Supreme Court & the 2nd


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
It looks like the court is loading up with anti-gunners, and notice the media, left or right, is saying nothing, the republicans & T-Party rolling with the flow and the congress is silent. It will be too late to cry when your gun Rights are gone, and you should be pushing your reps to rescind all gun laws, not standing around like a sheeple.

Elena Kagan was confirmed Thursday as the 112th justice to serve on the Supreme Court bench, in a significant victory for the Obama administration and womens' rights groups—and a significant defeat for the National Rifle Association.

The NRA staked much of its reputation as a political powerhouse on an aggressive campaign to defeat Kagan, who earned the ire of the lobbying group after she expressed the view that several past rulings allowing for modest gun controls were "settled law."

But Senate voted, even members who had long been closely allied with the group rejected its counsel.

According to an analysis by Doug Pennington, a veteran watcher of Congressional voting on gun issues, nine senators with A ratings from the NRA voted to confirm Kagan: Montana Democrat Max Baucus, Alaskan Democrat Nick Begich, Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey, New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand; South Carolina Republican Graham, South Dakota Democrat Tim Johnson, Pennsylvania Democrat Arlen Specter, Montana Democrat Jon Tester and Virginia Democrat Mark Warner.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who like Kagan is a native of New York, a city that has struggled with gun violence.

Kagan Confirmed as NRA Attacks Misfire | The Nation

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