Stupid? Almost as Stupid as 'Religion'!


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
The Link at the Bottom of the Quote Box said:
ERIC LANDER: The genetic difference between any two people: one tenth of a percent. Those two, and any two people on this planet are 99.9 percent identical at the DNA level. It's only one letter in a thousand difference.

ROBERT KRULWICH: And if I were to bring secretly into another room, a black man, an Asian man, and a white man, and show you only their genetic code, could you tell which one was the white...?

ERIC LANDER: Probably not.

What's going on? Well, it tells us that, first, as a species we're very, very closely related. 'Cause any two humans being 99.9 percent identical means that we're much more closely related than any two chimpanzees in Africa.

ROBERT KRULWICH: Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. You mean if two Chimpanzees are swinging through the forest and you look at the genes of Chimp A and the genes of Chimp B...

ERIC LANDER: Average difference between those chimps is four or five times more than the average difference between two humans that you'd pluck off this planet.

ROBERT KRULWICH: Because we're such a young species?

ERIC LANDER: That's right. See, the thing is, we are the descendants of a very small founding population. Every human on this planet goes back to a founding population of perhaps 10 or 20 thousand people in Africa about 100 thousand years ago. That little population didn't have a great deal of genetic variation. And what happened was, it was successful. It multiplied all over the world, but in that time relatively little new genetic variation has built up. And so we have today on our planet about the same genetic variation that we walked out of Africa with.

NOVA | Transcripts | Cracking the Code of Life | PBS

Racism is scientifically stupid.
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