Take Action Against Syria and Iran - Now

Mar 18, 2004
Well, not now.


Very soon.

We cannot succeed in Iraq with the Baathists in Syria and the mullahs in Iran. We need to take action against these two terrorist sponsors soon.

Bush must start talking about these states... beating the drums, if you will.

Take this quote for example:

"Iraq is not the war. And the war is a regional war; and we cannot be successful in Iraq if we only do Iraq alone. And I think that the terror countries bordering Iraq—namely, Iran and Syria—know that. I think that Saddam's plan was to disappear into Syria, as Osama bin Laden disappeared into Iran ... in the middle of the Afghan war. I think that the Iranians and the Syrians fully intend to do everything in their power to destabilize our efforts in Iraq once the war is over and once we're in stable positions on the ground."

That was Michael Ledeen, a think tanker of Richard Perle. He was wrong about Saddam going to Syria but he's right that they are trying to destabilize our efforts.

Syria and Iran are at war with us. They are at war with us in Iraq. We need to take action against both states... one right after the other.


- Funding al-Sadr
- Has WMD
- Has nuclear program
- Funds Hezbollah
- Funds Hamas
- Funds Islamic Jihad
- Dictatorship
- Is giving shelter to al-Qaeda (Said al-Adel)


- Probably has WMD
- Funds Hezbollah
- Funds Hamas
- Funds Islamic Jihad
- Dictatorship

The next time there's a major terrorist attack in Iraq by a Syrian or Iranian backed terrorist, we must take action against them immediantly. To succeed in Iraq.

Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan would be four democratic regimes all in a row.
What do you propose we do? we do happen to have alot of troops deployed already. I know we could probably do it but it would take alot of planning. I am just not as sure its all as feasible as it sound exactly at this moment. Maybe after we reduce some troops in North Korea and Germany.
Uhhh...Yeah...Right. Invade Syria and Iran which have viable and essentially modern militaries, unlike Iraq which was essentially destroyed in Guf War I and only marginally rebuilt prior to Dubbyuh's dirty little war. Invade Syria and Iran when our forces are already stretched thin and are barely able to maintain even a semblance of control in Iraq.

Syria and Iran were begining to lean towards moderation in their politics until Dubbyuh, dangerous waterhead that he is, started babbling about his "Axis of Evil". Now, Iran is leaning back towards radical Islam and Syria is being backed into a corner. Not very effing bright on the part of Dubbyuh and his neo-con cabal...But we really shouldn't expect much else from them.
Originally posted by Bully
Syria and Iran were begining to lean towards moderation in their politics until Dubbyuh, dangerous waterhead that he is, started babbling about his "Axis of Evil". Now, Iran is leaning back towards radical Islam and Syria is being backed into a corner. Not very effing bright on the part of Dubbyuh and his neo-con cabal...But we really shouldn't expect much else from them.

Not sure what planet you're residing in Bully, but Iran has a history pre-dating 9/11 of letting the students protest, then rounding them up, for the most part not being heard of again. Kind of reminds me of China awhile back.

Syria? Hmmm, implicated in the NK train explosion, NOW I 'SUPPOSE' IT'S POSSIBLE THE SYRIANS WERE THERE ON VACATION, BUT I DOUBT IT:

A military source familiar with Korean Peninsula
affairs revealed on 6 May that Syrian technicians were
killed in a train explosion incident that occurred on
22 April in Yongch'on in the northwestern part of the
DPRK and that the damage was especially serious in
that section of the train where the Syrians were
aboard, along with large equipment. The same source
noted that although the contents of the equipment are
unknown, DPRK military-related personnel wearing
protective suits arrived on the scene immediately
after the explosion and removed debris only from that
section of the train where the Syrian group had been
aboard. Consequently, there is a strong likelihood
that the accident occurred when military materials
were being secretly transported between the DPRK and

According to the same source, the technicians aboard
the train had been sent from the Syrian technical
research center called Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche
Scientific (CERS). Although CERS was established to
promote science and technology development, it is
suspected of playing a major role in Syria's weapons
of mass destruction development program.

The technicians and the cargo were reportedly aboard
the same section of the train. The same source said it
was uncertain whether the cargo was the source of the
explosion or whether it exploded after being set off
by an explosion on another section of the train. The
source then said, "The damage to that section of the
train was the most serious," noting that nearly 10
Syrians and accompanying North Koreans were killed.

The bodies of the Syrians were carried onto and
transported home on 1 May by a Syrian aircraft, which
had come to Pyongyang to deliver aid supplies.

Syrian and DPRK medical and military personnel who
were involved in transporting [the Syrians and other
victims] were also reportedly wearing protective suits
similar to those worn by the DPRK military personnel
who arrived on the scene immediately after the

The same source said, "The action taken by Syria and
the DPRK indicates that the cargo was top secret
matter, which the two countries did not want to bring
out into the open." With regard to the DPRK and Syria,
the United States and other countries have indicated
concern that the two countries are continuing to
cooperate in the development of Syria's "Scud-D"
missiles, as well as chemical and biological weapons.

Concerning the cause of the explosion incident, the
DPRK has explained that a train carrying fertilizer
containing ammonium nitrate and a railroad tank
carrying petroleum were being shunted, and, in the
process, came into contact with electrical wires, due
to carelessness.

[Description of Source: Tokyo Sankei Shimbun (Internet
version-WWW) -- Internet version of daily newspaper
published by Fuji Sankei Communications Group]
I have to agree with Bully on this one, calling them the axis of evil wasn't exactly the best way to keep the peace. I agree they may not be the most peaceful of countries, but neither are we anymore. They've said it a million times on every news station that we're going to be inhabiting iraq for a LONG time, easily five years. We're not goin to pull troops from north korea or other hot spots, so bully was right. Also, to say lets invade every country we SUSPECT of having ties to terrorist networks and WMD we'd be invading the entire middle east. We can't go around invading everyone, especially without finishing afghanistan and iraq. Two wars is enough thank you...
I seriously have to question the sanity of anyone who think the extremists in Syria and Iran are heading toward moderation. The government in Iran would never let a moderate voice in. The people on the other hand are very reasonable. When reporters asked some of the citizens what they thought of Bush's axis of evil comments, they said he was right because the Iranian government is evil.
posted by the Worried One
I have to agree with Bully on this one, calling them the axis of evil wasn't exactly the best way to keep the peace. I agree they may not be the most peaceful of countries, but neither are we anymore. They've said it a million times on every news station that we're going to be inhabiting iraq for a LONG time, easily five years. We're not goin to pull troops from north korea or other hot spots, so bully was right. Also, to say lets invade every country we SUSPECT of having ties to terrorist networks and WMD we'd be invading the entire middle east. We can't go around invading everyone, especially without finishing afghanistan and iraq. Two wars is enough thank you...

Calling them the Axis of Evil was exactly right, too bad the administration seems to have lost that focus. WE did not become less than peaceful until 9/11, about 15 years late in responding, but once that happened there could be no mistake that WE WERE responding.

Wake up you doofus's. There are people who mean to annihilate us. Spend a minute or two talking to them, go ahead, if they seem like they really want to converse, then go at it full throttle. If not...let us use what we have, they theirs.
It doesn't matter, they didn't invade us, they didn't do anything! For us to invade them just because we don't like their government is insane! Let us invade Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, China, shit, lets just say 3/4 of the globe...we cannot just go into a country because they aren't for us, we need real reasons, and no more of this, WMD crap that we found not to be true in Iraq!

"But that's the American Way"
Originally posted by The Worried One
It doesn't matter, they didn't invade us, they didn't do anything! For us to invade them just because we don't like their government is insane! Let us invade Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, China, shit, lets just say 3/4 of the globe...we cannot just go into a country because they aren't for us, we need real reasons, and no more of this, WMD crap that we found not to be true in Iraq!

"But that's the American Way"

Right, they didn't do anything. You ignor the facts from the Czech Republic. You ignor the findings from our troops with Syria.

I grant you that Saddam did not put the hijackers there 9/11, but he was complicit. Heh, heh, I wouldn't have thought so 6 months ago, but unlike you, I can read and comprehend.

Skip Cuba, Castro will die. Iran, Syria, NK, should all be on the board. China? Hmmm, even I think we might be going to far to strike there. We have ideological differences, but they had NOTHING to do with 9/11, nor terrorism in general. Get with the 21st C.
Terrorists are everyone sweetheart! Its just another way for the republican party to get what they want done, including invading foreign countries. If we were gunna go after the people involved in 9/11 why aren't we in Saudi Arabia...17 of them were from there right??? But no, they're giving us oil!

"But that's the American Way"
I agree, Sugar, we should be in Saudi Arabia, 19 of 20 were Saudis.
Nah, had more to do with a significant portion of the populace and an ugly dictator. SA is a 'friendly' dictatorship/monarchy with an ignorant religious populace.
FOX just reported on the story that has been floating about Syrians being on that train that "mysteriously" blew up in North Korea....

"Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap . . ." (Isaiah 17:1 KJV)

Let's just assume that the story out of Japan about the Syrians being on that train are true.... I will assume that will not bode well within the current administration if it comes to light that the two countries (North Korea and Syria) are working jointly on a nuke or some other WMD.....

If we then follow thru on our declarations and attack Syria, the above verse from the Bible will just be one more prophecy filled.

I was raised in a Christian home but never was (or am today) very "Christian". But I gotta tell ya, some of this stuff is starting to hit to close to home!
Originally posted by freeandfun1
FOX just reported on the story that has been floating about Syrians being on that train that "mysteriously" blew up in North Korea....

"Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap . . ." (Isaiah 17:1 KJV)

Let's just assume that the story out of Japan about the Syrians being on that train are true.... I will assume that will not bode well within the current administration if it comes to light that the two countries (North Korea and Syria) are working jointly on a nuke or some other WMD.....

If we then follow thru on our declarations and attack Syria, the above verse from the Bible will just be one more prophecy filled.

I was raised in a Christian home but never was (or am today) very "Christian". But I gotta tell ya, some of this stuff is starting to hit to close to home!

Isaiah is interesting isnt he? his prophecies have a dual nature that tend to apply to several different times in the same three verses.

When we found Saddam in the pit it reminded me of Isaiah 14. the fall of Babylon and lucifer. Its just interesting how Iraq is modern Babylon and the reaction when we found him was pretty much the same.

"15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;"

Its just interesting how those verses seemed to come to mind when we found Saddam.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Bully, first if you read the initil post it said "not now" so I dont think anyone is talking about opening multible fronts!
Truthfully Iraq was to have one of the better militaries in that region! and the resemblance of control is really a poor statement as there is terrorists pouring from the very countries you are somewhat praising! really now, they are just staring to lean back to there radical way's after being tabbed the "axis of evil"? C'mon Bully even you should now they all are terrorist supported countries! If you are going to bash Bush that's your choice, but please man, stop saying that these are countries of peaceful intentions!

While the talk may not be about opening multiple fronts, it is still jingoistic nonsense. Imperial America indeed.

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