If I were a justice hearing this issue I would...

  • Side with the cops having more discretion & power

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Side with a strict following of the constitution & prevention of possible abuse

    Votes: 25 100.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
I know our govt. wants us to be scared that there are thousands of bogeymen in turbans hiding behind every corner and rock so they can justify their asinine spending and militarization of our local police forces but all this govt. really seems to be scaring me with is the rate at which they are capable of trampling the constitution to tatters...

I wonder if I will tell stories to my future children about what America used to be like before it became AmeriKa?

Who Needs Search Warrants? Just Follow Your Nose! by C.J. Maloney

Uber simplified short summary: Supreme court is hearing arguments on the ability of cops to barge in your home if they think they smell something that might be illegal or hear something that might sound like a crime might be occurring...
I know our govt. wants us to be scared that there are thousands of bogeymen in turbans hiding behind every corner and rock so they can justify their asinine spending and militarization of our local police forces but all this govt. really seems to be scaring me with is the rate at which they are capable of trampling the constitution to tatters...

I wonder if I will tell stories to my future children about what America used to be like before it became AmeriKa?

Who Needs Search Warrants? Just Follow Your Nose! by C.J. Maloney

Uber simplified short summary: Supreme court is hearing arguments on the ability of cops to barge in your home if they think they smell something that might be illegal or hear something that might sound like a crime might be occurring...

In the poll, I voted for the Constitutional approach.

However, I am most definitely FOR giving the cops more discretionary power they now possess what with ACLU's BULLSHIT.
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The 4th amendment has already been whittled down to practically nothing by the SCOTUS.

If you're not well off, you really basically have very little protection from unreasonable search and siezure.

Oh, in theory you have rights, but defending those rights usually takes more money than most people really have.

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

My lawyers told me, I'd prably have a good shot at winning, but it would take about $20,000 to fight it.

So I actually have that protection?

In theory I do, but de facto?

No, I really don't
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If the Supremes overturn the KY Supreme Court's decision it will be a terrible day. Cops already search cars on the pretext of "they smelled dope." When dope isn't found, too bad. Who knows what they smelled? It will set a terrible precedent and basically gut the 4th Amendment.
I can't believe I am siding with Sotomayor and Kagan on this. But there you have it.
I know our govt. wants us to be scared that there are thousands of bogeymen in turbans hiding behind every corner and rock so they can justify their asinine spending and militarization of our local police forces but all this govt. really seems to be scaring me with is the rate at which they are capable of trampling the constitution to tatters...

I wonder if I will tell stories to my future children about what America used to be like before it became AmeriKa?

Who Needs Search Warrants? Just Follow Your Nose! by C.J. Maloney

Uber simplified short summary: Supreme court is hearing arguments on the ability of cops to barge in your home if they think they smell something that might be illegal or hear something that might sound like a crime might be occurring...
Gee.....No Knock....who'd have ever heard o' such-a-thing?


"The number of no-knock raids has increased from 3,000 in 1981 to more than 50,000 in 2005, according to Peter Kraska, a criminologist at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky. Raids that lead to deaths of innocent people are increasingly common; since the early 1980s, 40 bystanders have been killed, according to the Cato Institute in Washington, DC."


John N. Mitchell - HERE

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The 4th amendment has already been whittled down to practically nothing by the SCOTUS.

If you're not well off, you really basically have very little protection from unreasonable search and siezure.

Oh, in theory you have rights, but defending those rights usually takes more money than most people really have.

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

My lawyers told me, I'd prably have a good shot at winning, but it would take about $20,000 to fight it.

So I actually have that protection?

In theory I do, but de facto?

No, I really don't

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

I have ample protection if they do not have a search warrant. It may cost me my life but I will take a couple witrh me
I know our govt. wants us to be scared that there are thousands of bogeymen in turbans hiding behind every corner and rock so they can justify their asinine spending and militarization of our local police forces but all this govt. really seems to be scaring me with is the rate at which they are capable of trampling the constitution to tatters...

I wonder if I will tell stories to my future children about what America used to be like before it became AmeriKa?

Who Needs Search Warrants? Just Follow Your Nose! by C.J. Maloney

Uber simplified short summary: Supreme court is hearing arguments on the ability of cops to barge in your home if they think they smell something that might be illegal or hear something that might sound like a crime might be occurring...

In the poll, I voted for the Constitutional approach.

However, I am most definitely FOR giving the cops more discretionary power they now possess what with ACLU's BULLSHIT.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin; February 17, 1775

You Tories need to go-back-to-where-you-came-from.

"First they came for the Jews"

The 4th amendment has already been whittled down to practically nothing by the SCOTUS.

If you're not well off, you really basically have very little protection from unreasonable search and siezure.

Oh, in theory you have rights, but defending those rights usually takes more money than most people really have.

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

My lawyers told me, I'd prably have a good shot at winning, but it would take about $20,000 to fight it.

So I actually have that protection?

In theory I do, but de facto?

No, I really don't

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

I have ample protection if they do not have a search warrant. It may cost me my life but I will take a couple witrh me

If I'm going to commit suicide by cop, it's going to have to serve a greater social purpose and make a larger splash on society than me just defending my right to privacy from the excesses of a couple local cops.

I respect your POV, of course, but I think that your death under those circumstances wouldn't have much impact on the cause you just died for.

I guess my point is that my life (and yours too) ought not to be thrown away just to make a point that will be so treated so trivially in this society.

You' be dismissed as just another nutter.
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The 4th amendment has already been whittled down to practically nothing by the SCOTUS.

If you're not well off, you really basically have very little protection from unreasonable search and siezure.

Oh, in theory you have rights, but defending those rights usually takes more money than most people really have.

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

My lawyers told me, I'd prably have a good shot at winning, but it would take about $20,000 to fight it.

So I actually have that protection?

In theory I do, but de facto?

No, I really don't

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

I have ample protection if they do not have a search warrant. It may cost me my life but I will take a couple witrh me

Well that is one way that evoloution thins out some.
The 4th amendment has already been whittled down to practically nothing by the SCOTUS.

If you're not well off, you really basically have very little protection from unreasonable search and siezure.

Oh, in theory you have rights, but defending those rights usually takes more money than most people really have.

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

My lawyers told me, I'd prably have a good shot at winning, but it would take about $20,000 to fight it.

So I actually have that protection?

In theory I do, but de facto?

No, I really don't

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

I have ample protection if they do not have a search warrant. It may cost me my life but I will take a couple witrh me

If I'm going to commit suicide by cop, it's going to have to serve a greater social purpose and make a larger splash on society than me just defending my right to privacy from the excesses of a couple local cops.

I respect your POV, of course, but I think that your death under those circumstances wouldn't have much impact on the cause you just died for.

I guess my point is that my life (and yours too) ought not to be thrown away just to make a point that will be so treated so trivially in this society.

You' be dismissed as just another nutter.

So defending your home and yourself is called suicide? You are going to make an easy pick up when the time comes.
The 4th amendment has already been whittled down to practically nothing by the SCOTUS.

If you're not well off, you really basically have very little protection from unreasonable search and siezure.

Oh, in theory you have rights, but defending those rights usually takes more money than most people really have.

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

My lawyers told me, I'd prably have a good shot at winning, but it would take about $20,000 to fight it.

So I actually have that protection?

In theory I do, but de facto?

No, I really don't

I had an excellent 4th amendment case in the case of the cops inviding my home a few years back.

I have ample protection if they do not have a search warrant. It may cost me my life but I will take a couple witrh me

Well that is one way that evoloution thins out some.

I see we have another easy pick up.
Smell seems to be a poor way to determine whos home should be invaded without warning.

It makes cops pretty powerful over regular Joes lives.
I have ample protection if they do not have a search warrant. It may cost me my life but I will take a couple witrh me

Well that is one way that evoloution thins out some.

I see we have another easy pick up.

LOL. I did not support the Patriot act.
Defending my home? It is just a house, I have owened several in my life.
And if I have done nothig wrong I stand an excellent chance of being cleared.
Being dead is kinda hard to clear up though.
Well that is one way that evoloution thins out some.

I see we have another easy pick up.

LOL. I did not support the Patriot act.
Defending my home? It is just a house, I have owened several in my life.
And if I have done nothig wrong I stand an excellent chance of being cleared.
Being dead is kinda hard to clear up though.

I have owned a couple of homes myself, but whats mine is mine if you walk through my doors uninvited you will not leave the same way you came in. I really don't care who you are.
What if they enter a house and find out the "smell" was nothing more than incense from the house next door?

What if the officers have bad ofactory recognition?

What if they officers simply LIE about smelling something?

It gives WAY to much power over the citizens.

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