Study Proves Preschoolers Are Racist

If you mean that you'd sell your home and move every time a brown skinned person moves into your neighborhood, I'd think that was sad. But I wouldn't consider it racism,

I would move because I know crime will rise and property values will fall.
This study builds on previous investigations that have shown preschoolers prefer to play with children of the same ethnic group. The research team also observed how multicultural playmates could influence conflict among peers of the same ethnicity.

Do kids prefer playmates of same ethnicity?

No surprises here. What's sad is when the pattern continues when one gets older, like this guy:

"There was something about him that made me wary,” Obama wrote. “A little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."
If preschoolers are racist they learn that bullshit at home.

Exactly. Anyone who has seen real preschoolers at real play knows they don't give a second thought to nonsense like 'race' until some weak, stupid adult teaches them to (overtly or not).
Television does more to make kids "color-blind" than any other influence that I can see. Kids' programming generally features a cornucopia of races and ethnicities (to an artificial extent IMO), and the viewers tend to either like or dislike the personalities on the programs completely independent of whether they are Asian, Black, White, Hispanic or something else.

Unless the parents have "infected" them with prejudice, by the time kids get to school, they simply don't care what race or ethnicity the other kids are, and they begin drawing their own conclusions based on their own experiences.

And that's the best we can hope for.

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