Swiss dining, Hannibal Lecter style.......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — Police in Slovakia say they've foiled a bizarre case of attempted cannibalism after shooting a man who allegedly planned to kill and eat a Swiss citizen he met online.

Stampede! C'mon — what's not to like?
Hoof it over to Facebook to join the weird news herd.
..The suspect, whose identity was not released, was shot five times in a gunbattle with officers on Tuesday, police said. A police officer also was injured.

Investigators say the suspect used the Internet to search for a person who wanted to commit suicide or be killed and would agree to let him eat the body. A Swiss man initially agreed but later changed his mind and informed authorities, police said.

"He (the Swiss citizen) wanted to die, and agreed to have his body quartered and subsequently consumed by a person whose identity we did not know," Interior Minister Daniel Lipšic told media at a briefing, The Slovak Spectator reported.

An undercover officer who pretended to be the would-be victim agreed to meet the suspect near Kysak on Tuesday, as agreed, police said.

Police: Would-be cannibalism foiled in shootout - World news - Weird news -

Sucks when your dinner changes it's mind, eh?


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