Summer Solstice


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It seems the Pagans (not the motorcycle gang) will be worshiping the source of all energy and flocking to the pile of rocks in the country formerly known as England for the annual celebration of the Sun's furthest climb into the northern hemisphere on June 21 2015. I doubt if there will be any human sacrifices but you never know. For a "glass half empty" guy it signifies the inevitable cycle of shorter days from now on until December.
It seems the Pagans (not the motorcycle gang) will be worshiping the source of all energy and flocking to the pile of rocks in the country formerly known as England for the annual celebration of the Sun's furthest climb into the northern hemisphere on June 21 2015. I doubt if there will be any human sacrifices but you never know. For a "glass half empty" guy it signifies the inevitable cycle of shorter days from now on until December.

This also heralds the beginning of the end for any chance of a significant El Nino to form. As the solar input now wains and the westerlies fail to materialize the El Moki we have been experiencing will now die. Region 4 is now cold, region 3-4 is cooling and has been now for three weeks, region 1 warm pool is depleted. Monsoonal flows are 5 weeks early. Things are now going to get very dicey.. expect the alarmist drivel to ramp up and the manipulation of data to ensue in haste..

All of their lies(hopes) were premised on a strong El Nino forming and it doesn't look like its going to comply...

Europe better hang on to their collective asses, as its about to get very cold this winter over there. The cold in the Atlantic is growing massively and what little heat there is along the east coast is about to go away. This is why there has been no hurricane season to speak of this year.

On the Pacific side of the map temperatures have dropped 0.27 deg C in the last two weeks, the warm pool is depleted, and monsoonal flow has started a full 5 weeks early.

We are setting up for a very cold and heavy snow winter and fall in the US. The northern hemisphere is COOLING and has been for over 10 years.

Europe better hang on to their collective asses, as its about to get very cold this winter over there. The cold in the Atlantic is growing massively and what little heat there is along the east coast is about to go away. This is why there has been no hurricane season to speak of this year.

On the Pacific side of the map temperatures have dropped 0.27 deg C in the last two weeks, the warm pool is depleted, and monsoonal flow has started a full 5 weeks early.

We are setting up for a very cold and heavy snow winter and fall in the US. The northern hemisphere is COOLING and has been for over 10 years.

What is the source of this graphic and these notes?
This also heralds the beginning of the end for any chance of a significant El Nino to form. As the solar input now wains and the westerlies fail to materialize the El Moki we have been experiencing will now die. Region 4 is now cold, region 3-4 is cooling and has been now for three weeks, region 1 warm pool is depleted. Monsoonal flows are 5 weeks early. Things are now going to get very dicey.. expect the alarmist drivel to ramp up and the manipulation of data to ensue in haste..

All of their lies(hopes) were premised on a strong El Nino forming and it doesn't look like its going to comply...


issued by


and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society

11 June 2015

ENSO Alert System Status: El Niño Advisory

Synopsis: There is a greater than 90% chance that El Niño will continue through Northern Hemisphere fall 2015, and around an 85% chance it will last through the 2015-16 winter.

During May, sea surface temperatures (SST) anomalies increased across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean (Fig. 1 & Fig. 2). All of the Niño indices were in excess of +1.0°C, with the largest anomalies in the eastern Pacific, indicated by recent weekly values of +1.4°C in Niño-3 and +1.9°C in Niño-1+2 (Fig. 2). After a slight decline in April, positive subsurface temperature anomalies strengthened during May (Fig. 3) in association with the progress of a downwelling oceanic Kelvin wave (Fig. 4). In addition, anomalous low-level westerly winds remained over most of the equatorial Pacific, and were accompanied by anomalous upper-level easterly winds. The traditional and equatorial Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) were both negative, consistent with enhanced convection over the central and eastern equatorial Pacific and suppressed convection over Indonesia (Fig. 5). Collectively, these atmospheric and oceanic features reflect an ongoing and strengthening El Niño.

Nearly all models predict El Niño to continue throughout 2015, with many predicting SST anomalies to increase into the late fall 2015 (Fig. 6). For the fall and early winter, the consensus of forecasters slightly favors a strong event (3-month values of the Niño-3.4 index +1.5°C or greater), relative to a weaker event. However, this prediction may vary in the months ahead as strength forecasts are the most challenging aspect of ENSO prediction. A moderate, weak, or even no El Niño remains possible, though at increasingly lesser odds. There is a greater than 90% chance that El Niño will continue through Northern Hemisphere fall 2015, and around an 85% chance it will last through the 2015-16 winter (click CPC/IRI consensus forecast for the chance of each outcome for each 3-month period).

Across the contiguous United States, temperature and precipitation impacts associated with El Niño are expected to remain minimal during the Northern Hemisphere summer and increase into the late fall and winter (the 3-month seasonal outlook will be updated on Thursday June 18th). El Niño will likely be a contributor to a below normal Atlantic hurricane season, and above-normal hurricane seasons in both the central and eastern Pacific hurricane basins (click Hurricane season outlook for more).

This discussion is a consolidated effort of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA’s National Weather Service, and their funded institutions. Oceanic and atmospheric conditions are updated weekly on the Climate Prediction Center web site (El Niño/La Niña Current Conditions and Expert Discussions). Forecasts are also updated monthly in the Forecast Forum of CPC's Climate Diagnostics Bulletin. Additional perspectives and analysis are also available in an ENSO blog. The next ENSO Diagnostics Discussion is scheduled for 9 July 2015. To receive an e-mail notification when the monthly ENSO Diagnostic Discussions are released, please send an e-mail message to: [email protected].

Climate Prediction Center ENSO Diagnostic Discussion
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That "pile of rocks" just might be an intergalactic Bus Stop and on the day of solstice every 100 years --- the shuttle does come by and pick them up.. How cool would that be? Next stop Vega3 baby...
Wow that's the most bitter post I've ever seen. Go have a beer and relax.
What's bitter? The crack about the pile of rocks in the country formerly known as England or the pagan tradition of human sacrifice? It's ironic that the crazies and the pagans recognize the source of climate and energy and life on this planet even if the idiot professors (subsidized by Al Gore grants) think humans are responsible for climate change.
Wow that's the most bitter post I've ever seen. Go have a beer and relax.
What's bitter? The crack about the pile of rocks in the country formerly known as England or the pagan tradition of human sacrifice? It's ironic that the crazies and the pagans recognize the source of climate and energy and life on this planet even if the idiot professors (subsidized by Al Gore grants) think humans are responsible for climate change.
Have you any proof that Stonehenge was ever associated with human sacrifice?
That "pile of rocks" just might be an intergalactic Bus Stop and on the day of solstice every 100 years --- the shuttle does come by and pick them up.. How cool would that be? Next stop Vega3 baby...
LOL. A whole lot of fiction, no science. The real history of Stonehenge is far more fascinating than the unfounded speculations concerning it.

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