Strong Solar Power Panels igniting Birds. Stupid Global Warmer losers.

SSDD had a post here a second ago, suggesting that we thought it was okay to add more bird deaths by these new technologies that produce only a small fraction of the Earth's power needs. He should have checked all the links above. The second gives bird deaths per GWhr produced. Guess who wins and guess who loses? If you want to minimize wildlife deaths we'd replace all fossil fuel with wind and solar

You are not very smart

Perhaps not, but you've repeatedly demonstrated that I seem to be orders of magnitude smarter than you.

first you would have to increase the use of fossil fuel to manufacture wind and solar, hence you would increase bird deaths, and at the same time, you would kill even more birds in places they were never killed before.

You admit here that fossil fuel power kills more birds per kilowatt than do solar and wind. Good, you're making progress. Let's take these in order.
1) You're contention that manufacturing solar (now PV) and wind turbines represent a huge and significant increase in the world's manufactured output and the power it consumes. That is not borne out by the facts. You've been repeatedly informed that all the CO2 emissions produced by the manufacture of a wind turbine will have been saved 6-7 days after it goes into operation.
2) As wind and solar have increased their share of the world's power supply, the number of bird deaths per GWhr has steadily decreased.
3) With present technology, the best possible solution for wildlife and carbon emissions would be for all power to come from wind and solar and other alternative technologies. We're working on that as quickly as we can.
4) All life dies. Anywhere life exists is somewhere it has died.

To save the World we must destroy the World.

This from someone who wants us to remain with the technology that has been demonstrated to maximize harm in a multitude of ways.
Poor Crick, so lacking wit, has no facts, and just a long bit of wind.

1. It is not a contention, it is a fact, when you build big stuff, physically large, like the world's largest Solar Plant, you use the World's largest amount of natural resources. You make claims that are not true, you can not, "save the emissions", your factories are continuously working to build your $50 trillion dollar dream.

2. "As wind and Solar increase their share of the world's power supply", yes, Solar and Wind do increase the share of the World's power supply that they use. Hence a greater proportion of the power supply that kills birds are now contributed to Solar and Wind. Further, when you add a 100 square miles of Solar Panels, that also increases the deaths. And to top it off, Natural Gas has increased its proportion of power natural gas contributes to electrical production. Solar and Wind are still intermittent and very weak. It is kind of like making the claim that because you doubled the horsepower of a 1958 Volkswagen in will soon compete with Ferrari, at Lemans.

3. Never will we see Solar and Wind, power our nation. They both fail, they both are a long list of bankrupt companies with a long list of government handouts.

4. All life dies? I guess that is your justification for Solar deaths that are a result of your failed utopia of Solar Power.

Certainly Solar is Bankrupt when they fall back on, "but it is okay that we killed the birds, they were going to die anyhow".

We Must destroy the World to save the World.
Scientific America recognizes that Solar power kills birds, we see that Solar power kills birds, what more does it take for these idiots to see that they are killing our environment.

Solar Farms Threaten Birds

Solar Farms Threaten Birds
Certain avian species seem to crash into large solar power arrays or get burned by the concentrated rays

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