Surprise Diversity is not our strength

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ..."

Ahh, fuck it. I'm afraid that brown people will be smarter than me, and work harder than me. Build the wall!!!
How do Americans benefit from aliens?
Is there a reason dblack won’t accept your ‘challenge’?

Ah yes, a sovereignty hating globalists favorite play…..a 32 year old Loon York poet wrote our forever immigration policy in 1883…For you, she wrote it right over the top of our Declaration Of Independence didn’t she?
Was that written before Father Government forced REAL Americans to pay invaders to destroy their culture, their foundations and institutions?

Cut the emotional bullshit and show us where anything of that sort is actually happening….show us a predominately brown community, city, state or nation that is clean, safe, prosperous, self-funded and united.
The not so clever buzzwords, phrases and slogans have to end….one of you self-proclaimed uber smart gloabalists have to be able to present a logical argument backed with evidence to support your feel-good claims.

I suspect you’ll pretend you didn’t see this post so you can carry on trying to believe dark immigrants improve and enhance America.


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