Targeted brain erasure?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
At the risk of post OFN
"Targeted memory erasure is no longer limited to the realm of science fiction," the research team headed by Joe Tsien, from the Brain and Behaviour Discovery Institute at the Medical College of Georgia, said in the new issue of Cell Press magazine.
The new technique, which the team stress is at a very early stage, could be applied one day to the human brain to erase... memories

Scientists perfect memory-erasing | World Breaking News |
Totalitarian regimes around the world just pissed their pants in excitement. Technology like this has no business being in the hands of a government and should be used solely for consensual psychological treatment.
Totalitarian regimes around the world just pissed their pants in excitement. Technology like this has no business being in the hands of a government and should be used solely for consensual psychological treatment.

like lsd.............
I refuse to give up memories until someone can replace them with memories I'll like better.
Totalitarian regimes around the world just pissed their pants in excitement. Technology like this has no business being in the hands of a government and should be used solely for consensual psychological treatment.
That was my first thought...but this is a far better option than "Kill all the witnesses."
I refuse to give up memories until someone can replace them with memories I'll like better.

But what if we need those bad memories? Lessons learned and all that?
Ever see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? I hear it was good, though I've yet to watch it

Yes, but it was a while back. I would like to get rid of regrets, but I certainly wouldn't want to make the mistakes of youth all over again or lose the wisdom that comes with experience.
Frankly, I see positives to this.

Like when you've had to much to drink the night before, and you roll over and you see someone lying beside you, and you really, really, really, really wish she wasn't there...
At the risk of post OFN
"Targeted memory erasure is no longer limited to the realm of science fiction," the research team headed by Joe Tsien, from the Brain and Behaviour Discovery Institute at the Medical College of Georgia, said in the new issue of Cell Press magazine.
The new technique, which the team stress is at a very early stage, could be applied one day to the human brain to erase... memories

Scientists perfect memory-erasing | World Breaking News |

Karl Rove and Fox News perfected that technique years ago!

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