Support America's Past Veterans: Remove Mexico!


Jun 10, 2010
No REAL American will tolerate the Latino invasion of the US. They are a military target to all Americans who value freedom and honor America's sacred dead. War with Mexico will happen in order to remove these vermine who have been feeding off of the American poor.

This means calling Mexico a terrorist state that is a threat to America and the free world.

The United States must call on the military strength of the free world to push this third world threat to humanity back into it's own cesspool of corruption.

Steps must be taken to remove the Mexican population from the US then from Mexico itself to ensure the future safety of North America. Mexico will be transformed into a multi cultural country that is open to the world for immigration. This will halt the spread of the evil created by an out of control Latin America.

Ultimately, Latin America will be pushed south of the Panama Canal and contained there. The world will then be safe again.

Thy Will Be Done!
No REAL American will tolerate the Latino invasion of the US. They are a military target to all Americans who value freedom and honor America's sacred dead. War with Mexico will happen in order to remove these vermine who have been feeding off of the American poor.

This means calling Mexico a terrorist state that is a threat to America and the free world.

The United States must call on the military strength of the free world to push this third world threat to humanity back into it's own cesspool of corruption.

Steps must be taken to remove the Mexican population from the US then from Mexico itself to ensure the future safety of North America. Mexico will be transformed into a multi cultural country that is open to the world for immigration. This will halt the spread of the evil created by an out of control Latin America.

Ultimately, Latin America will be pushed south of the Panama Canal and contained there. The world will then be safe again.

Thy Will Be Done!

Yes, Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done, The Conquest of the Amazon:

NELSON ROCKEFELLER and Evangelism in the Age of Oil

"Thy Will Be Done", The Conquest of the Amazon:
by Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett
Harper Collins, 1995. 960 pages
reviewed by Carmelo Ruiz
Carmelo Ruiz is a Puerto Rican journalist and research associate at the institute for Social Ecology,

In 1976, reporters Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett traveled to Brazil as part of a journalistic team to write stories about the work of Christian missionaries in the Amazon basin. High on Colby and Dennett's list of priorities was to learn about a mysterious missionary organization called the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL). This outfit, also known as the Wycliffe Bible Translators, had gotten kudos from both conservatives and liberals for translating the Bible into hundreds of indigenous languages in Central and South America and helping native peoples cope with the intrusion of Western civilization into their lives.

However, Colby and Dennett had heard of a darker side to SIL. Numerous critics had alleged that SIL was the vanguard of the destruction of both the rainforests and their native inhabitants. They had heard from Latin American acquaintances that SIL was, in military fashion, a scouting party that surveyed the Amazonian hinterlands for potential sources of opposition to natural resource exploitation (read cattle ranching, clearcutting and strip mining) among native peoples and that it employed a virulent brand of Christian fundamentalism that relied on linguistics to undermine the social cohesion of aboriginal communities and accelerate their assimilation into Western culture. In addition to all this, numerous articles in the Latin American press accused 511. of being funded by the American intelligence community.

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