Story about the border “to hot” to use.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Read the story about the border that was deemed “too hot” for some outlets to use

There has been good circumstantial evidence that Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was more than likely murdered by paid FBI informants who were working with the Mexican drug cartels. There is also tangential evidence that the gun used to kill him was a Fast and Furious weapon which the Obama Administration deliberately placed in their hands.:confused:
Read the story about the border that was deemed “too hot” for some outlets to use « JourneyAmerica
A primer on the "Fast and Furious" scandal - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Give it a rest Obama and Holder did not know anything about Fast and Furious and did not approve it. Conservative ATF in Arizona said so. Guns are still walking across the border because of Conservative Gun Rights law advocated which make is possible to buy hundreds of guns and massive amounts of ammunition. For the same reason guns are walking in Chicago and Oakland in the hands of gangs and killing innocent citizens.
500 children a year are killed by guns in the home of law abiding parents.
There is no credible evidence that any guns were found near the agent or one of them killed the agent. Remember conservative gun right advocates claim “guns don't kill people, people kill people.”
Why would drug cartels leave guns at the scene?????? Smell like a Amorphophallus titanum to me .
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Well that explains the executive order, they link those informants publicly, shit's going down
Who thought up the idea to use gunwalking to try to counter gun trafficking to Mexican drug cartels?

Nobody has publicly acknowledged being the architect of the plan and available documents shed no light on the answer. Justice Department officials have maintained it was a scandal brainstormed at the ATF Phoenix level. The same ATF Special Agent in Charge, Bill Newell, supervised the Bush era Wide Receiver gunwalking operation and some of the later gunwalking cases, including Fast and Furious.
A primer on the "Fast and Furious" scandal - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
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Yeah it is stupid...but again we've gone over it...they shut it down as stupid, Holder started a new one and it was really poorly managed and blew up in his face.

Read the story about the border that was deemed “too hot” for some outlets to use

There has been good circumstantial evidence that Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was more than likely murdered by paid FBI informants who were working with the Mexican drug cartels. There is also tangential evidence that the gun used to kill him was a Fast and Furious weapon which the Obama Administration deliberately placed in their hands.:confused:
Read the story about the border that was deemed “too hot” for some outlets to use « JourneyAmerica
A primer on the "Fast and Furious" scandal - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Give it a rest Obama and Holder did not know anything about Fast and Furious and did not approve it. Conservative ATF in Arizona said so. Guns are still walking across the border because of Conservative Gun Rights law advocated which make is possible to buy hundreds of guns and massive amounts of ammunition. For the same reason guns are walking in Chicago and Oakland in the hands of gangs and killing innocent citizens.
500 children a year are killed by guns in the home of law abiding parents.
There is no credible evidence that any guns were found near the agent or one of them killed the agent. Remember conservative gun right advocates claim “guns don't kill people, people kill people.”
Why would drug cartels leave guns at the scene?????? Smell like a plant.

Americans were ignoring the drug war of which they are much a part of way before holder

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