Suddenly there are talks of another stimulus. Wonder why? Look inside...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Because with declining poll numbers, skyrocketing commoditie prices, gas above 3.00, unemployment likely above 8% and the host of other problems that Obama has at his feet he can count on idiots like this to not only buy it but alas the morons will quite possibly vote as well. This is what elects those who otherwise wouldn't stand a chance in hell.....

[ame=]YouTube - ‪The Obama Stash of Stimulus Cash -- Dolla Dolla Bills, Y'all!!‬‏[/ame]

Bottom line if you don't deserve the votes or can't "earn" them through good leadership, just buy them.
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Because with declining poll numbers, skyrocketing commoditie prices, gas above 3.00, unemployment likely above 8% and the host of other problems that Obama has at his feet he can count on idiots like this to not only buy it but alas the morons will quite possibly vote as well. This is what elects those who otherwise wouldn't stand a chance in hell.....

YouTube - ‪The Obama Stash of Stimulus Cash -- Dolla Dolla Bills, Y'all!!‬‏

8% unemployment:cuckoo::cuckoo:--we haven't seen that LOW of a number for 3 years! We are currently at 9.1% unemployment and weekly claims jumped again last week. Scaring the crap out of this administration--so we had another perfectly pronounced speech coming from Obama last night regarding Afganistan and he today is throwing the "hail Mary pass" by throwing 30 million barrels of oil out of our strategic reserve to get gaslone below 4.00 per gallon. (Which of course is a temporary--very short term fix.)
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I say 8% at election time because I'm hopeful that it comes down a bit. But yes I'm well aware of our current stats. I'm just projecting some minor growth
Republicans are pushing for spending cuts. they are also hold the debt ceiling hostage to get them. This is just playing to the base so they can blame republicans for being obstructionist.
Because they can't figure out that real solutions will only occur when we cut taxes and cut spending.
Every Economist worth a damn agrees that the first stimulus was too small. It got the economy growing, but only added a couple million jobs and we need more. The drop in GDP was pegged well north of $2T so a second stimulus of $1T should really do the trick.

I know you guys think it's about buying votes, but really, it's just math.
Every Economist worth a damn agrees that the first stimulus was too small. It got the economy growing, but only added a couple million jobs and we need more. The drop in GDP was pegged well north of $2T so a second stimulus of $1T should really do the trick.

I know you guys think it's about buying votes, but really, it's just math.

Every economist worth a damn? nonsense.
Every Economist worth a damn agrees that the first stimulus was too small. It got the economy growing, but only added a couple million jobs and we need more. The drop in GDP was pegged well north of $2T so a second stimulus of $1T should really do the trick.

I know you guys think it's about buying votes, but really, it's just math.

There you go again...

"every economist"....not true....just as many economists were against ANY stiumulus...but the left wing talking heads always say "every economist"

"it got the economy growing".....really? Even Obama finally had to admit that the "shovel ready jobs" werent as shovel ready as he thought

Do you have any idea of the difference between injecting capital into an economy and an economy creating capital itself?

One is short term and results in little to no long term gain.

The other is longer term and results in long term gain.

Stop regurgitasting what the left wing talking heads say and start educating yourself.

You wont come across as so naive.
Because with declining poll numbers, skyrocketing commoditie prices, gas above 3.00, unemployment likely above 8% and the host of other problems that Obama has at his feet he can count on idiots like this to not only buy it but alas the morons will quite possibly vote as well. This is what elects those who otherwise wouldn't stand a chance in hell.....

YouTube - ‪The Obama Stash of Stimulus Cash -- Dolla Dolla Bills, Y'all!!‬‏

Bottom line if you don't deserve the votes or can't "earn" them through good leadership, just buy them.

According to the majority of progressives the first stimulus worked. Apparently not...

I suppose unions need more money...

The previous stimulus' were nothing more than a union bailout. Look where all that money went... It went right into the pockets of unions. To add insult to injury - union wages are not based on supply and demand, just demand...

These progressive fucks are going against the fundamentals of the capitalist model... Of course thats why these progressives support him - because progressives are communists.
"it got the economy growing".....really? Even Obama finally had to admit that the "shovel ready jobs" werent as shovel ready as he thought

Do you have any idea of the difference between injecting capital into an economy and an economy creating capital itself?

One is short term and results in little to no long term gain.

The other is longer term and results in long term gain.

Stop regurgitasting what the left wing talking heads say and start educating yourself.

You wont come across as so naive.

The only Economists against the Stimulus were on the payroll for the GOP. It is Econ 101 that if the economy goes into recession, and output drops (in this case by about $2T) then SOMEONE needs to inject $2T into the economy to get it going again. Clearly consumers weren't going to and neither are businesses (they still aren't), so the only two options were let the recession get worse (the GOP would love this) or the government injects stimulus, which they did, but they didn't inject enough. Hence the reason we need another one.

I am well aware of the differences between short term and long term planning and affects, are you? You guys are the ones screaming and crying about the debt, when that is a long term issue and what we need to do right now is address the short term issues, like unemployment.

Or do you think we should do nothing about unemployment and just follow Gov. Perry's idea to just pray it goes away?
According to the majority of progressives the first stimulus worked. Apparently not...

I suppose unions need more money...

The previous stimulus' were nothing more than a union bailout. Look where all that money went... It went right into the pockets of unions.

1) The stimulus did work. The CBO estimates that 2-3 million more jobs would have been lost had we not done it.
2) And the stimulus did NOT go into the pockets of unions. That's a flat out lie. 1/3 was tax cuts to everyone, 1/3 was aid to states and the rest were projects. How exactly did it go into union pockets?
According to the majority of progressives the first stimulus worked. Apparently not...

I suppose unions need more money...

The previous stimulus' were nothing more than a union bailout. Look where all that money went... It went right into the pockets of unions.

1) The stimulus did work. The CBO estimates that 2-3 million more jobs would have been lost had we not done it.
2) And the stimulus did NOT go into the pockets of unions. That's a flat out lie. 1/3 was tax cuts to everyone, 1/3 was aid to states and the rest were projects. How exactly did it go into union pockets?

1. What evidence to you have to suggest the CBO is reliable on estimates??? the CBO is wrong 75% of the time with their "estimates."

If the CBO was an individual they would be diagnosed as a pathological liar.

I'll tell you what - I can believe the stimulus saved UNION JOBS and PUBLIC SECTOR JOBS...

It did absolutely NOTHING for the non-union private sector...

2. See above^^^ The stimulus money went RIGHT INTO THE POCKETS OF UNIONS. Mostly public sector unions, however the states did hire private sector unions for public works projects...

Cash for clunkers was another union stimulus... That program was designed to stimulate UAW workers, er give them something to do in these hard times...

What was the end result of that?? 20 million affordable used autos off the road, in a time when people are living hand to mouth...

Obama pretty much FUCKED took affordable autos off the road so his UAW voting base could meet the demand for new autos...

Obama is a fucking creep, and his stimulus was nothing more than a UNION BAILOUT...

That money went to public sector unions (teachers, state employees) then it went to private sector unions (construction companies)...
1. What evidence to you have to suggest the CBO is reliable on estimates??? the CBO is wrong 75% of the time with their "estimates."

I would ask you to prove this statement, but I know you won't.

Seriously, take 1 minute and google the Recovery Act. You'll find plenty of sources supporting my assertion on job creation.
If there is another stimulus package..I hope republicans don't touch it.

It should go to infrastructure repair, upgrading the energy sector and building high speed rail. Not tax cuts.
"it got the economy growing".....really? Even Obama finally had to admit that the "shovel ready jobs" werent as shovel ready as he thought

Do you have any idea of the difference between injecting capital into an economy and an economy creating capital itself?

One is short term and results in little to no long term gain.

The other is longer term and results in long term gain.

Stop regurgitasting what the left wing talking heads say and start educating yourself.

You wont come across as so naive.

The only Economists against the Stimulus were on the payroll for the GOP. It is Econ 101 that if the economy goes into recession, and output drops (in this case by about $2T) then SOMEONE needs to inject $2T into the economy to get it going again. Clearly consumers weren't going to and neither are businesses (they still aren't), so the only two options were let the recession get worse (the GOP would love this) or the government injects stimulus, which they did, but they didn't inject enough. Hence the reason we need another one.

I am well aware of the differences between short term and long term planning and affects, are you? You guys are the ones screaming and crying about the debt, when that is a long term issue and what we need to do right now is address the short term issues, like unemployment.

Or do you think we should do nothing about unemployment and just follow Gov. Perry's idea to just pray it goes away?

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

That stimulus inflated our currency because unions defy supply and demand fundamentals.

The dollar cant support union demands, and thats exactly the channel that money went through - unions..

Sorry, you just cant take a dollar from a person and put it through the system and expect it to still be a dollar when it comes out the other end.....

For every dollar thats spent only 30cents of it gets pumped back into the economy, the main reason?? inflated union wages...

Econ 101

Competition and supply and demand...

Its basic microeconomics....
"it got the economy growing".....really? Even Obama finally had to admit that the "shovel ready jobs" werent as shovel ready as he thought

Do you have any idea of the difference between injecting capital into an economy and an economy creating capital itself?

One is short term and results in little to no long term gain.

The other is longer term and results in long term gain.

Stop regurgitasting what the left wing talking heads say and start educating yourself.

You wont come across as so naive.

The only Economists against the Stimulus were on the payroll for the GOP. It is Econ 101 that if the economy goes into recession, and output drops (in this case by about $2T) then SOMEONE needs to inject $2T into the economy to get it going again. Clearly consumers weren't going to and neither are businesses (they still aren't), so the only two options were let the recession get worse (the GOP would love this) or the government injects stimulus, which they did, but they didn't inject enough. Hence the reason we need another one.

I am well aware of the differences between short term and long term planning and affects, are you? You guys are the ones screaming and crying about the debt, when that is a long term issue and what we need to do right now is address the short term issues, like unemployment.

Or do you think we should do nothing about unemployment and just follow Gov. Perry's idea to just pray it goes away?

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

That stimulus inflated our currency because unions defy supply and demand fundamentals.

The dollar cant support union demands, and thats exactly the channel that money went through - unions..

Sorry, you just cant take a dollar from a person and put it through the system and expect it to still be a dollar when it comes out the other end.....

For every dollar thats spent only 30cents of it gets pumped back into the economy, the main reason?? inflated union wages...

Econ 101

Competition and supply and demand...

Its basic microeconomics....


If there is another stimulus package..I hope republicans don't touch it.

It should go to infrastructure repair, upgrading the energy sector and building high speed rail. Not tax cuts.

95% of which are union jobs... Hence another union bailout..

What about the workers in the non-union private sector??

What are they supposed to do??

Unions are only 15-20% of the workforce... Hence 15-20% of the consumer base...

In what universe can 20% of the workforce stimulate the other 80% of the workforce?

Thats right they cant, which is why jobs are dropping like flies...

This is why labor unions need to be abolished or states need to adopt "right to work" legislation...
Because with declining poll numbers, skyrocketing commoditie prices, gas above 3.00, unemployment likely above 8% and the host of other problems that Obama has at his feet he can count on idiots like this to not only buy it but alas the morons will quite possibly vote as well. This is what elects those who otherwise wouldn't stand a chance in hell.....

YouTube - ‪The Obama Stash of Stimulus Cash -- Dolla Dolla Bills, Y'all!!‬‏

8% unemployment:cuckoo::cuckoo:--we haven't seen that LOW of a number for 3 years! We are currently at 9.1% unemployment and weekly claims jumped again last week. Scaring the crap out of this administration--so we had another perfectly pronounced speech coming from Obama last night regarding Afganistan and he today is throwing the "hail Mary pass" by throwing 30 million barrels of oil out of our strategic reserve to get gaslone below 4.00 per gallon. (Which of course is a temporary--very short term fix.)

Gas prices have already fallen on their own by over $1.00 where I live. Yesterday, I paid $3.10.

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