Suppression of Free Speech Leads to Silence

I admittedly haven't read this whole thread and may be jumping to conlusions, but...

Free speech still exists at this board and that won't change. If there are any issues that anyone is experiencing please feel free to PM me.

If I'm off base here feel free to send me an e-slap. :)
elephant said:
I used to save lint. I would save it in a little in a zip-loc (tm) bag and bring it camping. It is great when you learning how to make fire by rubbing sticks together. You can also start a fire with lint and a magnifying glass.

Now, I am old and lazy. I bring matches AND a lighter.

But generally I do not support the "War on Lint" - I do support the troops, though!

You have collected large amounts of a highly flammable item? :eek:

Careful what you admit to elephant....
dilloduck said:
This aint west--it's south. The cats woulda killed it but I found it first and saved its life-----just like all the poor doves that got the shit knocked outta them by hail----this morning I looked like I was the opening ceremony at the olympics---shoulda seen them doves fly :thewave:

Yah, we get that every time there is a storm around here as well. Open the barn door and you have to step back there are so many animals escaping. It is interesting when the storm's still on, some of them are so afraid they will attempt to leave when you open the door only to come back and get stuck in a loop. In and out.

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