Surviving spouse debts


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

When a spouse dies, do they take they credit cards and debts with them? I don’t think so. Spouses have died leaving a massive medical debts and credit card debtsd to the surviving spouse and he or she has to pay for them but it is not his. When Obama took office, Bush had left him a massive debt to pay off and it cost him $5 trillion dollar. Tax cuts for the rich no his. Two wars not his. Financial crises not his. But he has to pay for it because he is the surviving spouse. He was not the one racking up the bills but he gets blamed for them.
Bush did not take his debt with him when he left office.


Romney, Talk is cheap. Village Idiots think Romney is the best thing since slliced bread.
When a spouse dies leaving a heavy community debt behind, the surviving spouse doesn't normally run up a mountain of brand new debt either.
will obama take his debt?

What debt?:eusa_hand:
IF he is not re-elected he will pass Bush's debt on to Romney. NONE of the $5 trillion spending by Obama is his. Obamacare paid for, Dream act paid for. Tax cuts still not paid for, Afghanistan war still not paid for. Bush's Halliburton and Blackwater still being paid. None of this belongs to Obama. And we will invade Iran within a year of Romney/Ryan. Unpaid for.
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The financial mess obama inherited is nothing compared to the mess Romney is going to inherit. I'll bet we don't hear Romney blaming obama for everything, he will just act like a man and work to correct the situation.
will obama take his debt?

What debt?:eusa_hand:
IF he is not re-elected he will pass Bush's debt on to Romney. NONE of the $5 trillion spending by Obama is his. Obamacare paid for, Dream act paid for. Tax cuts still not paid for, Afghanistan war still not paid for. Bush's Halliburton and Blackwater still being paid. None of this belongs to Obama. And we will invade Iran within a year of Romney/Ryan. Unpaid for.

"NONE of the $5 trillion spending by Obama is his.":confused::confused::confused:

Drink much this early in the morning or is it drugs?

When a spouse dies, do they take they credit cards and debts with them? I don’t think so. Spouses have died leaving a massive medical debts and credit card debtsd to the surviving spouse and he or she has to pay for them but it is not his. When Obama took office, Bush had left him a massive debt to pay off and it cost him $5 trillion dollar. Tax cuts for the rich no his. Two wars not his. Financial crises not his. But he has to pay for it because he is the surviving spouse. He was not the one racking up the bills but he gets blamed for them.
Bush did not take his debt with him when he left office.


Romney, Talk is cheap. Village Idiots think Romney is the best thing since slliced bread.

the only village idiot here is you, if you think the $5 trillion in new debt under Obama is all Bush's fault.
The financial mess obama inherited is nothing compared to the mess Romney is going to inherit. I'll bet we don't hear Romney blaming obama for everything, he will just act like a man and work to correct the situation.

Romney barely bashed him during his speech and he's takiing heat from some in hs own party for not being more aggressive.

Romney will NEVER blame Obama...count on it.
National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency.

The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day.
If Mr. Obama wins re-election, and his budget projections prove accurate, the National Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016, the final year of his second term. That would mean the Debt increased by 87 percent, or $9.34 trillion, during his two terms.

When a spouse dies, do they take they credit cards and debts with them?

It depends if they co-signed for the loan or not. If your spouse dies and your spouse was the only one who guaranteed the loan, then they cannot go after you for it. They also can't go after joint assets until you sell them. So for example if you and your spouse jointly own your home, they cannot force you to sell it. They can go after half the proceeds when you do decide to sell it.

Obama on the other hand will walk away and fuck his children and grandchildren, there's not escaping his debt.
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Romney will need three terms to clean up the mess Obama left.

When a spending crack addicted spouse dies it even worse
I thought the mental midget was going to rant about poor women being stuck with their husband's debt while rich women like Ann Romney get her husband's money when he dies....

Afterall, that is unfair and the liberals want to tax the rich women to give their money to poor women.

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