Stupid People Start 90% of California Wildfires


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This is not really news. Many of the current fires around the world are caused by human stupidity. In Nature, lighting starts fire in a cleansing process. Authorities do their bet to stop them, not to protect Nature, but human habitations built where they were never meant to be. links to a 2017 study published by the National Academy of Sciences that notes:

Public dialog and ongoing research have focused on increasing wildfire risk because of climate warming, overlooking the direct role that people play in igniting wildfires and increasing fire activity. … Human-started wildfires accounted for 84% of all wildfires, tripled the length of the fire season, dominated an area seven times greater than that affected by lightning fires, and were responsible for nearly half of all area burned.
More @ Stupid People Start 90% of California Wildfires: Study | Breitbart

This is not really news. Many of the current fires around the world are caused by human stupidity. In Nature, lighting starts fire in a cleansing process. Authorities do their bet to stop them, not to protect Nature, but human habitations built where they were never meant to be. links to a 2017 study published by the National Academy of Sciences that notes:

Public dialog and ongoing research have focused on increasing wildfire risk because of climate warming, overlooking the direct role that people play in igniting wildfires and increasing fire activity. … Human-started wildfires accounted for 84% of all wildfires, tripled the length of the fire season, dominated an area seven times greater than that affected by lightning fires, and were responsible for nearly half of all area burned.
More @ Stupid People Start 90% of California Wildfires: Study | Breitbart
This would seem to be at adds with a GAO study of a few years ago that says that in Arizona, most wildfires are started by illegal aliens. Since there are reports of this happening in California recently, I could guess California and Arizona have the same problem.

This is not really news. Many of the current fires around the world are caused by human stupidity. In Nature, lighting starts fire in a cleansing process. Authorities do their bet to stop them, not to protect Nature, but human habitations built where they were never meant to be. links to a 2017 study published by the National Academy of Sciences that notes:

Public dialog and ongoing research have focused on increasing wildfire risk because of climate warming, overlooking the direct role that people play in igniting wildfires and increasing fire activity. … Human-started wildfires accounted for 84% of all wildfires, tripled the length of the fire season, dominated an area seven times greater than that affected by lightning fires, and were responsible for nearly half of all area burned.
More @ Stupid People Start 90% of California Wildfires: Study | Breitbart

There are parts of this analysis I can agree with. There are places that we should not build. I would also add wetlands and, coastal areas subject to flooding. We should do away with government subsidizing rich coastal areas with cheap flood and windstorm insurance and renourishing beaches.

With climate change now making 100 year flood plan maps obsolete and making fire seasons year round, we should have people assume the risk of choosing where to live. There are areas where flood insurance is nearing twelve thousand dollars a year. Only a matter of time before this extends to other areas of the country where weather pattern changes are leading to more weather related damage.

Allow these insurance rates to rise and get government out of bailing these areas out then watch all these climate denialists scream for action.
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Yes, people are a real problem concerning the starting of the fires. Climate and wind are a real problem concerning controlling the fires once they start. So, what we have is the fact that the greed of the fossil fuel industry continues to add GHGs to our atmosphere and creating a warmer more fire prone planet, all the while we are creating more people, a percentage of whom are stupid enough to start these fires. Seems we have two kinds of stupid people here creating a real problem for the rest of us. But I would be that a significant part of the denialists are among those that starting the fires from stupidity. After all, they prove their stupidity daily here on this board.
Controlled burns and making Fire Breaks near potential powder kegs are essential to protect communities............Controlled burns done properly will not get out of control...........small steps...........but gets rid of the fuels in that area...............

Regulations making it tough to do so........are retarded.....

Fed own most of the land ...........and don't do this properly as well.............

In tender boxes...........sooner or later they are going to burn........whether from man or mother nature...........Proactive approaches are better than Reactive.
Wildfire Protection Goats Go to Work at Reagan Library

The goats provide what's known as a defensible space around the library, located about 50 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles in Ventura County. Clearing brush from around the perimeter of the building helps firefighters protect the structure by removing dry fuel for a fire, which can be whipped by winds on the hilltop location and rapidly spread.

If not for the goats, firefighters would have to clear the brush by hand.

The goats, trucked in from a nearby ranch, are watched by herding dogs and a herder, who stays on the property in a trailer. About 300 to 400 goats will tackle the job this year, chewing through brush around the perimeter of the property in something akin to a movable feast.

"They pretty much eat around our entire property," said Melissa Giller, chief marketing officer at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. "They are within a fenced area, and once that area is 'clean' the fence is moved to the next part of the property."

Controlled burns and making Fire Breaks near potential powder kegs are essential to protect communities............Controlled burns done properly will not get out of control...........small steps...........but gets rid of the fuels in that area...............

Regulations making it tough to do so........are retarded.....

Fed own most of the land ...........and don't do this properly as well.............

In tender boxes...........sooner or later they are going to burn........whether from man or mother nature...........Proactive approaches are better than Reactive.
Yes, we should be properly managing the federal lands. So, give the people responsible for the management of those lands the money to properly manage the lands. For, at present, they are not getting those funds.
Controlled burns and making Fire Breaks near potential powder kegs are essential to protect communities............Controlled burns done properly will not get out of control...........small steps...........but gets rid of the fuels in that area...............

Regulations making it tough to do so........are retarded.....

Fed own most of the land ...........and don't do this properly as well.............

In tender boxes...........sooner or later they are going to burn........whether from man or mother nature...........Proactive approaches are better than Reactive.
Yes, we should be properly managing the federal lands. So, give the people responsible for the management of those lands the money to properly manage the lands. For, at present, they are not getting those funds.
Yeah.............more govt.........figured you'd say that..........You know my stance on that..........Turn more of it over to the States............aka the people..............

In regards to fire breaks around cities.........loosen the dang regs on it and create fire break buffer zones........

Hire a couple thousand goats and a buy a movable fence. lol
Yes, people are a real problem concerning the starting of the fires. Climate and wind are a real problem concerning controlling the fires once they start. So, what we have is the fact that the greed of the fossil fuel industry continues to add GHGs to our atmosphere and creating a warmer more fire prone planet, all the while we are creating more people, a percentage of whom are stupid enough to start these fires. Seems we have two kinds of stupid people here creating a real problem for the rest of us. But I would be that a significant part of the denialists are among those that starting the fires from stupidity. After all, they prove their stupidity daily here on this board.

Dang....this guy really believes this stuff!:aug08_031:

We need to dust off the old Smokey the Bear commercials. The wind is always gonna be blowing.:backpedal:
With climate change now making 100 year flood plan maps obsolete and making fire seasons year round, we should have people assume the risk of choosing where to live.
Climate Change is causing this? I call Bull Shit! Man in his arrogance fails to look long term at anything. If man had he would see the flooding was far greater than our observed records show. One only need look at the great valleys and gorges that have been created to see our hydro-logical process ebb and flows in size over CENTURIES not hundreds of years. We have witnessed a calm time in the last 250 years and they cycle is continuing and we will return to the high side of the hydro-logical cycle over the next 250 years or so..

I wish you people would check your facts before you post up this garbage.
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Yes, people are a real problem concerning the starting of the fires. Climate and wind are a real problem concerning controlling the fires once they start. So, what we have is the fact that the greed of the fossil fuel industry continues to add GHGs to our atmosphere and creating a warmer more fire prone planet, all the while we are creating more people, a percentage of whom are stupid enough to start these fires. Seems we have two kinds of stupid people here creating a real problem for the rest of us. But I would be that a significant part of the denialists are among those that starting the fires from stupidity. After all, they prove their stupidity daily here on this board.

Dang....this guy really believes this stuff!:aug08_031:

We need to dust off the old Smokey the Bear commercials. The wind is always gonna be blowing.:backpedal:
Late fall Santa Anna winds have been prevalent now for four weeks. Way ahead of the average of the last 100 years. The cool dry atmosphere has dried things out and now that it has warmed in summer the fire danger is very real.

And yet the Midwest and east coast is 10 deg F below average.... Go Figure..
With climate change now making 100 year flood plan maps obsolete and making fire seasons year round, we should have people assume the risk of choosing where to live.
Climate Change is causing this? I call Bull Shit! Man in his arrogance fails to look long term at anything. If man had he would see the flooding was far greater than our observed records show. One only need look at the great valleys and gorges that have been created to see our hydro-logical process ebb and flows in size over CENTURIES not hundreds of years. We have witnessed a calm time in the last 250 years and they cycle is continuing and we will return to the high side of the hydro-logical cycle over the next 250 years or so..

I wish you people would check your facts before you post up this garbage.

Do you have a link to a reference for those claims?

Do you ever?
With climate change now making 100 year flood plan maps obsolete and making fire seasons year round, we should have people assume the risk of choosing where to live.
Climate Change is causing this? I call Bull Shit! Man in his arrogance fails to look long term at anything. If man had he would see the flooding was far greater than our observed records show. One only need look at the great valleys and gorges that have been created to see our hydro-logical process ebb and flows in size over CENTURIES not hundreds of years. We have witnessed a calm time in the last 250 years and they cycle is continuing and we will return to the high side of the hydro-logical cycle over the next 250 years or so..

I wish you people would check your facts before you post up this garbage.

Do you have a link to a reference for those claims?

Do you ever?

Ask a real Meteorologist... Like Me.. You keep asking for links when I discuss Empirically Observed Evidence... Damn son, are you so stupid that you can not check OBSERVED EVIDENCE?
With climate change now making 100 year flood plan maps obsolete and making fire seasons year round, we should have people assume the risk of choosing where to live.
Climate Change is causing this? I call Bull Shit! Man in his arrogance fails to look long term at anything. If man had he would see the flooding was far greater than our observed records show. One only need look at the great valleys and gorges that have been created to see our hydro-logical process ebb and flows in size over CENTURIES not hundreds of years. We have witnessed a calm time in the last 250 years and they cycle is continuing and we will return to the high side of the hydro-logical cycle over the next 250 years or so..

I wish you people would check your facts before you post up this garbage.

Do you have a link to a reference for those claims?

Do you ever?

Ask a real Meteorologist... Like Me.. You keep asking for links when I discuss Empirically Observed Evidence... Damn son, are you so stupid that you can not check OBSERVED EVIDENCE?

These people are all members of The Club of Hopeless Omnipotents! No interest in information/data that doesnt concur with their views. if you were both looking at a chess board they would call bullshit that it is black and white.

In my field I do psychological testing. Would love to do a DAP assessment on Crick.... especially after seeing his avatar. :ack-1::auiqs.jpg:Lol....conveys, "I built this pyramid and am king of the community! Who else would I be?":2up:
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