Strange brew

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Baltimore adjacent
I posted a message titled "Sock puppet alert". Now I see it's been moved to an area I can't access and the author is listed as 'SSDD', not me. WTF?
I posted a message titled "Sock puppet alert". Now I see it's been moved to an area I can't access and the author is listed as 'SSDD', not me. WTF?

You know this section is about the environment don't you? Maybe if you weren't posting your spurious suspicions, your posts wouldn't be getting moved. I am sure that there is an appropriate section for that sort of post. Maybe wherever the real wackos post conspiracy theories.
I posted a message titled "Sock puppet alert". Now I see it's been moved to an area I can't access and the author is listed as 'SSDD', not me. WTF?

You know this section is about the environment don't you? Maybe if you weren't posting your spurious suspicions, your posts wouldn't be getting moved. I am sure that there is an appropriate section for that sort of post. Maybe wherever the real wackos post conspiracy theories.

You admit I posted it, then why were you listed as its author? I posted to the appropriate board, where the people who should know would read it.
I posted a message titled "Sock puppet alert". Now I see it's been moved to an area I can't access and the author is listed as 'SSDD', not me. WTF?

You know this section is about the environment don't you? Maybe if you weren't posting your spurious suspicions, your posts wouldn't be getting moved. I am sure that there is an appropriate section for that sort of post. Maybe wherever the real wackos post conspiracy theories.
SSDD what's a "conspiracy theory"? :confused:
You admit I posted it, then why were you listed as its author? I posted to the appropriate board, where the people who should know would read it.

What admit? You think I would post a thread suggesting that I am some other poster?

As to why I was listed as the author, I couldn't say. I don't run this board and don't even think I have 150 posts yet. Take that up with the management.

And of course it wasn't posted where it should have been. You were posting a conspiracy theory. What could your suspicions possibly have to do with the environment?
it's not really fair to call SSDD a sockpuppet for wirebender without some sort of proof. there are lots of devotees of the skydragon slayers with the same talking points.
] SSDD what's a "conspiracy theory"? :confused:

A theory that attempts to explain an event as some sort of plot. I show up on the board, make some arguments and konradv starts a thread suggesting that I am a past poster who called him/herself wirebender as if that were an answer to any of the arguments that I have posted.

I looked up wirebender by the way and his/her arguments are not my arguments. I can see why konradv might think I was him/her. He/she was always asking for proof that konradv couldn't produce either. Of course most skeptics are asking for proof that warmers can't produce.

Posting a thread in the environment section accusing a poster of being someone else is a bit wacky and seems to me to be on the level with conspiracy theories....small conspiracies true, but conspiracies none the less.

By the way, your it yours? If yours, is a kit or a restoration. Nice. If yours, what powerplant?
it's not really fair to call SSDD a sockpuppet for wirebender without some sort of proof. there are lots of devotees of the skydragon slayers with the same talking points.

I have read a lot of the "skydragon" material but I didn't think that either Nikolov or Zeller were part of that group.

And to be a sock puppet wouldn't wirebender have to be here for me to agree with or for him to agree with me? I looked up some of his posts and it has been some time since he/she was around.
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I posted a message titled "Sock puppet alert". Now I see it's been moved to an area I can't access and the author is listed as 'SSDD', not me. WTF?
Socks. If you think someone is a sock by all means report it, we will investigate using the tools at our disposal. If that poster is still around after that then we were unable to determine that poster was a sock and there is no need to continually harangue us over it, I don't care what you believe. Proof, not suspicion is the key.

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