Sumer, and their tales of the Anunnaki!

Yes, copied though... It is the modern incarnation of Enki's epitaph. He was the dude that brought us scientific and medical enlightenment, per the Sumerians.

However, followers of Enki fell into a bad rap as Enlil-ite rulers took over... And then religions spawned around it. And followers of Enki had to create the first secret society to further his ideals, The Brotherhood of the Snake.

And what happened to the Brotherhood is the most corrupt thing that could ever happen. And secret societies today have no connection to the original Brotherhood of the Snake. Secret societies today are the corrupt versions of the original brotherhood, which was meant to keep Enki's truths alive. Because Enki is our Creator. And Savior.

Now, he's associated with wicked things like the Serpent in Eden (he actually was the serpent in ED.IN, but in a good way), and Satan and the "devil". It just strikes me so funny that people today that follow these religions repent their true creator and savior (enki), and follow the one who wanted to kill us all (enlil).
RWS, thank you for all the informative comments that are of great interest to me. What seems especially amazing to me is how little we have changed for all our technology. The story of enki and enlil is still being acted out today. We humans seem to have a knack for making the good seem evil and evil seem good. I'm sure you can spot many examples of that in today's newscasts..or at least in today's punditry.

Things in this world are definitely reversed... It takes stepping outside of the box to realize it. And I'm very happy if I can contribute to people taking a walk on the wild side. :)
Because if you follow it down the line to see where modern religions came from, Judeo-Christian religions follow the Sumerian lord who smited us and wanted us all dead (enlil). Instead of EN.KI, who actually created us and saved us many times from EN.LIL's wrath...

But however Enki and Enlil got converted into a monolithic religion (which I would love to discuss), the biblical "God" became the evil Enlil.

I guess it's easier to build armies to back you, when your religion means killing people, and therefore go for an Enlil god to justify killing others. As opposed to Enki, who was a really cool dude to us...

Where would we be today, if the evil Enlil followers originally lost to the Enki followers? And religious prosecution had not destroyed so much humanity and knowledge to this day?

Peeps should check out EN.KI and ancient texts, while they're still around. Now, he was a big flirt and banged most women he could find, but that was acceptable back then. And his genes, are probably the genes of Noah and Jesus, if you want to take it that far.. He was probably the "immaculate conceptor" :)
And you know he was definitely the sperm of the original AD.IM as well, based on Sumerian texts. EN.KI created the AD.IM, for purposes of being a slave-race. But while we were slaves, he actually cared about our well-being and tried to improve us and protect us, in the face of Enlil's growing anger towards our species.

AD.IM meant "humans". The individual person named "Adam" from the biblical accounts was actually "Adapa", but they confused the whole thing for whatever reason... :)

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