Student loans, infrastructure!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.

Big news. HOOGE. :thup:
Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.

Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

Wasn't this what the first $1,000,000,000,000 was for? Infrastructure and shovel ready jobs?

Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.

Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

Wasn't this what the first $1,000,000,000,000 was for? Infrastructure and shovel ready jobs?


It really is laughable.
Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.

Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

But But I thought the Nasty Republicans were blocking everything.

Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.

Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

Wasn't this what the first $1,000,000,000,000 was for? Infrastructure and shovel ready jobs?

This will easily drive the UE rate down to 5% by election time, clinching it for Obama.
Oh, no it won't. If $1T wouldn't do it, why does anyone think this will?
Higher education looks just like housing did. You've even got Sallie Mae passing out loans, ironically similar to Fannie Mae. Artificial credit stimulation by government will lead to a bust, just as it did in housing. You cannot grow an economy forever on lies.
Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.

Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

But isn't this just the normal transportation funding that is authorized every couple of years? The Transportation Department spent $78 billion in both 2010 and 2011, a total of $156 billion; why the big whoop about getting $110 billion over the next two years? Sounds more like a manufactured media event to me.
She just can't help celebrating money being spent. She has been taught to believe the Sound of Government spending must mean good things for us all.
Student loans, another thing our government has no business doing... and more infrastructure when the last monies were wasted... and all leading to more debt...

I would have said yes to infrastructure improvement spending, if they would have cut that amount from... say... welfare... but somehow then I think you would see the little rabid DEMs bitching when they don't get their freebies
Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.

Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

yes:eek: I can see that by your eloquent, erudite explanation of the values of bill...thx!!!:clap2:

Its Big McLarge Huge!!!!!

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Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.
Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

Fantastic news, for pigs.

"There are nearly 6,500 member-requested projects worth more than $24 billion, nearly nine percent of the total spending," executives from six taxpayer and conservative groups complained in a letter to Bush urging that he use his veto pen for the first time. They noted that Reagan vetoed a transportation bill in 1987 because there were 152 such special requests, known in the parlance of congressional budgeting as "earmarks."

Road Bill Reflects The Power Of Pork

Good think Obama never said anything about pork.

Never mind.

Obama: Days of 'pork ... as a strategy' are over - CNN
Obama to sign legislation Friday that would extends student loan rates, pay for road building - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday plans to sign into law legislation that prevents interest rate increases on new loans to millions of college students and maintains jobs on transportation projects across the nation.

The bill signing at the White House will feature construction workers and college students. Congress approved the legislation last week with a bipartisan majority. Obama had made the expiring student loan interest rates an issue for months.

The bill allows more than $100 billion to be spent on highway, mass transit and other transportation programs during the next two years. Those projects would have expired June 30.
Big news. HOOGE. :thup:

But But I thought the Nasty Republicans were blocking everything.


Did you see the bipartisan part Boop was crowing about? That means a lot of people got paid off for their vote.
Cut defense spending.

I agree, we can start by eliminating foreign aid in the name of defense, end the practice of the military supplying military grade weapons like anti aircraft missiles and tanks to police departments, eliminate the TSA, cut most of the Border Patrol, end the war on drugs, and cut at least % of what is left after that.

Unfortunately, that will do very little to deal with the deficit since since defense is projected to be about 18% of the budget by 2016.

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