Study links diet soda to storkes, death

I am not going to listen to NO studies anymore.

Heck ....I am trying not to go to the doctor too much (do not trust them) apart from the absolute necessary....I have had it with with all these stupid suggestions ... "this is good for you this is not good for you this might be harmful for you this might be so great for you! "ENOUGH!

No more.
All I tell them is I'll think about it and never get back with them...
I don't read studies ... I want whatever kills me to be a total surprise ...

... Ideally, I'd like to be shot by a jealous husband.
I've been drinking it for decades ... least efficient suicide method EVAH!
Next to death by second hand smoke in a park...

I need to ask my friend Sylvia Plath a better way.
They have seances in yer neighborhood?

We did Pesach with my dod and doda ... same as communing with the dead.
Hmmm, sounds like you're turning Japanese...

The Japanese do Jewish holidays ... only smaller and more efficiently.

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