Suicide bomber kills senior Iran Guards commanders


unbannable non-troll
May 29, 2009
theartching thapphireth
Suicide bomber kills senior Iran Guards commanders

TEHRAN (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed around 20 people, including two senior Revolutionary Guards commanders, in southeastern Iran on Sunday, Iranian media reported.

Another 40 people were wounded in the most severe attack on the Revolutionary Guards in recent years.

State television suggested that a Sunni rebel group called Jundollah (God's soldiers) -- linked by some analysts to the Taliban in neighbouring Pakistan -- was the likely suspect for the attack.

"Attacker detonated explosives strapped to his body during gathering of tribal heads," state Press TV said in a headline, adding that civilians and tribal leaders were also among the victims.

The Revolutionary Guards blamed "foreign elements" linked to the United States for the killings, which underlined deepening instability in Iran's southeast bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan.


What is it Librul keep blathering, Iraq and Iran are the same place? Iran is running Iraq, Mokky Al Sadr for President?
What is it Librul keep blathering, Iraq and Iran are the same place? Iran is running Iraq, Mokky Al Sadr for President?

For many on the right, liberals seem to blather because the liberals haven't learned how to speak "Simpleton". Liberals tend to look at something called the, "Big Picture" and make decisions based on things we call, "facts" and other things called, "data". Usually, this information is recorded to be studied at a later date. Most Republicans haven't mastered rudimentary numbers and figures. They tend more towards "stick figures". Here is a conservative picture story. Quite expressive. Still being translated.

I have been asking other liberals to learn "Simpleton" so we can communicate with conservatives. Nothing deep or thoughtful. Just basic communication. Simpleton is quite easy to learn. It's mostly arm waving, hand gestures and a few words, the most common being "Ugh" and "Huh?". These are used in combination with the hand gestures to convey simple (hence the name "Simpleton") needs. Eat. Go. Walk. Poop.
What is it Librul keep blathering, Iraq and Iran are the same place? Iran is running Iraq, Mokky Al Sadr for President?

For many on the right, liberals seem to blather because the liberals haven't learned how to speak "Simpleton". Liberals tend to look at something called the, "Big Picture" and make decisions based on things we call, "facts" and other things called, "data". Usually, this information is recorded to be studied at a later date. Most Republicans haven't mastered rudimentary numbers and figures. They tend more towards "stick figures". Here is a conservative picture story. Quite expressive. Still being translated.

I have been asking other liberals to learn "Simpleton" so we can communicate with conservatives. Nothing deep or thoughtful. Just basic communication. Simpleton is quite easy to learn. It's mostly arm waving, hand gestures and a few words, the most common being "Ugh" and "Huh?". These are used in combination with the hand gestures to convey simple (hence the name "Simpleton") needs. Eat. Go. Walk. Poop.

Uh huh.

You Libs kept telling us how Iran was running Iraq but then a funny thing happened on the way to Basra. When the People the Libs have been rooting for, that is, the Iraqi Insurgents with Al Sadr and his Iranian Proxies, went to claim grab their throne at Basra, the US Trained ISF sawed the Iranian hand off at the wrist and inflicted one of the worst ass kicking in modern warfare.

You would think that the facts would occasionally bail you fuckers out but you're 0 for the entire WOT.

Where's your boy Mooky Al Sadr been hiding lately?

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