Swedish Socialism


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The problem using Sweden as an example of a socialist model that works?
Sweden ainā€™t socialist

Democratic socialists like Bolshevik Bernie Sanders and Karla Marx (LOL) (AOC) can no longer point to Venezuela as a socialist model that works because it failed so miserably, so they now hold up Sweden, Denmark, and Norway as their preferred examples of democratic socialism that supposedly works.

If Sanders and Ocasioā€Cortez really want to turn America into Sweden, what would that look like? For the United States, it would mean, for example:

1. More free trade

2. A more deregulated product market

3. No Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

4. The abolition of occupational licensing and minimum wage laws

5. The abolition of taxes on property, gifts, and inheritance

6. Even after the recent tax cut, America would still have to slightly reduce its corporate tax

7. America would need to reform Social Security from defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts

8. The US would also need to adopt a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same perā€pupil funding as public ones.

If this is socialism, call me comrade.

Sweden is not socialist nor does it work.

What part of "land of the free" is hard to understand? Well, every part for an immigrant. The only reason we are headed towards the anti-American way is because we have let so many democrat voting immigrants in.
The problem using Sweden as an example of a socialist model that works?
Sweden ainā€™t socialist

Democratic socialists like Bolshevik Bernie Sanders and Karla Marx (LOL) (AOC) can no longer point to Venezuela as a socialist model that works because it failed so miserably, so they now hold up Sweden, Denmark, and Norway as their preferred examples of democratic socialism that supposedly works.

If Sanders and Ocasioā€Cortez really want to turn America into Sweden, what would that look like? For the United States, it would mean, for example:

1. More free trade

2. A more deregulated product market

3. No Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

4. The abolition of occupational licensing and minimum wage laws

5. The abolition of taxes on property, gifts, and inheritance

6. Even after the recent tax cut, America would still have to slightly reduce its corporate tax

7. America would need to reform Social Security from defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts

8. The US would also need to adopt a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same perā€pupil funding as public ones.

If this is socialism, call me comrade.

America is surrounded by socialism. It makes our lives better.


75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
I don't know that much about Swedish socialism, but Swedish oatmeal is amazing.
just wait until a coronavirus vaccine comes to fruition - we'll see socialism in all its finest kick in with people lining up in droves for it.
The problem using Sweden as an example of a socialist model that works?
Sweden ainā€™t socialist

Democratic socialists like Bolshevik Bernie Sanders and Karla Marx (LOL) (AOC) can no longer point to Venezuela as a socialist model that works because it failed so miserably, so they now hold up Sweden, Denmark, and Norway as their preferred examples of democratic socialism that supposedly works.

If Sanders and Ocasioā€Cortez really want to turn America into Sweden, what would that look like? For the United States, it would mean, for example:

1. More free trade

2. A more deregulated product market

3. No Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

4. The abolition of occupational licensing and minimum wage laws

5. The abolition of taxes on property, gifts, and inheritance

6. Even after the recent tax cut, America would still have to slightly reduce its corporate tax

7. America would need to reform Social Security from defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts

8. The US would also need to adopt a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same perā€pupil funding as public ones.

If this is socialism, call me comrade.

America is surrounded by socialism. It makes our lives better.


75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Is it so hard for you to grasp that there is more than one way to help people? If a government is corrupt, wasteful and agenda-driven, then how is making the government bigger and more powerful a smart thing to do? You sound like a paid shill.
The problem using Sweden as an example of a socialist model that works?
Sweden ainā€™t socialist

Democratic socialists like Bolshevik Bernie Sanders and Karla Marx (LOL) (AOC) can no longer point to Venezuela as a socialist model that works because it failed so miserably, so they now hold up Sweden, Denmark, and Norway as their preferred examples of democratic socialism that supposedly works.

If Sanders and Ocasioā€Cortez really want to turn America into Sweden, what would that look like? For the United States, it would mean, for example:

1. More free trade

2. A more deregulated product market

3. No Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

4. The abolition of occupational licensing and minimum wage laws

5. The abolition of taxes on property, gifts, and inheritance

6. Even after the recent tax cut, America would still have to slightly reduce its corporate tax

7. America would need to reform Social Security from defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts

8. The US would also need to adopt a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same perā€pupil funding as public ones.

If this is socialism, call me comrade.

America is surrounded by socialism. It makes our lives better.


75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Is it so hard for you to grasp that there is more than one way to help people? If a government is corrupt, wasteful and agenda-driven, then how is making the government bigger and more powerful a smart thing to do? You sound like a paid shill.
Nah ā€¦ she's just an idiot.
just wait until a coronavirus vaccine comes to fruition - we'll see socialism in all its finest kick in with people lining up in droves for it.
Yes! Root for death and pandemics!!!

soooooooo.......... having faith that we will eventually have a vaccine & that it will be available to the general population free of charge is rooting for death & a pandemic?

go back to school & take a remedial reading comp class.

i remember the swine flu way back in elementary school, & the H1N1 virus about 10 yrs ago ... the big bad intrusive gov'ment gave the vaccines pretty efficiently & nobody got a bill.

those damn socialists!

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