tales from the apairy


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i was minding my own business....man has been building a electric fence...around bee hives....needed to cut down a tree...man wanders in...."come help me" ....me...."no, get one of the guys"...man..."no come help me..they cant get here before dark"...me..."what do you want?" man..."just for you to pull on a tree"...now i have done this a hundred times....i pull on the rope that pulls the tree in a certain direction...so off we go...he is running the chain saw warming it up...(shades of texas chainsaw massacre here) i look at tree with rope in it...innocently going "you want me to pull this uphill?" man..."sure no problem just make it tilt that way"....i go to rope and begin to walk uphill and tighten the rope around my body and lean into rope...works...right? he beings to cut the tree....the tree begins to fall...towards the apairy..and their aint nothing i can do ...as the rope whips around my body and out of my hands...and the tree lands smack on the apairy..hitting a row of hives.....i immediately in horror...begin to tell him i am sorry...i get the....you are such a girl look...i mean totally....no ...are you alright?...etc...just that "you are such a girl look" he is totally pissed....i run down the hill towards the hives....the hives have taken a direct hit....and now all minds...well mine ..was on damage control...he was still cursing loudly...we both go towards the hives...expecting major damage...one hive is knocked down..but the bees are not angry yet....so we go to the house and put on protective gear...return to the hives...and begin to cut the tree out as much as we can with lopers. one hive has been knocked over but we were able to replace the bottom board and restack the boxes...

realizing i have failed by being a girl...i go into the house and bake an apple pie...man comes in a hour or so later....says he was the idiot for not looking at the whole thing a bit closer....and how it was all his fault....i think i was forgiven for being a girl.

no stings....apple tree is down....apairy is well no worse for the wear...
realizing i have failed by being a girl...i go into the house and bake an apple pie...man comes in a hour or so later....says he was the idiot for not looking at the whole thing a bit closer....and how it was all his fault....i think i was forgiven for being a girl.

Forgive them, Father.
They know not why they ovulate.

Jesus said that, I think.

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