Strategy Against Antifa


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Just something to get ideas from, I have my own but not going to post them here...

Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition

Three months ago, I released a list of eighteen tacticsthat could be used to defeat the communist terror group known as Antifa. Several confrontations between Antifa and anti-communist activists have occurred since the list was published, and there are lessons to be learned from each case. Some of the suggestions in the list have been implemented to excellent effect, while others have gone unused. Predictably, those which involve private citizens tend to be in the former group while those that exclusively involve the state tend to be in the latter group. This should make clear that the deep state does not mind Antifa at best and is in league with them at worst. Ideas which were not on the list have also been responsible for success against Antifa. As any empirical hypothesis is subject to revision as a result of new theories and empirical evidence, let us do this now in order to create a second edition of strategy against Antifa.


Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition - The Zeroth Position
Antifa is just like every other leftist revolutionary group on the planet, 1% hardcore true believers and 99% poseurs and wannabes.

The hardcore will quickly find themselves in jail and without them, the group disintegrates into a debate society.
Where is the media’s reporting on a former Occupy Wall Street activist and Obama acolyte?
August 16, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


And so on. As Joseph Klein showed, that sort of boilerplate showed up all over the establishment media, including the Washington Post and New York Times. But things weren’t quite so simple.

Breitbart senior editor-at-large Joel Pollack was one of the first to point out that Jason Kessler, organizer of last Sunday’s rally in Charlottesville, “is rumored to be a former Occupy Wall Street activist and supporter of Barack Obama.” Pollock was not depending on some anonymous tipster. Indeed, his source was the Southern Poverty Law Center.

According to the SLPC, Kessler was busted for shoplifting and obstructing justice and other offences in 2005 but remained unknown to the media. Near the end of 2015, he started a blog about his books Midnight Road and Badland Blues. As SPLC sleuths noted, “Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.”


That organization, Pollock explained, was a “radical left-wing movement” that was “committed to the destruction of the capitalist system” and included “violent and extremist elements,” who battled police. President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Media Matters for America, and other Democrats “nevertheless embraced the Occupy movement.”

For many journalists, the SPLC always speaks the gospel truth, but the old-line media establishment took a pass on the Kessler revelation, which cast the “unite the right” campaign in a new light. In similar style, the establishment media like to cast all conservatives as white supremacists, but one would never guess that Ku Klux Klan connections are common among Democrats.

For example, Sen. Robert Byrd, West Virginia Democrat, was a Klan recruiter who proclaimed he would never fight in the armed forces with a negro by his side. Democrat Hillary Clinton praised Byrd as her “friend and mentor.”


Charlottesville organizer Jason Kessler was reportedly an Occupy activist and Obama supporter – according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Judging by the tepid response, the SPLC may have lost some clout with the establishment media.

Guess Who The Charlottesville Kingpin Is?
the violent ALT RT's new scapegoat is ANTIFA violence.

violence begets violence, how shocking! o_O

like no one's ever heard of divide and conquer infiltration tactics before...........

STILL, the FACT remains, rational non-violent opposition to Nazism in America will never be an EXTREME position, no matter how the traitorous trumpswabs try to twist their treacherous narrative...

dopes and deplorables are all you have left, donald. :eusa_clap:

The 82nd Airborne Division fought several campaigns against Nazi Germany during World War II. So after a man in a hat bearing the elite Army paratrooper unit’s insignia was pictured throwing a Ku Klux Klan salute (which resembles and is sometimes mistaken for a Nazi salute) during the weekend’s Charlottesville protests, the division delivered a pointed message.

The 82nd Airborne, which played a critical role in the Allied win at Normandy, northern France, on D-Day in 1944, was swift and scathing in its response to the image.

Our WWII Airborne forefathers jumped into Europe to defeat Nazism. We know who we are. We know our legacy.

— All American (@82ndABNDiv) August 14, 2017

White Supremacist In Charlottesville Wearing 82nd Airborne Hat Gets Called Out... By 82nd Airborne
the violent ALT RT's new scapegoat is ANTIFA violence.

violence begets violence, how shocking! o_O

like no one's ever heard of divide and conquer infiltration tactics before...........

STILL, the FACT remains, rational non-violent opposition to Nazism in America will never be an EXTREME position, no matter how the traitorous trumpswabs try to twist their treacherous narrative...

dopes and deplorables are all you have left, donald. :eusa_clap:

The 82nd Airborne Division fought several campaigns against Nazi Germany during World War II. So after a man in a hat bearing the elite Army paratrooper unit’s insignia was pictured throwing a Ku Klux Klan salute (which resembles and is sometimes mistaken for a Nazi salute) during the weekend’s Charlottesville protests, the division delivered a pointed message.

The 82nd Airborne, which played a critical role in the Allied win at Normandy, northern France, on D-Day in 1944, was swift and scathing in its response to the image.

Our WWII Airborne forefathers jumped into Europe to defeat Nazism. We know who we are. We know our legacy.

— All American (@82ndABNDiv) August 14, 2017

White Supremacist In Charlottesville Wearing 82nd Airborne Hat Gets Called Out... By 82nd Airborne
I deplore violence on both sides but everyone has a right to freedom of speech. Your problem with you and most of the radical left is that your rabid and want to change history to your warped view of America. Something you don't like you want to tear it down, burn it, beat it down, etc,etc...
Just something to get ideas from, I have my own but not going to post them here...

Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition

Three months ago, I released a list of eighteen tacticsthat could be used to defeat the communist terror group known as Antifa. Several confrontations between Antifa and anti-communist activists have occurred since the list was published, and there are lessons to be learned from each case. Some of the suggestions in the list have been implemented to excellent effect, while others have gone unused. Predictably, those which involve private citizens tend to be in the former group while those that exclusively involve the state tend to be in the latter group. This should make clear that the deep state does not mind Antifa at best and is in league with them at worst. Ideas which were not on the list have also been responsible for success against Antifa. As any empirical hypothesis is subject to revision as a result of new theories and empirical evidence, let us do this now in order to create a second edition of strategy against Antifa.


Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition - The Zeroth Position
So scary- if you're total fear mongered by liars.
the violent ALT RT's new scapegoat is ANTIFA violence.

violence begets violence, how shocking! o_O

like no one's ever heard of divide and conquer infiltration tactics before...........

STILL, the FACT remains, rational non-violent opposition to Nazism in America will never be an EXTREME position, no matter how the traitorous trumpswabs try to twist their treacherous narrative...

dopes and deplorables are all you have left, donald. :eusa_clap:

The 82nd Airborne Division fought several campaigns against Nazi Germany during World War II. So after a man in a hat bearing the elite Army paratrooper unit’s insignia was pictured throwing a Ku Klux Klan salute (which resembles and is sometimes mistaken for a Nazi salute) during the weekend’s Charlottesville protests, the division delivered a pointed message.

The 82nd Airborne, which played a critical role in the Allied win at Normandy, northern France, on D-Day in 1944, was swift and scathing in its response to the image.

Our WWII Airborne forefathers jumped into Europe to defeat Nazism. We know who we are. We know our legacy.

— All American (@82ndABNDiv) August 14, 2017

White Supremacist In Charlottesville Wearing 82nd Airborne Hat Gets Called Out... By 82nd Airborne
I deplore violence on both sides but everyone has a right to freedom of speech. Your problem with you and most of the radical left is that your rabid and want to change history to your warped view of America. Something you don't like you want to tear it down, burn it, beat it down, etc,etc...
This was by far the largest Nazi grouping in several decades. A disgrace. Sounds like Trump's warping things...Also, see sig. The New BS GOP...and its dupes.
the violent ALT RT's new scapegoat is ANTIFA violence.

violence begets violence, how shocking! o_O

like no one's ever heard of divide and conquer infiltration tactics before...........

STILL, the FACT remains, rational non-violent opposition to Nazism in America will never be an EXTREME position, no matter how the traitorous trumpswabs try to twist their treacherous narrative...

dopes and deplorables are all you have left, donald. :eusa_clap:

The 82nd Airborne Division fought several campaigns against Nazi Germany during World War II. So after a man in a hat bearing the elite Army paratrooper unit’s insignia was pictured throwing a Ku Klux Klan salute (which resembles and is sometimes mistaken for a Nazi salute) during the weekend’s Charlottesville protests, the division delivered a pointed message.

The 82nd Airborne, which played a critical role in the Allied win at Normandy, northern France, on D-Day in 1944, was swift and scathing in its response to the image.

Our WWII Airborne forefathers jumped into Europe to defeat Nazism. We know who we are. We know our legacy.

— All American (@82ndABNDiv) August 14, 2017

White Supremacist In Charlottesville Wearing 82nd Airborne Hat Gets Called Out... By 82nd Airborne
I deplore violence on both sides but everyone has a right to freedom of speech. Your problem with you and most of the radical left is that your rabid and want to change history to your warped view of America. Something you don't like you want to tear it down, burn it, beat it down, etc,etc...
This was by far the largest Nazi grouping in several decades. A disgrace. Sounds like Trump's warping things...Also, see sig. The New BS GOP...and its dupes.
Bumpmaster, nobody reads your sig, everyone knows it's b/s...
I deplore violence on both sides but everyone has a right to freedom of speech. Your problem with you and most of the radical left is that your rabid and want to change history to your warped view of America. Something you don't like you want to tear it down, burn it, beat it down, etc,etc...

1) i'm not radical left
2) opposition to Nazism is not radical left
3) the city voted fair and square to remove the statue
4) lily white snowflakes in the south "don't like" that vote and "want to tear it down"
5) kkk don't like uppity negros standing up to brutality and injustice so they want to "burn it, beat it down, etc, etc.."

The racist marchers had been angered by the city’s vote to remove the statue from the spot in Charlottesville where it has stood since 1924. That decision is part of a larger trend in which Southern states are reconsidering long-standing public monuments that honor or romanticize the Confederacy.

Even Jefferson Davis’s great-great-grandson thinks the Robert E. Lee statue should be removed from Charlottesville

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe almost immediately slammed the comments, saying simply, “This was not ‘both sides.’ ”

“Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists came to Charlottesville heavily armed, spewing hatred and looking for a fight. One of them murdered a young woman in an act of domestic terrorism, and two of our finest officers were killed in a tragic accident while serving to protect this community,” McAuliffe wrote.

Virginia governor: Charlottesville violence was not ‘both sides’ - The Boston Globe
I deplore violence on both sides but everyone has a right to freedom of speech. Your problem with you and most of the radical left is that your rabid and want to change history to your warped view of America. Something you don't like you want to tear it down, burn it, beat it down, etc,etc...

1) i'm not radical left
2) opposition to Nazism is not radical left
3) the city voted fair and square to remove the statue
4) lily white snowflakes in the south "don't like" that vote and "want to tear it down"
5) kkk don't like uppity negros standing up to brutality and injustice so they want to "burn it, beat it down, etc, etc.."

The racist marchers had been angered by the city’s vote to remove the statue from the spot in Charlottesville where it has stood since 1924. That decision is part of a larger trend in which Southern states are reconsidering long-standing public monuments that honor or romanticize the Confederacy.

Even Jefferson Davis’s great-great-grandson thinks the Robert E. Lee statue should be removed from Charlottesville

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe almost immediately slammed the comments, saying simply, “This was not ‘both sides.’ ”

“Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists came to Charlottesville heavily armed, spewing hatred and looking for a fight. One of them murdered a young woman in an act of domestic terrorism, and two of our finest officers were killed in a tragic accident while serving to protect this community,” McAuliffe wrote.

Virginia governor: Charlottesville violence was not ‘both sides’ - The Boston Globe
Rabidness, by the way snowflake is the trade mark of the left they earned it November 8th 2016..:blahblah:
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Just something to get ideas from, I have my own but not going to post them here...

Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition

Three months ago, I released a list of eighteen tacticsthat could be used to defeat the communist terror group known as Antifa. Several confrontations between Antifa and anti-communist activists have occurred since the list was published, and there are lessons to be learned from each case. Some of the suggestions in the list have been implemented to excellent effect, while others have gone unused. Predictably, those which involve private citizens tend to be in the former group while those that exclusively involve the state tend to be in the latter group. This should make clear that the deep state does not mind Antifa at best and is in league with them at worst. Ideas which were not on the list have also been responsible for success against Antifa. As any empirical hypothesis is subject to revision as a result of new theories and empirical evidence, let us do this now in order to create a second edition of strategy against Antifa.


Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition - The Zeroth Position
That's what the Right did in Central America .. some were nuns.
Its just cave monkey babble brought to the forum by a cave monkey.
What I find so fasinating about these people is that if they really want to kill mf's, why go to these quiet sleepy redneck towns with only a hand full of blacks, jews, hispanic, etc in them? Why not take a bus load of angry armed whites and go to areas where blacks are in full sight and able to handle they shit, like Chicago, Detroit, NY city, L.A or even some of these cities in the south?

Or are they only brave in small town USA and this mf's that started this thread....alone, he's a coward, like most of em

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