Summer of Recovery, Part II: Rise of the ATMs


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Scrolls like Star Wars

Summer of Recovery, Part II: Rise of the ATMs

The Progressive Jihad sprang into action
the second Obama put his hand on the Bible

One by one great American industries
were crushed or taken over
GE, GM, Chrysler, banks
finally the entire US health Care system
fell under the Emperors thumb
(except for the several thousand
Democrat supporters who got waivers)

Summer 2010 was promised to be
one of Green Shoots
but none arrived
VP Biden said they'd never come back
and he was right

In Summer 2011 the Emperor
admits that his economic plans
have failed

Done in by ATM's
He complains about CNN
and the Internet News

All WeeWeed Up

He prepares to strike
a decisive blow against all
who would thwart his march
to Mt Rushmore

he declares war on ATMs!!​
Scrolls like Star Wars

Summer of Recovery, Part II: Rise of the ATMs

The Progressive Jihad sprang into action
the second Obama put his hand on the Bible​

One by one great American industries
were crushed or taken over
GE, GM, Chrysler, banks
finally the entire US health Care system
fell under the Emperors thumb
(except for the several thousand
Democrat supporters who got waivers)​

Summer 2010 was promised to be
one of Green Shoots
but none arrived
VP Biden said they'd never come back
and he was right​

In Summer 2011 the Emperor
admits that his economic plans
have failed

Done in by ATM's
He complains about CNN
and the Internet News​

All WeeWeed Up​

He prepares to strike
a decisive blow against all
who would thwart his march
to Mt Rushmore​

he declares war on ATMs!!​
Scrolls like Star Wars

Summer of Recovery, Part II: Rise of the ATMs

The Progressive Jihad sprang into action
the second Obama put his hand on the Bible

One by one great American industries
were crushed or taken over
GE, GM, Chrysler, banks
finally the entire US health Care system
fell under the Emperors thumb
(except for the several thousand
Democrat supporters who got waivers)

Summer 2010 was promised to be
one of Green Shoots
but none arrived
VP Biden said they'd never come back
and he was right

In Summer 2011 the Emperor
admits that his economic plans
have failed

Done in by ATM's
He complains about CNN
and the Internet News

All WeeWeed Up

He prepares to strike
a decisive blow against all
who would thwart his march
to Mt Rushmore

he declares war on ATMs!!​

Directed by Michael Bay.
Indicates quite well the static view of the economy that he takes...and how little he knows about real life and consequences of scientific advancement and growth. Aside from that, there are more live bank tellers today than before the debut of Tilly the Teller...and there are multitudes of jobs associated with providing and servicing the ATMs.

Again, Obama has no clue. He is merely casting blame on all but himself and his cronies.

Yours is a crafty presentation of sad fact...out President is goofy!:clap2:
Last edited:
"All Weeweed Up".


I'd forgotten about that little gem of an Obamaism.
Scrolls like Star Wars

Summer of Recovery, Part II: Rise of the ATMs

The Progressive Jihad sprang into action
the second Obama put his hand on the Bible

One by one great American industries
were crushed or taken over
GE, GM, Chrysler, banks
finally the entire US health Care system
fell under the Emperors thumb
(except for the several thousand
Democrat supporters who got waivers)

Summer 2010 was promised to be
one of Green Shoots
but none arrived
VP Biden said they'd never come back
and he was right

In Summer 2011 the Emperor
admits that his economic plans
have failed

Done in by ATM's
He complains about CNN
and the Internet News

All WeeWeed Up

He prepares to strike
a decisive blow against all
who would thwart his march
to Mt Rushmore

he declares war on ATMs!!​

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Star Wars - The Main Theme Song‬‏[/ame]
Indicates quite well the static view of the economy that he takes...and how little he knows about real life and consequences of scientific advancement and growth. Aside from that, there are more live bank tellers today than before the debut of Tilly the Teller...and there are multitudes of jobs associated with providing and servicing the ATMs.

Again, Obama has no clue. He is merely casting blame on all but himself and his cronies.

Yours is a crafty presentation of sad fact...out President is goofy!:clap2:

When I saw the tape of him saying that, I laughed out loud. What next? Is he going to say that the rotary dial phone has kept people out of work since operators are no longer required for local calls?

The Big 0 has absolutely no clue what is happening, why it happened or how to change it. The only person who doesn't know this besides the Big 0 is RDean.

We probably need to require that any candidate for President first hold an executive position in some capacity so we can find out if he's a disconnected idealogue without a clue or a leader with a methodology and a plan.

Caligula ruled Rome for four years and we still speak about him as he drained the treasury, alienated the Senate and spent most of his time seeking diversion. Golf was not invented at the time. Thank God it's available today.

Will people still be talking about the Big 0 in 2000 years?

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