Amazing that those of us in the top 5% do not exist to pay your way because you feel it is unfair that you have to pay anything at all.. and that we call for equal treatment still while you whine and support the very progressive system that will rape you more and more as more people get on the government tit that is designed to keep them there

Nobody is saying I would make more swapping positions with 'the poor'... what is being said is that I do not exist to pay your way in any degree... my dollar $175K should be treated no differently than your dollar $175 just because I have it 'easier' in your subjective eyes
Another wannabe ultra rich person. How many hundreds of millions are you short there Diamond?

And Mitt wants to cut taxes by 20% across the board. How will that make the evil 47% then be obligated to pay more Federal Income tax?

You know what DD. If Mittens tax rate paid (14.9%) is indicative of what all the ultra rich are paying, I think the poor and the rich are paying at about the same withholding rate.
Thing is the poor get theirs back (what maybe 2 to 3 thousand dollars) and the ultra rich get to keep their tens of millions of dollars.

I am sure that sounds about "right" to you.

Think you could get any ultra rich to trade places with the poor person that is getting back their entire Federal Income tax withholding? You know, it is such a good deal for the poor,
who wouldn't want to trade places.

It's amazing how the Rich have been able to train so many of the not-Rich to defend the Rich,

isn't it?

Amazing that those of us in the top 5% do not exist to pay your way because you feel it is unfair that you have to pay anything at all.. and that we call for equal treatment still while you whine and support the very progressive system that will rape you more and more as more people get on the government tit that is designed to keep them there

Nobody is saying I would make more swapping positions with 'the poor'... what is being said is that I do not exist to pay your way in any degree... my dollar $175K should be treated no differently than your dollar $175 just because I have it 'easier' in your subjective eyes

If the leeches had it their way, we'd all have our income tattooed on our foreheads and the cost of everything we buy would be based on that.

Why should someone pay 200 bucks for a VCR if they make a million a year after all they can afford more so they should pay more.

So called progressive "logic" in action.
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The reason Liberals prefer to associate with like-minded people is because their politically correct, but illogical, talking points are rarely challenged. For example, since when is retaining current tax rates a tax cut? Another example is "income inequality hurts children." According to that reasoning, it is preferable to have everyone earn $40,000 per year than it is to have some make $100,000 per year and the rest making $50,000 per year. Personally, I don't care if Bill Gates makes $1 billion per year, since he has created thousands of good paying jobs for the rest of us
Seems like this social justice shit means that those who are successfull should take care of those that aren't.
When the lower incomes pay the same rate as the 'evil rich' on their higher dollars earned, or when suddenly ~47% of the population starts actually paying federal income tax, then you can fucking complain if the 'evil rich' get their tax rates cut to be below that of the lowest earners.

Since the Republicans have been insisting on lowering taxes for years, aren't they the ones largely responsible for creating the 47%?

nope, since liberals have had the war on poverty and great society.....isnt their supposed to be no 47%?

Yeah, but you have to give it time. It all adds up to trillions of dollars over several decades, and I'm real sure it's gonna kick in any time now, so soon the 47% will be...poof!
Seems like this social justice shit means that those who are successfull should take care of those that aren't.

And if people want to voluntarily do that... Applause all around.. a great personal decision, great personal sacrifice, and a great way to live your life

To be forced to do it via government is a whole different animal

I may be a charitable guy, and I may not like someone very much who snubs their nose at the truly downtrodden.... but I respect their freedom to be selfish pricks in this country.. and they should not be forced to pay the way of another, help another, or help equalize the outcome of another because people think it is 'fair' or whatever else.. with freedom comes both positives and negatives.. but I would rather have the freedom than the control of government 'compassion'
Tax Cuts For The Rich Linked To Income Inequality, Not Economic Growth, Study Finds

More of what we already know -

A new study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has found that over the past 65 years, tax cuts for the rich have not led to economic growth and instead are linked to greater income inequality in the United States.

The study found that cutting taxes for the rich does not increase saving, investment, or productivity growth. "The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie," the study said.

Very nice little graphs at the link.

Actually, the study doesn't say any of that, HUffPO says that in it's usual liberal biased way. If you actually drill down to the study, it uses words like APPEARS, and SUGGESTS, and NOT CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. Which may or may not be the whole truth, because there are other factors besides tax rates that influence economic growth. One cannot definitively say that in and of itself a change in tax rates one way or another can cause a rise or drop in economic growth; there may be some times when the effect is more pronounced than others though. And there are periods of time when the entire nation was in a very positive frame of mind and it was time to work and make money, so a higher tax rate might not have been as big a factor as a situation like today, with our high debt/deficits and uncertain outlook. However, it's hard to argue that the 2003 Bush tax cuts didn't play some role in the nice little spurt in economic growth from 2003 - 2007.

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