Suspected sex abuse of family? Please I need advice.

Number one issue: How is it fucking possible that TWO girls could BOTH get herpes without contact, if such a condition exists, even???? You should know- neither of the girls have oral herpes, so there is no way that they could have transferred the sores from the mouth to their own genitals.

Since Issue number one is so blatantly SCREAMING at me that they have been or are being sexually abused, then the real question is- AM I CRAZY HERE OR IS MY SUSPICION OF THIS TYPE OF ABUSE GOING ON RATIONAL??

Here are the pros and cons that have made me hesitant to call police and ask for an investigation to be launched:

While I have absolutely NO doubt you are a kind and very loving aunt, I think your hysteria is showing here.

#1. A DOCTOR (a REQUIRED abuse reporter) has diagnosed these girls with herpees simplex virus. He DID NOT see fit to REPORT abuse here--and he could lose his license if he didn't report suspected abuse, so obviously he sees a situation you don't.

#2. There IS a herpes simplex virus you can get "down there" that is NOT genital herpes. If either girl had a cold sore on her lip and then touched HER OWN nether regions before washing her hands, she could have easily transmitted the virus "down there".

You failed to read (or maybe remember) the part where I said that neither girl has oral herpes. Oh and I forgot to mention that my the mother has has oral herpes her whole life, caused by kissing her own mother who had the oral kind. I have never seen either one of the girls with a fever blister, so this is doubtful, as well.

#3. These girls are two years apart. Probably share a room (me and my 2 years younger sister did). She came down with pin worms. So did I. Nobody abused us. Close proximity breeds disease with young children.

They have separate rooms. Its a split floor plan, and no room is even barriered by a wall to another bedroom, with the exception of the guest room, which shares a wall with the master bedroom. In any event, sharing a room is not a way for EITHER ONE of them to contract genital herpes.

Auntie, you need to STEP OFF before you ruin these little girls' lives, having them taken from their parent(s) and put in child services foster care. Beyond that you will destroy what little relationship you have left with their mother, and after the investigation concludes you'll never see these children again when they are returned home.

I promise you that will be the ONLY outcome of any "investigation" you launch.

I know. I have seen a similar scenario played out in my own family--DFACS concluded NO abuse took place, closed the case and the mother and children involved haven't spoken to the reporter in years. It's been almost 5 years since the reporter has even had a PICTURE of these children.

So tread carefully before you go there. :eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand:

I have been pondering this for MONTHS, not minutes like you. I know the outcome potential, and I know that I could get custody of them, if need be. They would NOT go to foster care.

Ah the holy grail. Finally.

Thanks for being honest.

YOU WANT CUSTODY. But hun, that's not how it works. The REPORTER doesn't GET custody. Just to keep proceedings honest, they give custody to a disintersted third party. Dumbshit.

We had a "concerned reporter" just like you. She has one child and can't have any more. She claimed to "love" my kids and she saw "abuse" at every turn.

In truth, she just wanted more kids. She reported her "suspicions". DFACS did an investigation and almost immediately concluded she was a power-hungry bitch with control issues, and mental issues because she could have no more children. NO ABUSE, UNFOUNDED.

This woman continued to hound me. She hounded me and my children until we ended all contact. She doesn't even know where we live now and has no phone number to contact us. And NEVER EVER WILL.

My kids want NOTHING to do with her. Neither do I.

We still get a Christmas card from her every year with a picture of her, her husband and her sad only child. With gift cards tucked inside for my kids. Transmitted by the one relative who knows where we live.

Guess what? We spend those gift cards and enjoy. But we don't send a card to her. We send no gifts. We don't even send a thank you note or a thank you phone call.


Never ever again.

Be very careful Auntie. You sound as off-the-rocker as our stupid reporter. :eusa_hand:
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#1. A DOCTOR (a REQUIRED abuse reporter) has diagnosed these girls with herpees simplex virus. He DID NOT see fit to REPORT abuse here--and he could lose his license if he didn't report suspected abuse, so obviously he sees a situation you don't.

#2. There IS a herpes simplex virus you can get "down there" that is NOT genital herpes. If either girl had a cold sore on her lip and then touched HER OWN nether regions before washing her hands, she could have easily transmitted the virus "down there".

One cannot tell the difference between oral herpes and genital herpes based on visual examination. They look the same. Even if blood testing was done which showed that the girls were positive for HSV-1 (oral herpes) and negative for HSV-2 (genital herpes), this is not proof that the cause of their genital lesions are benign. HSV-1 can appear on the genitals from oral sex.

A young girl should not have oral herpes in her genital area due to benign causes. And two girls in the same family with the same problem would be even less likely.

As a physician, I would definitely report this to the state. And as a concerned family member, I think that you should do the same.

Why wouldn't you simply share your concerns with your sister?

Please ignore JenyEliza. Her opinion is clearly not unbiased.

Based on the information that you have given me, abuse is more likely than not, but not 100%. I would leave that up to the authorities to figure out.

Have the girls been asked pointedly if anyone had ever touched them down there, or kissed them?
You know what? I'm not going to deal with this on Christmas day.

A crazy lonely, bossy Auntie missing her poor "abused" nieces" on Christmas Day. Yeah..... :rolleyes:

I've already been down this road with a nutjob from hell and seen TOO many holidays ruined by this nonsense. I don't have to do it anymore! We are finally free of our nutjob and this is one of the best Christmases yet (in that regard). :D

So....adios. I'm not going to deal with this today. I'll return to this thread (maybe) at a later date.
#1. A DOCTOR (a REQUIRED abuse reporter) has diagnosed these girls with herpees simplex virus. He DID NOT see fit to REPORT abuse here--and he could lose his license if he didn't report suspected abuse, so obviously he sees a situation you don't.

#2. There IS a herpes simplex virus you can get "down there" that is NOT genital herpes. If either girl had a cold sore on her lip and then touched HER OWN nether regions before washing her hands, she could have easily transmitted the virus "down there".

One cannot tell the difference between oral herpes and genital herpes based on visual examination. They look the same. Even if blood testing was done which showed that the girls were positive for HSV-1 (oral herpes) and negative for HSV-2 (genital herpes), this is not proof that the cause of their genital lesions are benign. HSV-1 can appear on the genitals from oral sex.

A young girl should not have oral herpes in her genital area due to benign causes. And two girls in the same family with the same problem would be even less likely.

As a physician, I would definitely report this to the state. And as a concerned family member, I think that you should do the same.

Why wouldn't you simply share your concerns with your sister?

She has already.

She threatened to report her sister for abuse, to take custody of her children and now she wonders WHY her sister wants nothing to do with her.

One clueless bitch. :cuckoo:
What should I do.. What should I think??
I do not want to just blow this whole thing off. The mother has gone a few weeks without talking to me before, when I have let her know that she will no longer be allowed to abuse me, or if I told her she was being abusive to me.. And I KNOW that was true.

So, the fact that she has now gone two months, and included one of the girls' birthdays, and Christmas and Thanksgiving, as well, makes me think that something is seriously wrong. She even went so far as to tell my son that HE could come over, but I can not. What a bitch.
NO offense hun, but you sound like a power-hungry controlling BITCH.

Why does the Auntie HAVE A RIGHT to be in the exam room with her nieces? Answer: You don't.

I never wanted to, bitch.
WHY does the Auntie assume her sister is unable to parent her children properly? Answer: Power, control, and ABUSE of her sister.Your sister has stopped communication with you because she is tired of your controlling, bossy, mentally ABUSIVE ways.

That is not it.. I am not sure if these girls are being abused by someone and maybe the mother (stop calling me the Aunty) just does not see it, the way her mother did not see it. Some people choose to not see things because it is too hard for them to deal with it. This has nothing to do with power and control with me. I have dealt with more than enough power and control on HER part, and do not have any need to justify any of that. I have discussed this power and control with domestic violence counselors, who all agreed that it was not ME being controlling, or abusive. Who the fuck are you, anyways? A trolling little board whore?? LOL!!

You use HER CHILDREN as weapons against her. You dangle them above her head and make sure she knows if she doesn't do things YOUR way, you will "report her".

This has gone on for almost a year, and I have NEVER mentioned it before. All I did this time was mention it, and mention the suspicious behavior that causes me to feel like the girls have been sexually abused, much akin to the way she was, and the way it was also ignored by her own mother.
I never threatened to report her, whatsoever. I told her that SHE needs to deal with it, within her own family, and SHE CUT US OFF, for even mentioning it. That is NOT open communication. That is NOT something you see on the equality wheel. You see that being done only BY controlling abusers like her. I do not have the slightest clue who might or might not be doing this, but I want her (a mandatory reporter herself) to take care of it, and not bullshit me. She has financially abused me SOOO much, and verbally abused me, etc, and this ALL comes down to HER making comments TO ME, that were demeaning, not ME stirring the fucking pot. I retorted to her abusive comments, having had QUITE enough of it, after 11 years of putting up with her shit, and told her I have had quite enough, and that SHE AND HER HUSNAND had no business telling ME how to raise MY kid, when her own kids have genital fucking herpes, and nobody is even checking it out to see if they have been abused. Its a long story, but those two are the abusers. And so are you. You are just pissed because I am taking facts and a good gut instinct and going with it, rather than ignoring them, and ignoring those poor girls as well. WHO DID NOT HAVE ORAL HERPES, EITHER, TYVM.

She doesn't want to lose her children to YOUR hysteria, so she is setting boundaries for you.

As in: :eusa_hand::eusa_hand::eusa_hand: Leave us alone.

Blah she can put her palm up all she wants. At this point, she is using my own kid to get to me, and I won't have it, either. But I am not as concerned about my custody of my healthy, non disease having child, as she should be about her own GENITAL HERPES HAVING kids. That is not okay.

That doesn't mean these children are being abused by anyone in HER HOME. It means they're being abused by an Auntie who claims to love them.

You stupid bitch.. I am not the one with herpes, fucknuts. How can I give it to them??? Not possible, you abusive fucking troll.

It means she wanted to enjoy birthdays and holidays without YOU around to fuck them up.

:eusa_hand: STOP harassing the mother.

Stop harassing me. =)

WORK ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP with her when the opportunity arises. YOU are destroying any chance to know your nieces with your controlling behaviors.

STOP. :eusa_hand:

Telling someone that they may no longer abuse me IS working on the relationship. If the relationship is dissolved, I am okay with that. Trying for another 11 years to get her to stop abusing me, is just codependency ,and since she will not stop, ever, I WILL stop- being codependent that is. I have given her two months to take care of this. Nothing has happened. Now, I feel that I need to take matters into my own hands, and seek intervention, if intervention is needed. I trust my instincts, and feel that NOW it should be reported. It is all just too fishy to me.

Telling someone that they may not ALSO abuse those girls, is ALSO working on the relationship (it is codependency, but if thats what you want). Some relationships are better off this way, because in the case of abusers, no logic matters. No amount of begging and pleading for them to stop being assholes and hurting you matters at all, either. The only person "working on it" is the abuse victim, by saying "I do not want this anymore". If the abuser continues (and they generally do) then the relationship is over. Period. Dissolved, and the victim is all the better off for it being that way.

I TRULY do not care about the relationship, and I specifically asked you to not give relationship advice. As usual, Jenny, you failed to follow a simple request. I do not want my FEELINGS to get in the way of what those girls NEEDS are. They NEED safety, and I will be damned if I am going to be coerced into ignoring their lack of it. That is CODEPENDENCY. I can't say it often enough.

Again- for all those who have not seen this before- THE GIRLS DO NOT HAVE ORAL HERPES. ONLY THE MOTHER HAS THAT.

Get it?? Good.

Thanks for the responses.. Please do not answer about "broken relationships" and "trust" and all that shit. I would rather never see those girls again, and know that I did the right thing, than to have to live this way, feeling like not acting on my suspicion is contributing to their abuse, through neglect. Again, I have JUST gotten through a long history of codependence, so LEAVE THE RELATIONSHIP JUNK OUT OF THIS PLEASE.

Thanks. I appreciate your input, everyone.
No, I did not threaten her in any way. I just brought some things up in an Email, after getting a very abusive email regarding where we live (poorsville) after not getting a portion of an inheritance that she witheld from us, and then turning around and acting like I am a bad mom for living in this area. And she approved the area, before we moved in. And I could have paid a security deposit somewhere nicer, if I had access to my inherited funds. And this has been going on for 11 years, just bullshit control from her, making me clean up and get rid of all the stuff from the relative's house on my own, AND asking me to hold on to all this furniture for her, etc.. as well, and then later, when I offer her to please pick it up, and tell her she has until (6 months away when we move) she, years later, says that I never told her about it or something, or could have brought it with me, or dropped it off.. furniture, I mean. She is so full of shit, and so are you Ms Jeny.
What should I do.. What should I think??
I do not want to just blow this whole thing off. The mother has gone a few weeks without talking to me before, when I have let her know that she will no longer be allowed to abuse me, or if I told her she was being abusive to me.. And I KNOW that was true.

So, the fact that she has now gone two months, and included one of the girls' birthdays, and Christmas and Thanksgiving, as well, makes me think that something is seriously wrong. She even went so far as to tell my son that HE could come over, but I can not. What a bitch.
NO offense hun, but you sound like a power-hungry controlling BITCH.

Why does the Auntie HAVE A RIGHT to be in the exam room with her nieces? Answer: You don't.

I never wanted to, bitch.

That is not it.. I am not sure if these girls are being abused by someone and maybe the mother (stop calling me the Aunty) just does not see it, the way her mother did not see it. Some people choose to not see things because it is too hard for them to deal with it. This has nothing to do with power and control with me. I have dealt with more than enough power and control on HER part, and do not have any need to justify any of that. I have discussed this power and control with domestic violence counselors, who all agreed that it was not ME being controlling, or abusive. Who the fuck are you, anyways? A trolling little board whore?? LOL!!

This has gone on for almost a year, and I have NEVER mentioned it before. All I did this time was mention it, and mention the suspicious behavior that causes me to feel like the girls have been sexually abused, much akin to the way she was, and the way it was also ignored by her own mother.
I never threatened to report her, whatsoever. I told her that SHE needs to deal with it, within her own family, and SHE CUT US OFF, for even mentioning it. That is NOT open communication. That is NOT something you see on the equality wheel. You see that being done only BY controlling abusers like her. I do not have the slightest clue who might or might not be doing this, but I want her (a mandatory reporter herself) to take care of it, and not bullshit me. She has financially abused me SOOO much, and verbally abused me, etc, and this ALL comes down to HER making comments TO ME, that were demeaning, not ME stirring the fucking pot. I retorted to her abusive comments, having had QUITE enough of it, after 11 years of putting up with her shit, and told her I have had quite enough, and that SHE AND HER HUSNAND had no business telling ME how to raise MY kid, when her own kids have genital fucking herpes, and nobody is even checking it out to see if they have been abused. Its a long story, but those two are the abusers. And so are you. You are just pissed because I am taking facts and a good gut instinct and going with it, rather than ignoring them, and ignoring those poor girls as well. WHO DID NOT HAVE ORAL HERPES, EITHER, TYVM.

Blah she can put her palm up all she wants. At this point, she is using my own kid to get to me, and I won't have it, either. But I am not as concerned about my custody of my healthy, non disease having child, as she should be about her own GENITAL HERPES HAVING kids. That is not okay.

You stupid bitch.. I am not the one with herpes, fucknuts. How can I give it to them??? Not possible, you abusive fucking troll.

It means she wanted to enjoy birthdays and holidays without YOU around to fuck them up.

:eusa_hand: STOP harassing the mother.

Stop harassing me. =)

WORK ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP with her when the opportunity arises. YOU are destroying any chance to know your nieces with your controlling behaviors.

STOP. :eusa_hand:

Telling someone that they may no longer abuse me IS working on the relationship. If the relationship is dissolved, I am okay with that. Trying for another 11 years to get her to stop abusing me, is just codependency ,and since she will not stop, ever, I WILL stop- being codependent that is. I have given her two months to take care of this. Nothing has happened. Now, I feel that I need to take matters into my own hands, and seek intervention, if intervention is needed. I trust my instincts, and feel that NOW it should be reported. It is all just too fishy to me.

Telling someone that they may not ALSO abuse those girls, is ALSO working on the relationship (it is codependency, but if thats what you want). Some relationships are better off this way, because in the case of abusers, no logic matters. No amount of begging and pleading for them to stop being assholes and hurting you matters at all, either. The only person "working on it" is the abuse victim, by saying "I do not want this anymore". If the abuser continues (and they generally do) then the relationship is over. Period. Dissolved, and the victim is all the better off for it being that way.

I TRULY do not care about the relationship, and I specifically asked you to not give relationship advice. As usual, Jenny, you failed to follow a simple request. I do not want my FEELINGS to get in the way of what those girls NEEDS are. They NEED safety, and I will be damned if I am going to be coerced into ignoring their lack of it. That is CODEPENDENCY. I can't say it often enough.

Again- for all those who have not seen this before- THE GIRLS DO NOT HAVE ORAL HERPES. ONLY THE MOTHER HAS THAT.

Get it?? Good.

Thanks for the responses.. Please do not answer about "broken relationships" and "trust" and all that shit. I would rather never see those girls again, and know that I did the right thing, than to have to live this way, feeling like not acting on my suspicion is contributing to their abuse, through neglect. Again, I have JUST gotten through a long history of codependence, so LEAVE THE RELATIONSHIP JUNK OUT OF THIS PLEASE.

Thanks. I appreciate your input, everyone.

DFACS would take one read of this post and conclude YOU have serious issues with your sister completely un-related to child abuse of your nieces. :lol:

They would open and close any case you report.

They know how to spot people with on-going dysfunctional wars with the parents of children reported as "abused", and they know that people falsely report abuse to retaliate against the parent. It happens A LOT.

You really, really, REALLY need to examine your motives here.

I think you are ANGRY at your sister and want to get back at her.

What better way than "reporting her"?

Go for it. Destroy her life. Destroy her kids lives. Enjoy yourself---the kids WON'T end up with you.

They will end up in a disinterested foster home until the investigation concludes. Then they will be returned to their parents when no abuse is found and you will never see them again. At least not until they are adults.

Are you prepared for that? If so....have at it. I really could give a shit numb-nuts. You, your sister and both families need COUNSELING, NOT DFACS.

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No, I did not threaten her in any way. I just brought some things up in an Email, after getting a very abusive email regarding where we live (poorsville) after not getting a portion of an inheritance that she witheld from us, and then turning around and acting like I am a bad mom for living in this area. And she approved the area, before we moved in. And I could have paid a security deposit somewhere nicer, if I had access to my inherited funds. And this has been going on for 11 years, just bullshit control from her, making me clean up and get rid of all the stuff from the relative's house on my own, AND asking me to hold on to all this furniture for her, etc.. as well, and then later, when I offer her to please pick it up, and tell her she has until (6 months away when we move) she, years later, says that I never told her about it or something, or could have brought it with me, or dropped it off.. furniture, I mean. She is so full of shit, and so are you Ms Jeny.

The worm turns again....ANGER at past "transgressions", and money is involved too.

Money that YOU think YOU were entitled to receive and didn't, because of your sister whose children are "abused" in your mind.

Geez, and you *wonder* why I suspect your motives?

I feel sorry for your sister for having to put up with you. :cuckoo:

Go ahead and report everything to DFACS. Your sister will get a chance to tell them what a nutbar you are.

DFACS will quickly see your "report" is really about money and old resentments with the mother of these children. Not about YOU caring one shit about them.

They will check it all out and you will end up really really sorry.

YOU will end up sending the pathetic Christmas cards every year that are never acknowledged.

YOU will end up not knowing where your nieces live and you will have no contact. just go right ahead and report it all to DFACS.

YOU THINK you'll get custody? Nah....not even close. Not even if you were living in a gated fucking community like Tiger Woods'.

They don't give custody to reporters, otherwise there'd be a HUGE motive for people to file "reports" falsely.

You have serious issues. GET COUNSELING AND DEAL WITH THEM.

You know what? I'm not going to deal with this on Christmas day.

A crazy lonely, bossy Auntie missing her poor "abused" nieces" on Christmas Day. Yeah..... :rolleyes:

I've already been down this road with a nutjob from hell and seen TOO many holidays ruined by this nonsense. I don't have to do it anymore! We are finally free of our nutjob and this is one of the best Christmases yet (in that regard). :D

So....adios. I'm not going to deal with this today. I'll return to this thread (maybe) at a later date.

Hun...we've only replaced one nut-job with another of a different kind.
KISS ... Report it to the authorities and give just the facts. The rest is irrelevant.

Any 'friendship' with the mother takes a far back seat to the children's welfare.

And, if the children went to a physician and if they do have herpes, the physician likely reported it, too.

Call CPS (Children's Protective Services) NOW. In California they are a 24-7-365 service agency and you will remain anonymous.
If the children have been seen by a physician, s/he is a manditory reporter of abuse, if s/he suspects it, s/he must report it to CPS/police or probation. Not knowing if they have seen a physican, or if the Dr. did not suspect anything, you must not delay.
Remember, the worst could happen and the right wing may win back the House and Senate next fall. They may cut taxes to the bone and CPS will be out of business because all of us, in the opinion of the fringe must be personally responsible - and that may include 6 and 8 year old children.
Bad advice, Liability. :eusa_hand:

No. It is the only right thing to do. And it is in fact JUST that clear cut.

If those kids have been violated and contracted any disease on top of the violation, how can an adult who is aware of it not intervene?


A required reporter--a DOCTOR didn't report.

There's a reason. NO ABUSE.

Go back and read my posts, Liability.

You're making ASSUMPTIONS, and giving horrific advice that could destroy a family and these children forever.



Mandatory reporters sometimes fail to do the very thing they are required to do: report. That's why there are penalties attached for "failure to report."

You seem content to let others decide. My reply is that each of us have some level of responsibility to protect children. Under the facts as related by JD2B, the children appear to be at risk. Modify that. Say, "appear to be POSSIBLY at risk," and the answer does not change.

The concern is less with the ramifications of what the family might be put through than it is with what might be happening to those kids even now.

Sorry you do not agree. You are not obliged to agree. You consider my advice wrong. I consider your advice wrong. I am truly grateful that I am not the one who has to decide. But if something is going on with those kids (or if something already did go on with them) I would prefer to be on the side of caution -- even taking the risk of erring on the side of caution.
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#1. A DOCTOR (a REQUIRED abuse reporter) has diagnosed these girls with herpees simplex virus. He DID NOT see fit to REPORT abuse here--and he could lose his license if he didn't report suspected abuse, so obviously he sees a situation you don't.

#2. There IS a herpes simplex virus you can get "down there" that is NOT genital herpes. If either girl had a cold sore on her lip and then touched HER OWN nether regions before washing her hands, she could have easily transmitted the virus "down there".

One cannot tell the difference between oral herpes and genital herpes based on visual examination. They look the same. Even if blood testing was done which showed that the girls were positive for HSV-1 (oral herpes) and negative for HSV-2 (genital herpes), this is not proof that the cause of their genital lesions are benign. HSV-1 can appear on the genitals from oral sex.

A young girl should not have oral herpes in her genital area due to benign causes. And two girls in the same family with the same problem would be even less likely.

As a physician, I would definitely report this to the state. And as a concerned family member, I think that you should do the same.

here is the problem with the herpes virus.....if you take a blood test chances are over 90% that you will test postive for the virus...some have more immunity to it..than others....i have the herpes simplex 1 as you may have guessed by husband does not have it....nor does my son but i would bet both would test postive...

i think two girls in the same family would very likey have it....sharing clothes etc...bath are nasty little things....

if they displayed hyper sexuality then you need to report it and find out where they are learning it from
KISS ... Report it to the authorities and give just the facts. The rest is irrelevant.

Any 'friendship' with the mother takes a far back seat to the children's welfare.

And, if the children went to a physician and if they do have herpes, the physician likely reported it, too.

Call CPS (Children's Protective Services) NOW. In California they are a 24-7-365 service agency and you will remain anonymous.
If the children have been seen by a physician, s/he is a manditory reporter of abuse, if s/he suspects it, s/he must report it to CPS/police or probation. Not knowing if they have seen a physican, or if the Dr. did not suspect anything, you must not delay.
Remember, the worst could happen and the right wing may win back the House and Senate next fall. They may cut taxes to the bone and CPS will be out of business because all of us, in the opinion of the fringe must be personally responsible - and that may include 6 and 8 year old children.

Cutting taxes isn't gonna stop services.....cutting back on services is what does that.
No. It is the only right thing to do. And it is in fact JUST that clear cut.

If those kids have been violated and contracted any disease on top of the violation, how can an adult who is aware of it not intervene?


A required reporter--a DOCTOR didn't report.

There's a reason. NO ABUSE.

Go back and read my posts, Liability.

You're making ASSUMPTIONS, and giving horrific advice that could destroy a family and these children forever.



Mandatory reporters sometimes fail to do the very thing they are required to do: report. That's why there are penalties attached for "failure to report."

You seem content to let others decide. My reply is that each of us have some level of responsibility to protect children. Under the facts as related by JD2B, the children appear to be at risk. Modify that. Say, "appear to be POSSIBLY at risk," and the answer does not change.

The concern is less with the ramifications of what the family might be put through than it is with what might be happening to those kids even now.

Sorry you do not agree. You are not obliged to agree. You consider my advice wrong. I consider your advice wrong. I am truly grateful that I am not the one who has to decide. But if something is going on with those kids (or if something already did go on with them) I would prefer to be on the side of caution -- even taking the risk of erring on the side of caution.

So the fact that the OP openly admits :

#1. There is a long history of bad blood between her and her sister (the girls mother).

She is angry at her sister over being DISIHERITED (go back and re-read the thread).

The OP blames HER SISTER (the mother of these girls) for her poor living conditions (ie, "poorsville" in her words) because the girls mother didn't "give her the money she deserved" doesn't raise even a SLIGHT RED FLAG?

I smell a RAT based only on that!!!!



#2 The OP OPENLY admits she wants custody of these girls. Why?

She's angry with their mother. What better way to hurt her sister than by taking her children from her.

Only she's a clueless little fuck who doesn't realize that if you call in DFACS they don't turn the kids over to the person who reported "suspected abuse".

They turn the kids over to a non-interested 3rd party FOSTER care situation until the matter is sorted out.

Yeah, she *loves those kids*, by God. :rolleyes:

#3. It's Christmas Day and she complains she hasn't heard from her sister or nieces.

The OP has created a HUGE mess in her family and then wonders WHY nobody wants to contact her? Or why the OP's son is invited to visit her sister and nieces, but not her.

Geesuz. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

#4. The OP insists that SHE be allowed to attend any and all doctor's visits with her nieces.

Does she extend the SAME privilege to her sister when she takes HER children to the doctor? I'm guessing NOT.

The OP is off her rocker. She's angry over MONEY. MONEY she feels she was owed and short-changed by the girls mother.

The OP is looking to hurt her sister with the biggest, baddest and best weapon she has---her nieces.

Nice little bitch. I wouldn't want a fucking thing to do with her either if I were her sister. In fact, we have a nice little relative just like her in our family. After all of her nonsense with DFACS and finding out she wasn't getting my kids, I foolishly tried to let bygones be bygones...."because we're family".

What did she do? She repaid me by KIDNAPPING my kids and trying to get them tied up in DFACS in Louisiana (a state none of us live in or ever have).

Thank God my daughter (11 at the time) had a cell phone and reported her location to me so I could find them. And thank God the Louisiana State Patrol I called in as I raced down the interstate from Atlanta followed me to the hotel she was holed up in with my kids and they secured their release for me.

My relative is a fucking nutbar. The OP is too.

I trust the OP as much as the bitch who tried to steal my kids. I would cut off ALL CONTACT with this nutbar immediately, just as her sister has done.

I wouldn't let her within 500 yards of my family. And I'd commit that to a court order. Just like I did in my situation.

And in a way, losing our house in the floods in September has been a blessing. We moved and now our nutbar has NO clue where we live and never will again. All she has is a PO box that cannot be traced back to our physical location. Merry fucking Christmas, bitch. :D

Jeny, you are plain and simply a premiere nutjob. You've done it again. Amazing.

JD, just report it to CPS. Just report the facts. Wry gave you some contact info.
Jeny, you are plain and simply a premiere nutjob. You've done it again. Amazing.

JD, just report it to CPS. Just report the facts. Wry gave you some contact info.

Shut up cow.

You have NO idea what you're talking about.

And advising some idiot on the internet to ruin the lives of innocent children shows YOU are the nutbar.

The OP has left out tons of info in her OP.

Read on, cow.


She admits this.

You're a stupid cow.

Shut the fuck up.
Jeny, you are plain and simply a premiere nutjob. You've done it again. Amazing.

JD, just report it to CPS. Just report the facts. Wry gave you some contact info.

Shut up cow.

You have NO idea what you're talking about.

And advising some idiot on the internet to ruin the lives of innocent children shows YOU are the nutbar.

The OP has left out tons of info in her OP.

Read on, cow.


She admits this.

You're a stupid cow.

Shut the fuck up.
:lol: You've given advice, so that makes you what, in your book?

You're not too bright, but that's an understatement.

And, you're clearly insane.
Jeny, you are plain and simply a premiere nutjob. You've done it again. Amazing.

JD, just report it to CPS. Just report the facts. Wry gave you some contact info.

Shut up cow.

You have NO idea what you're talking about.

And advising some idiot on the internet to ruin the lives of innocent children shows YOU are the nutbar.

The OP has left out tons of info in her OP.

Read on, cow.


She admits this.

You're a stupid cow.

Shut the fuck up.
:lol: You've given advice, so that makes you what, in your book?

You're not too bright, but that's an understatement.

And, you're clearly insane.

I'm NOT the one telling the pea-green with envy sister to turn in her sister and have her 6 and 8 year old nieces removed from thier home and their parents--without ONE SCINTILLA of PROOF there is any reason to do such.


Which clearly points to your delusions of grandeur and power on the internet.

You stupid fucking cow.

Merry Fucking Christmas, you stupid whore.
Shut up cow.

You have NO idea what you're talking about.

And advising some idiot on the internet to ruin the lives of innocent children shows YOU are the nutbar.

The OP has left out tons of info in her OP.

Read on, cow.


She admits this.

You're a stupid cow.

Shut the fuck up.
:lol: You've given advice, so that makes you what, in your book?

You're not too bright, but that's an understatement.

And, you're clearly insane.

I'm NOT the one telling the pea-green with envy sister to turn in her sister and have her 6 and 8 year old nieces removed from thier home and their parents--without ONE SCINTILLA of PROOF there is any reason to do such.


Which clearly points to your delusions of grandeur and power on the internet.

You stupid fucking cow.

Merry Fucking Christmas, you stupid whore.
I would pity you, but there are two reasons not to do so: (1) You're not worthy of anything but disdain, and (2) pity is for the weak.

So, I'll just continue to highlight your insanity and stupidity.

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