Supreme Court justice: U.S. Constitution inferior

John Adams said that the Constitution was written for a moral and religous people. It is wholly inadequate for any other. As we become amoral and non-religious, the Constitution is less and less adquate for our needs.

The Constitution is inapplicable to a people who wish to be governed by a dictator.

Then leave. Move to one of these other countries with a LESS moral constitution, so you can peddle your immoral, heathen crap there.

The Constitution is perfectly fine the way it is. It just doesn't apply to what liberals want to make of this country. We have a significant percentage of individuals who would rather be governed by a democrat dicatator and one party rule. The Constitution can't govern a people with those kinds of aspirations.

When are we going to learn that both party's trash the Constitution, and both are advancing the globalization agenda by slowly dismantling our sovereignty?
We need to settle in the middle in order for our form of government to work, as the pendulum swings from extreme right to extreme left, it causes nothing but divisiveness and bickering, while the real PTB, hiding behind party labels, slowly destroy the American values, money and economic system, and rights in the Constitution.

I think she should be impeached as well. If she didn't like our Constitution, then why take a job responsible for upholding it, unless
she always had in mind that by taking the position of a supreme court justice, she would have the opportunity to interpret the nations most sacred document, the way SHE saw fit..way left of center.

It should be obvious by now to all Americans (who give a damn) that it matters not who or what "party" is currently in power, neither of them seem to have our best interests, or what America was created to be, as priority.

As long as they can successfully keep us fighting among ourselves over religious and moral controversies, and as long as they can maintain the illusion that the two parties are significantly different we won't pay attention to their collusion on economic and foreign policy and the rampant corruption endemic on both sides of the aisle.

Breaking Down the False Left Right Paradigm | Waiting for the Storm
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah that bitch should be impeached!
2. When we as a people have judges who neither support or even recommend our Constitution, then this Nation is is some serious trouble.
3. When our judges are dumb as dirt, we have huge problems folks.
4. Its sad and a shame.


And of course this type of subversiveness, is becoming rampant, and they don't care to hide it.

New York Times Publishes Hit Piece Against US Constitution “The Enemy Within” – The Intel Hub

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