Stunning victory for States rights-Arizona


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The Supreme Court ruled that Arizona has the right to crack down on employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. Why on earth would the federal government take the opposite side? It's more than an immigration issue. The Supreme Court sanctioned states rights in the face of abusive and confusing and often contradictory federal regulations.
I was reading about this on the Chicago Tribune earlier this morning...

I think this is fantastic.. Certainly a victory for the American worker who has been displaced by illegals or had their wages depressed by illegals.

US citizens are struggling to put food on the table because they cant find work and illegals are running around stealing perfectly good jobs and sending the money back to Mexico while renting beds in illegal alien boarding homes.

If there is no work for them here they will deport themselves back to where they came from.
Throw them in jail and watch the jobs dry up
This is a very good thing! E-verify should be mandatory throughout the country. Let's hope every state does what AZ is doing! It's long overdue that this country should put its people FIRST!
I think it should be open season on all illegal aliens. Government should pay $5.00 per ear off of an illegal alien.
Illegals would decline if we went after those who hire them. No work? They will return from whence they came.
Throw them in jail and watch the jobs dry up
Wouldn't first time violations be punished with fines instead of jail time as a deterrent?

No. A two-pound ring piercing their nose for a first offense might make them and their donkeys consider never coming back, though.

How about branding a huge scarlet letter of I on their forheads or cheek? Kinda hard to find work and travel around in the USA.
Wouldn't first time violations be punished with fines instead of jail time as a deterrent?

No. A two-pound ring piercing their nose for a first offense might make them and their donkeys consider never coming back, though.

How about branding a huge scarlet letter of I on their forheads or cheek? Kinda hard to find work and travel around in the USA.

I concede the two-pound ring piercing would make piercings unfashionable...:tongue:
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99-603, 100 Stat. 3359, enacted November 6, 1986, also Simpson-Mazzoli Act, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law.

In brief the act:[1]

required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status.
made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit unauthorized immigrants.
granted amnesty to certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants.
granted amnesty to illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously.
The law criminalized the act of knowingly hiring an illegal immigrant and established financial and other penalties for those employing illegal aliens under the theory that low prospects for employment would reduce illegal immigration. It introduced the I-9 form to ensure that all employees presented documentary proof of their legal eligibility to accept employment in the United States.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 is a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services form. It is used by an employer to verify an employee's identity and to establish that the worker is eligible to accept employment in the United States.[1]

Had this act been enforced we would not have 20 million illegal aliens in this country now.
Wouldn't first time violations be punished with fines instead of jail time as a deterrent?

No. A two-pound ring piercing their nose for a first offense might make them and their donkeys consider never coming back, though.

How about branding a huge scarlet letter of I on their forheads or cheek? Kinda hard to find work and travel around in the USA.

Could you find it among all the tattoos those freaks have?

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