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Notice how cons still DON'T GET IT. Vietnam and Iraq were wars of WANT not necessity. War should always be a last resort. Vietnam & Iraq were BAD MOVES.....PERIOD. It was lost the day it began. CONS JUST LOVE WAR FOR THE SAKE OF WAR.
Notice how cons still DON'T GET IT. Vietnam and Iraq were wars of WANT not necessity. War should always be a last resort. Vietnam & Iraq were BAD MOVES.....PERIOD. It was lost the day it began. CONS JUST LOVE WAR FOR THE SAKE OF WAR.

Right, Johnson and McCain enjoyed their stays so much, they want others to share in the fun. You are no different than those on the right that just use 'talking points' to bash 'liberals.' You even employ the same tactics of name calling, at least in your vernacular, "Neo-cons", "Right wing", etc.
Brit Hume Finally Says What Media Dare Not Concerning Congressman Murtha
Posted by Noel Sheppard on February 18, 2007 - 20:45.
Since Rep. John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania) became the media’s antiwar darling, he has been allowed to say virtually anything he wants with total impunity. Ignoring rules of engagement that clearly don't apply to him, FNC’s Brit Hume finally took the congressman to task on the most recent installment of “Fox News Sunday.”

During the panel discussion, host Chris Wallace played a video clip of a recent statement by Murtha concerning Iraq. Hume took issue with the congressman's views, and said what many on the right have been waiting for since the media unjustly crowned this man as a voice of reason concerning all things military (video available here):

That sound bite from John Murtha suggests that it’s time a few things be said about him. Even the “Washington Post” noted he didn’t seem particularly well informed about what’s going on over there, to say the least. Look, this man has tremendous cache among House Democrats, but he is not — this guy is long past the day when he had anything but the foggiest awareness of what the heck is going on in the world.

Ouch. That’s gotta hurt. Thankfully, Hume wasn't done:

And that sound bite is naivete writ large, and the man is an absolute fountain of such talk, and the fact that he has ascended to the position he has in the eyes of the Democrats in the House and perhaps Democrats around the country tells you a lot about how much they know or care about what’s really going on over there.

Bravo, Brit. Nice to see someone in the media not bowing down to this despicable caricature of a grossly-corrupt and has-been legislator.

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