Suicidal SPD campaign in upcoming AfD-elections in Brandenburg, Germany


Nov 14, 2012
We have elections in about two weeks in Brandenburg and the SPD (the party of the worker) is providing massive support to the AfD, which leads in the polls.

SPD (Social-Democratic Party) campaign Brandenburg 2019:
"I also do not think it´s right to always take the concerns and needs of the population seriously. What do they have for concerns and hardships? I do not understand that."

The CDU (somehow the equivalent to the US Republicans), second in the polls, is ready to form a coalition with the Green and/or the Leftist party, but not with the AfD.
The AfD launched a counter-suicide to drive the new voters away already. We all know that the AfD is not focusing on environmentalism and that´s not a plus in Brandenburg, where 16 years old Greta fans can vote. But the actual problem for the AfD is now that the AfD insulted Greta and the teens who where in the parliament during an event "The youth debates with top candidates".
Only three of the attending 203 teenagers would vote the AfD.

Andreas Kalbitz: Brandenburgs AfD-Chef bepöbelt Kinder im Parlament

However, modern environmentalism is driven by fanaticism often and the AfD has a point when they say the windmills are a danger for birds and insects, even for trees that they remove to setup more of this sick devices that in addition eat up huge amounts of rare earthes. The Green Party should tell us how many windmills are required to replace gas and fuel. About 40 million e-cars and many households to be heated.
Unfortunately, the solution is a compromise that includes nuclear energy. You cannot tell it those environment activists.
Maybe the best thing is when we get a new Emperor or Fuhrer (me) who tells them what to do, so the country can go ahead instead of waiting for all that stupid parties to finally find a common path on anything.

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