Stupid CNN reporter

A cnn star reporter obviously believes a poem on a placard on the statue of liberty should dictate our immigration policy?

This reporter needs a tutor in regards to our immigration policies over the years....and most especally the radical change in our immigration policy instituted by LBJ and the usual suspects circa 1965.

How the Immigration Act of 1965 Inadvertently Changed America

disgusting white supremacist trump trolls think immigrants shouldn't be allowed here.

perhaps trump trolls should go live in Iran where there is only one kind of person.

what are you afraid of? are you competing for work with someone who doesn't speak English? if you are, then perhaps you should go to school instead of being afraid of immigrants.

It's very difficult to strike a balance on this issue. We have an immigration problem (or I used to think we did), but the more time I've spent with those who obsess over the issue, the more I realize that you're right.

The majority of those who obsess over immigration don't want the foreigners here. Then they go into tirades over enforcing existing immigration laws - which doesn't make sense. The current immigration laws were put into place to dilute the white vote and make the whites a minority.

To me, that's a problem and I don't believe in enforcing unconstitutional laws. So, the narrow minded put me in the same boat with people like you. But, I'm not seeing any good arguments from the left either. Calling people white supremacists only makes them want to win even more - and the left has its share of special interest groups fighting for their kind - be it based upon race, religion, sexual persuasion, etc. I don't see the problem when whites want something for themselves.

I do see it problematic for either side when they want to advance their cause at the expense of another human being. So, when the name calling gets to sound old, somebody should articulate what the real problem is.

Did anyone ever tell you it was fair or equal world....that all people would treat you fairly....that you were equal to anyone or everyone...if so ...they lied.

You seem coinfused...and I think it was because you believed the lies.

Let me try and edumacate this world there is really only one law....the law of the jungle..........'Now this is the Law of the Jungle -- as old and as true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back --
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.'

Git mah drift boyo? and thanx to Rudyard for the quote.

No worries, I live in the real world. I still do not advance myself by pushing others down. I don't care about the "fair" part. That's not where I'm coming from.

I've been trying to find out what problem, if any, the right is trying to solve by worshipping immigration laws that were put into place to dilute their vote and make them a minority.

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