Stop Windows 10 spying dead in its tracks with one free app


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is showing up all over the net touting the free app – DoNotSpy10. This is the FoxNews article @ Stop Windows 10 spying dead in its tracks with one free app Fox News

BUT – if you do a bit more searching, you will find this article Word of Warning on DoNotSpy10 Windows 10 Privacy Tool @ Word of Warning on DoNotSpy10 Windows 10 Privacy Tool that says it's unlicensed software which can contain spyware and malware. So be careful!

I'll just be content with the setting I got from “official” sites that's a whole lot safer.
This reddit discussion talks about how to do it manually.

GUIDE How to disable data logging in W10. Windows10

There's some snooping in Win7, in the form of telemetry gathering. If you want to turn it off ...

Start -> Control Panel -> Action Center -> Change Action Center Settings -> Customer Experience Improvement Program Settings

Hit the "no" button, save.

Start -> All programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Task Scheduler -> Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Application Experience

Right click all 3 entries and select "disable".
This is showing up all over the net touting the free app – DoNotSpy10. This is the FoxNews article @ Stop Windows 10 spying dead in its tracks with one free app Fox News

BUT – if you do a bit more searching, you will find this article Word of Warning on DoNotSpy10 Windows 10 Privacy Tool @ Word of Warning on DoNotSpy10 Windows 10 Privacy Tool that says it's unlicensed software which can contain spyware and malware. So be careful!

I'll just be content with the setting I got from “official” sites that's a whole lot safer.
SuperSite for Windows is a M$ site, the bias in the article is obvious. Microsoft has been claiming all "unlicensed" and "open source" software is potentially infected while only a very small percentage of it is and everyone in the computer field knows which few are infected. Basically a M$ misinformation campaign that's been going on for at least a decade, closer to two. Heck, even licensed software can be infected.
SuperSite for Windows is a M$ site, the bias in the article is obvious. Microsoft has been claiming all "unlicensed" and "open source" software is potentially infected while only a very small percentage of it is and everyone in the computer field knows which few are infected. Basically a M$ misinformation campaign that's been going on for at least a decade, closer to two. Heck, even licensed software can be infected.

Yep, Slashdot says the same thing from two different sources, the rumor was started from inside M$.
Slashdot has also reported that M$ is gearing up to sell your deskstop space, and the spy software they installed is the first step.
Amazon made the first move by selling users lock screen to the highest bidder, ads now appear on my Kindle when I start it.
Then Google sells ads on their "tiled" homepage unless you disable it.
M$ has keenly watched this and basically wants to turn your computer into a revenue generating machine.
All of this talk about MS and Google and all the rest of them spying on you is a bit on the hysterical side. All they are doing is what some would call "good consumer research."

It's used by every single savvy business entity.

Ever wonder how, when you go to the grocery store, there always "specials" conveniently placed where you all but have to trip over them to get what you want?

It's a great marketing tactic.

As for spying on you, if you leave yourself wide open with illegal or incriminating stuff, the law doesn't need to go to Google to find what they want.
Remember, you can have Cortana or privacy, but not both. Turn the bitch off.

My biggest problem with Win10? Minesweeper is gone.
All the old standard games disappeared with Win 8. The junk offered in the "store" isn't anywhere near as good.

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