Study Bhow: Being Gay is a Form of a Brain Disorder.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LeVay found no evidence for a difference between the groups in the size of INAH1, INAH2 or INAH4. However, the INAH3 group appeared to be twice as big in the heterosexual male group as in the gay male group; the difference was highly significant, and remained significant when only the 6 AIDS patients were included in the heterosexual group. The size of the INAH3 in the homosexual male brains was similar to that in the heterosexual female brains.
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Yes there are differences to be found in gays V non gays.

Especially, I am informed in gay men, in the bundling that exists between the left and right side of the brain.

Gay men tend to have thicker connections vetween the left and right side of the brain.

Much as WOMEN tend to have.

Another interesting thing I've observed?


Woman, as we probably all know, tend to have far superior small muscle control than men, and their handwriting tends to be more legible and prettier, too.

Now check out the handwriting of efeminent gay men.

It tends to look legible and prettier much like the fairer sexes.

These are generalizations of course, but generalizations are basically nothing but statistics without the metrics.

I suspect that we are born predisposed to our sexual indentities.

Those predispositions are played out differently in different societies, of course, but the predispositions are there regardless of how we're raised, or what we think about homosexuality.

Heteroseual me...if you doubt that, then what you are telling us is this:

I'd suck dick and take it up the ass if I didn't think it was immoral.

I am CHOOSING not to be gay.

Do any of you believe that in YOUR CASE?

I rather doubt it.

But still you insist that gays are choosing to be gay?

That makes like ZERO sense, ya know.
so gay is not a choice thing then?

Also brain scans show that being in love is a form of mental illness.
Yes there are differences to be found in gays V non gays.

Especially, I am informed in gay men, in the bundling that exists between the left and right side of the brain.

Gay men tend to have thicker connections vetween the left and right side of the brain.

Much as WOMEN tend to have.

Another interesting thing I've observed?


Woman, as we probably all know, tend to have far superior small muscle control than men, and their handwriting tends to be more legible and prettier, too.

Now check out the handwriting of efeminent gay men.

It tends to look legible and prettier much like the fairer sexes.

These are generalizations of course, but generalizations are basically nothing but statistics without the metrics.

I suspect that we are born predisposed to our sexual indentities.

Those predispositions are played out differently in different societies, of course, but the predispositions are there regardless of how we're raised, or what we think about homosexuality.

Heteroseual me...if you doubt that, then what you are telling us is this:

I'd suck dick and take it up the ass if I didn't think it was immoral.

I am CHOOSING not to be gay.

Do any of you believe that in YOUR CASE?

I rather doubt it.

But still you insist that gays are choosing to be gay?

That makes like ZERO sense, ya know.

so you theory is gays are women with male bodies.
I dont ever remember choosing to hetrosexual.

No gay person I ever knew desided to be gay.

One of my gay friends said when asked this question "why would anyone choose to be gay if it was a choice?".

Who you are is not a choice.

How you treat people in this world is a choice.

Choose to be decent to people.

Dont try to put yourself in their Bedrooms unless you plan on having sex with them.
Another interesting thing I've observed?


Woman, as we probably all know, tend to have far superior small muscle control than men, and their handwriting tends to be more legible and prettier, too.

Now check out the handwriting of efeminent gay men.

It tends to look legible and prettier much like the fairer sexes.
Years ago I took a course and received a certification in Graphoanalysis to further enhance my Psychology degree.

Graphoanalysis is the study hand writing to determine personality. And many companies use it as part of their hiring practice. Especially in europe.

Because of my training. I can testify in court as an expert witness in matters such as forgery or suicide note cases.

I have analysied thousands of samples of hand writing.

And you cannot determine the gender of a person by their handwriting.

True, women tend to write more legible than men. And gays tend to be neat people.

But it is the formation of the letters, length of stroke, pen pressure, etc.

That determines a persons character and proclivities.

Not the neatness of their penmanship. :eusa_angel:
Another interesting thing I've observed?


Woman, as we probably all know, tend to have far superior small muscle control than men, and their handwriting tends to be more legible and prettier, too.

Now check out the handwriting of efeminent gay men.

It tends to look legible and prettier much like the fairer sexes.
Years ago I took a course and received a certification in Graphoanalysis to further enhance my Psychology degree.

Graphoanalysis is the study hand writing to determine personality. And many companies use it as part of their hiring practice. Especially in europe.

Because of my training. I can testify in court as an expert witness in matters such as forgery or suicide note cases.

I have analysied thousands of samples of hand writing.

And you cannot determine the gender of a person by their handwriting.

True, women tend to write more legible than men. And gays tend to be neat people.

But it is the formation of the letters, length of stroke, pen pressure, etc.

That determines a persons character and proclivities.

Not the neatness of their penmanship. :eusa_angel:

Thats interesting Sunni man.
Thats interesting Sunni man.
Here is more about it.

IGAS - The world leader in handwriting analysis certification and association

Graphoanalysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some people think that Graphoanalysis is like palm reading or astrology which it is not; and in No way tries to predict the future or other such nonsense.

Graphoanalysis is based on statistics and hundreds of thousands of writing samples. That have been cross referenced with personality profiles of the people who wrote the samples.

Think about it. Everyone learns to write in grade school exactly the same. But in just a few years everyones writing looks different.

And as you go thru life your hand writing changes. Just look at something that you wrote 10 years ago and compare it to something you wrote today.

Freud called a persons handwriting "crystallized gesture"; your personality and emotions frozen on paper.

I can look at just a few sentences and the signature of a person I have never meet before.

And can pinpoint +90% of their personality in about 3 minutes.

It's a great tool for anyone in HR, mental health, police detective, psychologist, etc.

Or just to amaze your friends and co-workers. :eusa_angel:
I can look at just a few sentences and the signature of a person I have never meet before.

And can pinpoint +90% of their personality in about 3 minutes.

It's a great tool for anyone in HR, mental health, police detective, psychologist, etc.

Or just to amaze your friends and co-workers.

I will have to scan in a bit of my handwriting and PM it to ya , but then you already shoould have a bit of a understanding of my personality from my posts.
So that won't work. I know I will get someone else I know well to write something for ya :)
Thats interesting Sunni man.
Here is more about it.

IGAS - The world leader in handwriting analysis certification and association

Graphoanalysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some people think that Graphoanalysis is like palm reading or astrology which it is not; and in No way tries to predict the future or other such nonsense.

Graphoanalysis is based on statistics and hundreds of thousands of writing samples. That have been cross referenced with personality profiles of the people who wrote the samples.

Think about it. Everyone learns to write in grade school exactly the same. But in just a few years everyones writing looks different.

And as you go thru life your hand writing changes. Just look at something that you wrote 10 years ago and compare it to something you wrote today.

Freud called a persons handwriting "crystallized gesture"; your personality and emotions frozen on paper.

I can look at just a few sentences and the signature of a person I have never meet before.

And can pinpoint +90% of their personality in about 3 minutes.

It's a great tool for anyone in HR, mental health, police detective, psychologist, etc.

Or just to amaze your friends and co-workers. :eusa_angel:

Wow that sounds like something they would teach behavorial analysts at the FBI.
Thats interesting Sunni man.
Here is more about it.

IGAS - The world leader in handwriting analysis certification and association

Graphoanalysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some people think that Graphoanalysis is like palm reading or astrology which it is not; and in No way tries to predict the future or other such nonsense.

Graphoanalysis is based on statistics and hundreds of thousands of writing samples. That have been cross referenced with personality profiles of the people who wrote the samples.

Think about it. Everyone learns to write in grade school exactly the same. But in just a few years everyones writing looks different.

And as you go thru life your hand writing changes. Just look at something that you wrote 10 years ago and compare it to something you wrote today.

Freud called a persons handwriting "crystallized gesture"; your personality and emotions frozen on paper.

I can look at just a few sentences and the signature of a person I have never meet before.

And can pinpoint +90% of their personality in about 3 minutes.

It's a great tool for anyone in HR, mental health, police detective, psychologist, etc.

Or just to amaze your friends and co-workers. :eusa_angel:

Wow that sounds like something they would teach behavorial analysts at the FBI.

Why don't you and sunni man get a room?
Here is more about it.

IGAS - The world leader in handwriting analysis certification and association

Graphoanalysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some people think that Graphoanalysis is like palm reading or astrology which it is not; and in No way tries to predict the future or other such nonsense.

Graphoanalysis is based on statistics and hundreds of thousands of writing samples. That have been cross referenced with personality profiles of the people who wrote the samples.

Think about it. Everyone learns to write in grade school exactly the same. But in just a few years everyones writing looks different.

And as you go thru life your hand writing changes. Just look at something that you wrote 10 years ago and compare it to something you wrote today.

Freud called a persons handwriting "crystallized gesture"; your personality and emotions frozen on paper.

I can look at just a few sentences and the signature of a person I have never meet before.

And can pinpoint +90% of their personality in about 3 minutes.

It's a great tool for anyone in HR, mental health, police detective, psychologist, etc.

Or just to amaze your friends and co-workers. :eusa_angel:

Wow that sounds like something they would teach behavorial analysts at the FBI.

Why don't you and sunni man get a room?

We have a room reserved at the Holiday Inn No Family. -EZr.:clap2:
In Europe you must submit a sample of your hand writing to a potential employer to be analyized on order to get a job.

It is very easy to spot someone who has a deceptive personality or a tendency to be hostile and combative with co-workers.

But, it is also easy to recognize an applicant who would be a good team player and an honest employee.

Check it out as some people make good money doing this as a career. :cool:
Astrologers can make good money too.

And Palin and Beck make millions. so does Charlie Sheen.

Just because someone makes good money means little.
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It will be interesting to see how this debate grows/changes as the younger generations grow up.

I was in college/grad school in the early 2000's. Homosexuality was not a big deal on my campus. Prejudice was low and many gay people felt no problem being "out and proud" on campus. I lived with 7 or so roommates off and on throughout the years and 3 of them were gay. 2 men and 1 woman. I've kept in touch with all 3. Two of them (the woman and 1 man) are now in committed STRAIGHT relationships. The woman is married with a child. The man is planning to get married soon.

Are some people born gay? It would not surprise me if some were. But I also believe that some people, especially in my generation and younger - who are not dealing with the same levels of prejudice and persecution felt by older generations - experiment with homosexuality when they are in an environment where doing so is acceptable and, to some extent, trendy.
I was in college/grad school in the early 2000's. Homosexuality was not a big deal on my campus. Prejudice was low and many gay people felt no problem being "out and proud" on campus. I lived with 7 or so roommates off and on throughout the years and 3 of them were gay. 2 men and 1 woman. I've kept in touch with all 3. Two of them (the woman and 1 man) are now in committed STRAIGHT relationships. The woman is married with a child. The man is planning to get married soon.
Which just goes to show that homosexuality is a choice. :cool:
I dont ever remember choosing to hetrosexual.

No gay person I ever knew desided to be gay.

One of my gay friends said when asked this question "why would anyone choose to be gay if it was a choice?".

Who you are is not a choice.

How you treat people in this world is a choice.

Choose to be decent to people.

Dont try to put yourself in their Bedrooms unless you plan on having sex with them.

Right wingers "choose" whether or not to be gay. Isn't it obvious? They've always been attracted to their same sex. They just know hot to control it. "Most" of the time.
It will be interesting to see how this debate grows/changes as the younger generations grow up.

I was in college/grad school in the early 2000's. Homosexuality was not a big deal on my campus. Prejudice was low and many gay people felt no problem being "out and proud" on campus. I lived with 7 or so roommates off and on throughout the years and 3 of them were gay. 2 men and 1 woman. I've kept in touch with all 3. Two of them (the woman and 1 man) are now in committed STRAIGHT relationships. The woman is married with a child. The man is planning to get married soon.

Are some people born gay? It would not surprise me if some were. But I also believe that some people, especially in my generation and younger - who are not dealing with the same levels of prejudice and persecution felt by older generations - experiment with homosexuality when they are in an environment where doing so is acceptable and, to some extent, trendy.

Trendy? Seriously? Trendy? Sucking a .......?:laugh2:
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