Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Obama's convention bounce seems to have evaporated. Rasmussen today has Romney up 3 points. Today's Gallup tracking poll had Obama up 5, a loss of 2 points over two days. Gallup uses a 7 day rolling average, so expect this number to continue to come down over the next several days. Undaunted, the media are trumpeting new polls with show Obama with 3 point lead nationally and significant leads in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia. As is becoming routine, these new polls again oversample Democrats.

I realize oversampling Democrats is simply part of an effort to create an air of inevitability for Obama's reelection. Its a narrative the media is desperate to foster.

Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead
Romney will need a significant number of democrats to abandon the president and vote for him if the governor has any chance of winning.

If this ‘oversampling’ is any indication, that’s not happening.
I don't think the polls matter, it's going to come down to who is energized most to get to the polls, and I believe that people are more energized to get rid of this failure than his supporters are to keep him.
I don't think the polls matter, it's going to come down to who is energized most to get to the polls, and I believe that people are more energized to get rid of this failure than his supporters are to keep him.

And I know that's what you really need to believe... but not really.

In fact, Obama will probably win for the following reason.

Because the people who voted for him last time won't admit they made a mistake. They have emotional investment in him.

On the other hand, the people who voted for McCain have no emotional investment in Romney.
They were discussing this on Fox today.. They said wait for two wks out from the election as that's when these lying pollsters will make it real worried about their reputations at that point.
BTW- Majority of polls over sample democrats from between 6 - 13% they stated. ALWAYS over sampled.
Obama's convention bounce seems to have evaporated. Rasmussen today has Romney up 3 points. Today's Gallup tracking poll had Obama up 5, a loss of 2 points over two days. Gallup uses a 7 day rolling average, so expect this number to continue to come down over the next several days. Undaunted, the media are trumpeting new polls with show Obama with 3 point lead nationally and significant leads in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia. As is becoming routine, these new polls again oversample Democrats.

I realize oversampling Democrats is simply part of an effort to create an air of inevitability for Obama's reelection. Its a narrative the media is desperate to foster.

Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead

The funny part is, the have no idea how much damage they are doing to Obama by claiming a huge victory for him every day.

All that is doing is making what little voting base Obama has left feel comfortable that their job is done, while it's motivating the hundreds of millions of Americans who HATE Obama to get up off their couch and vote his ass out.

This is going to be a landslide loss for Obama that rivals the one Carter experienced (appropriate considering that Obama has followed the Jimmy Carter blueprint for failure to the letter - complete with allowing embassy's to be over run while showing fear of those responsible).
I don't think the polls matter, it's going to come down to who is energized most to get to the polls, and I believe that people are more energized to get rid of this failure than his supporters are to keep him.

And I know that's what you really need to believe... but not really.

In fact, Obama will probably win for the following reason.

Because the people who voted for him last time won't admit they made a mistake. They have emotional investment in him.

On the other hand, the people who voted for McCain have no emotional investment in Romney.
So you acknowledge the left is driven by emotion.

There may be hope for you yet. :clap2:
With the writing on the wall Willard is going to lose, the right wingers are going into a full blown tinfoil meltdown.
Romney will need a significant number of democrats to abandon the president and vote for him if the governor has any chance of winning.

If this ‘oversampling’ is any indication, that’s not happening.

LMAO! First of all, a significant number of dumbocrats already have abandoned Obama. Did you see the epic ass-kicking he took in November 2010? Bill Clinton tried to get Hillary to run against Obama because the entire party has abandoned this radical marxist.

Second, a laughable 21% of Americans are registered Dumbocrats, while 42% are registered Republican's. The GOP wouldn't need a single dumbocrat vote for ANYTHING.

Man are you a mountain of misinformation...
With the writing on the wall Willard is going to lose, the right wingers are going into a full blown tinfoil meltdown.

The second best part about Romney winning in an epic landslide? You're dumb ass won't show your face around here ever again out of shame... :clap2:
With the writing on the wall Willard is going to lose, the right wingers are going into a full blown tinfoil meltdown.

The second best part about Romney winning in an epic landslide? You're dumb ass won't show your face around here ever again out of shame... :clap2:

Willard is getting his ass kicked in every poll except the hard right rasmussen, and has been for months. Are you that deranged that you think Willard will win by a landslide when it's clear he's going to lose? :cuckoo:
Obama's convention bounce seems to have evaporated. Rasmussen today has Romney up 3 points. Today's Gallup tracking poll had Obama up 5, a loss of 2 points over two days. Gallup uses a 7 day rolling average, so expect this number to continue to come down over the next several days. Undaunted, the media are trumpeting new polls with show Obama with 3 point lead nationally and significant leads in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia. As is becoming routine, these new polls again oversample Democrats.

I realize oversampling Democrats is simply part of an effort to create an air of inevitability for Obama's reelection. Its a narrative the media is desperate to foster.

Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead

The funny part is, the have no idea how much damage they are doing to Obama by claiming a huge victory for him every day.

All that is doing is making what little voting base Obama has left feel comfortable that their job is done, while it's motivating the hundreds of millions of Americans who HATE Obama to get up off their couch and vote his ass out.

This is going to be a landslide loss for Obama that rivals the one Carter experienced (appropriate considering that Obama has followed the Jimmy Carter blueprint for failure to the letter - complete with allowing embassy's to be over run while showing fear of those responsible).

Romney may win but if he does, it certainly won't be a landslide.
With the writing on the wall Willard is going to lose, the right wingers are going into a full blown tinfoil meltdown.

The second best part about Romney winning in an epic landslide? You're dumb ass won't show your face around here ever again out of shame... :clap2:

Willard is getting his ass kicked in every poll except the hard right rasmussen, and has been for months. Are you that deranged that you think Willard will win by a landslide when it's clear he's going to lose? :cuckoo:

You do realize that Gallup +7 you were sporting wood over a few days ago is now +4, don't you...?? :lol:

Bounce is dead...

Barry is toast...
Obama's convention bounce seems to have evaporated. Rasmussen today has Romney up 3 points. Today's Gallup tracking poll had Obama up 5, a loss of 2 points over two days. Gallup uses a 7 day rolling average, so expect this number to continue to come down over the next several days. Undaunted, the media are trumpeting new polls with show Obama with 3 point lead nationally and significant leads in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia. As is becoming routine, these new polls again oversample Democrats.

I realize oversampling Democrats is simply part of an effort to create an air of inevitability for Obama's reelection. Its a narrative the media is desperate to foster.

Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead

The funny part is, the have no idea how much damage they are doing to Obama by claiming a huge victory for him every day.

All that is doing is making what little voting base Obama has left feel comfortable that their job is done, while it's motivating the hundreds of millions of Americans who HATE Obama to get up off their couch and vote his ass out.

This is going to be a landslide loss for Obama that rivals the one Carter experienced (appropriate considering that Obama has followed the Jimmy Carter blueprint for failure to the letter - complete with allowing embassy's to be over run while showing fear of those responsible).

Poodle're one of the biggest douchebags on this board...."what little voting base"?......"hundreds of millions who hate Obama"?

You really don't get that whoever wins this election is going to be by a very narrow margin.

I know you really need to believe that the whole country believes in the Tea Party bullshit....but 30 years of trickle down that has gradually reduced our country into a debt ridden shell of it's former self, while the billionaires yuk it up behind your backs after pleading poverty to the taxman and broadcast their propaganda on the radio while good, hardworking people fall further and further behind is starting not to work anymore.....

Maybe the best thing for this country WOULD be for Romney to win....So America can revisit more Corporate pandering, more jobs outsourced, more money invested abroad than at home, more trade deficits, more misery for the masses, while the elite raise thair champagne glasses. Maybe that will wake some of you oh so gullible fuckers to the fact that as long as "trickling down" is optional....they aren't going to do it and the middle class will continue to shrink.

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