Student calls police


Jul 14, 2009
Student calls police after Atherton math teacher rattles table

By Jesse Dungan
Daily News Staff Writer
Posted: 03/02/2011 03:00:00 AM PST

An eighth-grade math teacher at Atherton's Selby Lane School rattled a table to get his students' attention Tuesday afternoon, police said.
He succeeded on that score.
But the demonstration landed him on paid administrative leave.
Officers went to the campus at 2:26 p.m. to check on reports of a teacher causing a disturbance in a classroom and possibly throwing objects, said Sgt. Tim Lynch of the Atherton Police Department. When officers arrived, however, they found a calm teacher with class in session and determined nothing had been thrown.

Lynch said it appears the teacher's table-rattling act startled a female student who left the class and called police from a cell phone.
"My impression by talking to her was that she was disturbed by what the teacher was doing," Lynch said.

Most of the students in the class weren't bothered by the teacher's actions, Lynch said. Though the teacher "dramatically" made his point, "it wasn't a teacher out of control," he added.

Redwood City School District Deputy Superintendent John Baker said the teacher will remain on leave pending an investigation. He said he didn't know what specifically happened and would interview the teacher, the student and her parents in the coming days, as well as other students.
No complaints have been lodged against the teacher in the past, Baker said.
The district put the teacher on leave because of the police response and the nature of the complaint, he said

Student calls police after Atherton math teacher rattles table - San Jose Mercury News

Some people are not mature enough to have cell phone or perhaps to be in school

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