Supreme Ruler urges action on Sandy aid


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011



Obama says in a written statement that many people in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are trying to recover from the storm and need "immediate support with the bulk of winter still in front of us."

The Senate approved a $60.4 billion measure Friday to help with recovery from the storm. The House Appropriations Committee has drafted a smaller, $27 billion measure, and a vote had been expected before Congress' term ends Thursday at noon.

The Majican says pull a few more Billion out of the empty hat...........all as he heads back to Hawaii:eusa_clap:
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Yup. Make sure that the GOP comes out against all disaster aid to impacted communities. Whether in Missouri, Louisiana, New York, or New Jersey. That is going to win lots of votes.

Which is more important, rebuilding a disaster stricken community in our nation, or more tanks or planes for a military-industrial complex that is already more costly than the next 14 to 24 nations combined?
Yup. Make sure that the GOP comes out against all disaster aid to impacted communities. Whether in Missouri, Louisiana, New York, or New Jersey. That is going to win lots of votes.

Which is more important, rebuilding a disaster stricken community in our nation, or more tanks or planes for a military-industrial complex that is already more costly than the next 14 to 24 nations combined?

How much did you send ? :lol:
Get rid of the pork and have a serious vote on it. It will pass.

But i guess wasteful spending is more important than actually helping people. Though I suppose it's debatable that anyone will actually benefit from the government aid anyway.
Yup. Make sure that the GOP comes out against all disaster aid to impacted communities. Whether in Missouri, Louisiana, New York, or New Jersey. That is going to win lots of votes.

Which is more important, rebuilding a disaster stricken community in our nation, or more tanks or planes for a military-industrial complex that is already more costly than the next 14 to 24 nations combined?

How much did you send ? :lol:

I'll bet Peebles watched the free concerts...

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