Taking Arrogance To New and Dangerous Heights


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Some people will never learn. Interesting isn't it, that those who keep throwing the word 'facism' around, are reflecting that very thing. Links at site:


tuesday, june 21, 2005

Echoes of Nazism from Seattle MSM

The “eugenics” trope was used by Nazi Germany to dehumanize Jews and other groups deemed “subhuman,” by nature of their “defective” genetic material.

And now the American far left, given a voice by mainstream media in Seattle and supported by “studies” from leftist “think tanks,” has come up with their own version of eugenics: Ken Schram Commentary: Just Born The ‘Right’ Way? (Hat tip: FlyingTigress.)

According to a new study published in the American Political Science Review, being politically conservative is, in part, a matter or genetics.

I’ve long wondered how an otherwise seemingly rational person could adhere so strictly to stilted ideologies; how they could be so consistently willing to smother a sense of social well-being.

It’s merely a matter of having been dumped in the shallow end of the gene pool.

They’re sorta like the puppy who piddles in the middle of the floor: They just don’t know any better.

To be sure, the study says that how someone is raised may determine their political party affiliation, but it’s genetics that appears to set one on a philosophically conservative course.

To me, that helps explain why PBS threatens their intellect, or why they are so at peace with going to war.

It’s not that conservatives mean to favor the rich over the poor and middle class.

And it’s not that they’d rather drill for oil than preserve the environment.

Because it’s not really their fault.

They’re just born that way.
UPDATE at 6/21/05 9:49:56 pm:

More on this genetic pseudo-validation of the far left’s superiority complex, at (where else?) the New York Times: Some Politics May Be Etched in the Genes.

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